Waiting on these fantastic results

Get bloodwork or fuck off dude.

By the way, it pains me to say that because I have nothing for pharmacom but Christ... get the fucking bloodwork.
But bro, he already bought 9 freaking syringes!

Edit: sorry it was 9 needles.
Ok Eman....you got it. I'll get the bloodwork. And when it comes back shitty I will ask that all the people that doubted me apologize for calling me a shill....but I'll understand if some people dont. It's just bullshit because here goes more money for testing that could go for good hear...
But bro, he already bought 9 freaking syringes!

Edit: sorry it was 9 needles.
I bought a hundred asshole. I used nine so far. If you look in the background of the pictures that I posted you'll see the Box of 3 cc syringes that I fucking bought. Some of these faggots on this fucking site on the internet in general think that your real fucking comedians. Fuck off asshole. The offer still stands. I'll beat your fucking asses. Tough behind the keyboard.
Ok Eman....you got it. I'll get the bloodwork. And when it comes back shitty I will ask that all the people that doubted me apologize for calling me a shill....but I'll understand if some people dont. It's just bullshit because here goes more money for testing that could go for good hear...

I want to clarify, I was being completely sarcastic when I called you a shill.

Further, I will always side with a member here before I give the source the benefit of the doubt. However, bloods is a must. Franky, I would have pulled bloods before starting a thread like this.

I personally appreciate your contribution by getting the blood work. If it's bad bloods, you'll know if it's worth sending to simec.
I've got no reason to doubt you one way or another honestly. These claims keep popping up here and there but there is no signs of proof for either side. I have seen questionable blood work on Pharmacom right here at Meso but it always seems to be right on the line ie. 4-5x or better which seems to be deemed acceptable.

Also most of these claims of bunk seem to come from members that are new or not very active.
I want to clarify, I was being completely sarcastic when I called you a shill.

Further, I will always side with a member here before I give the source the benefit of the doubt. However, bloods is a must. Franky, I would have pulled bloods before starting a thread like this.

I personally appreciate your contribution by getting the blood work. If it's bad bloods, you'll know if it's worth sending to simec.
Yeah but what about the fact that no one has gotten back to Lucabratzi about the s*** test that he got with cotton ball looking moldy s*** or whatever the f*** it was that he sent off to be tested and his getting yanked around. It's like a big f****** Fiasco and there's a bunch of people in on it. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's just the way that it seems.
Yeah but what about the fact that no one has gotten back to Lucabratzi about the s*** test that he got with cotton ball looking moldy s*** or whatever the f*** it was that he sent off to be tested and his getting yanked around. It's like a big f****** Fiasco and there's a bunch of people in on it. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's just the way that it seems.

Stop censoring the swear words lol... we're big kids.

I believe the test results will come back before too long. I wouldn't get my hopes up too much on anything out of the ordinary there.. I think it was just crashed gear.

That doesnt mean it shouldn't have been placed IMO.
I've got no reason to doubt you one way or another honestly. These claims keep popping up here and there but there is no signs of proof for either side. I have seen questionable blood work on Pharmacom right here at Meso but it always seems to be right on the line ie. 4-5x or better which seems to be deemed acceptable.

Also most of these claims of bunk seem to come from members that are new or not very active.
Once again I can understand what everyone is saying. I know that I'm a member but I'm not a brand new member. I'm not always on this site because I have a life to live. I'm an ironworker. I build huge buildings. I'm tired everyday and I have a family. I'm letting my voice be heard now because it pisses me off that the one thing I choose to do in my life that is selfish and satisfying is ruined for the time being because I got sent shit products
From reading the first post I say the tren is doing something for ya. Also don't threaten people with false claims... don't look good on your character.

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Stop censoring the swear words lol... we're big kids.

I believe the test results will come back before too long. I wouldn't get my hopes up too much on anything out of the ordinary there.. I think it was just crashed gear.

That doesnt mean it shouldn't have been placed IMO.
I'm using speak and text on my phone and it automatically sensors it if I don't physically type the swear word in. LOL. Why would they give me crashed? It expires 2017 and there was no signs of the gear being crashed everything was a very consistent looking in the oil
Man I had a fucking gnat ("rubber stopper") in my test P 100---- posted on the forum so fellow meso members where informed, and sent a private PM.....

NO buddy wants to help the guy screaming and cussing -----) get the bloods and you'll have ur day in court.......all the yelling and cussing in the world won't get the Russian mafia to send you free gear..... LOL
From reading the first post I say the tren is doing something for ya. Also don't threaten people with false claims... don't look good on your character.

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Trust me the tren ain't doin shit. And I don't make false claims bro
I'm using speak and text on my phone and it automatically sensors it if I don't physically type the swear word in. LOL. Why would they give me crashed? It expires 2017 and there was no signs of the gear being crashed everything was a very consistent looking in the oil

I'm talking about the "moldy" gear you were referring to that Luca sent.
I really do understand people questioning me. But you're not more trustworthy than I am in the long run and I really don't care about ruining a company's name. But I just spent a lot of money on aromatase inhibitors, 4 different steroids and 9 needles along with the draw needles to poke myself and it's not working like it should. I just would like some real gear. If pharmacom wants to privately get ahold of me then please do. I'll stop this whole post....give me some legit gear and ill turn this post around and tell people how you fixed the situation and that the fix was real gear. @Pharmacom Helper
@Pharmacom Labs

why would you want replacements, if you're sure it's 100% bunk?
Also to add to my post, it don't matter who you are of you come say the gear is bunk you need proof. If you can't get proof and understand why you need proof no one will help you.

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and how many weeks of pinning bunk gear before you stop?
I'm not going to stop. I'm going to pin and put away until two bottles of test e 300 are gone along with one bottle of Tren e 300 and 1 bottle of pharmanan 300 is gone. I'm already through one entire bottle of test e 300 and almost all of the Tren e and deca durabolin... So if you would for one second just say maybe this guy is telling the truth you would understand my frustration