Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

Hi JackC. If you read the insert from a vial of Watson test cyp fom the pharmacy you will see there are instructions on how to deal with crashed product. It happens to Test Cyp, even legit from CVS. It's simply the nature of the compound. It doesn'y happen all the time, but enough to warrant the manufacturer to include a segment on how to deal with it if it happens to you.
It certainly doesn't mean the gear has any issues and throwing it out isn't going to get you a refund or a replacement vial. It's not a big deal and there won't be any recalls coming from the manufacturer or the FDA.
If we're gonna call joebig names lets leave out "lazy". Joe was responsible for bringing labmax to the community as a whole.(If he wasn't solely responsible he was from the first group.) He's spent more time testing and posting about it than most all of us combined. Thanks, joebig.

Sure I understand the Cyp crashing doesn't warrant a replace I wasn't pissed to see it crash, I was just curious why the UGL Cyp I had didn't crash as well.

I don't know joe from a hole in the ground, he hasn't showed us any info to prove his claims. Believe me we'd all love to know either way what the deal is. I've gotten good gains from this same batch.
If you had 10 vials of Watson test cyp that were from the same batch made one right after the other in a factory it is possible that 1 will crash when the temp they are exposed to begins to get cool. Its possible that none will crash. Same with UGL cyp. If one does doesn't mean they all or any other will crash.
If you had 10 vials of Watson test cyp that were from the same batch made one right after the other in a factory it is possible that 1 will crash when the temp they are exposed to begins to get cool. Its possible that none will crash. Same with UGL cyp. If one does doesn't mean they all or any other will crash.

March Pharmaceuticals manufacturer of Danabol DS claims all recent Body Research versions are fake.
Hey guys, here is a link that points to domestic supply at least having counterfeit Danabol DS Blue Hearts. Here is their website to compare photos. What do you think?
March Pharmaceuticals manufacturer of Danabol DS claims all recent Body Research versions are fake.
Hey guys, here is a link that points to domestic supply at least having counterfeit Danabol DS Blue Hearts. Here is their website to compare photos. What do you think?
I would assume that most already know they are just working replica's after all these years that march has not been producing them...I don't think hes advertising Real Authentic March blue hearts...
Domestic Supply is an old source, been around for years. You remember a guy named Retabolil(Ret)? Thats him..

Majority of his products are counterfeits, and that includes the Watson Cyp.
Domestic Supply is an old source, been around for years. You remember a guy named Retabolil(Ret)? Thats him..

Majority of his products are counterfeits, and that includes the Watson Cyp.
Are saying Domestic Supply is all counterfeits?
Are saying Domestic Supply is all counterfeits?
Watson is hard to come by, and DS still has it available. Doesn't strike you as funny DS has an endless supply for 100's of people at the lowest prices? All counterfeits who knows, fake Watson I do believe.
The best price I've ever seen on Watson was $120 and that a single vial on a one time deal.
Are saying Domestic Supply is all counterfeits?

The watson cyp is for sure counterfeit. Watson doesn't make cyp anymore. He used to carry Galenikas, those were counterfeit. The blue hearts are for sure counterfeits.

Alpha-pharma, I am not 100% positive. But I do know the originals are out of India, and there are counterfeits coming out of China. Only for sure way to know is to check the lot#s on Alphas website.
I believe Watson is now Actavis and they did make Test cyp. Discontunied this year! Is that correct @SicilianKiss

They do make gel :)

Watson is hard to come by, and DS still has it available. Doesn't strike you as funny DS has an endless supply for 100's of people at the lowest prices? All counterfeits who knows, fake Watson I do believe.
The best price I've ever seen on Watson was $120 and that a single vial on a one time deal.
I'm not disagreeing at all, I was digging for concrete info. lol

But you are most likely correct Furious.
If these Watsons are in fact counterfeit, they are some of the best ever made. Everything seems perfect however my blood work suggests otherwise.

I have to send these in for testing.
If these Watsons are in fact counterfeit, they are some of the best ever made. Everything seems perfect however my blood work suggests otherwise.

I have to send these in for testing.
I didn't realize Watson was purchased by Activas. Now Activas has discontinued the test cyp. Wonder how much unused packaging it laying around in warehouses now from Watson (labels, boxes, inserts, stoppers, etc...)There is probably a shit load and COULD be reason for some beautiful fakes.
I guess if you're saying...or the the collective understanding is that he(ret) has been knowingly selling fakes as the real Mccoy... then going public with the name of the man behind the curtain is the first step in getting things out in the open.(I know ret is his handle and his real name isn't being posted, but in his case and any other long time Community member as well known as he is, his handle is much more recognizable than posting his surname.)
I had a brief volley of pm's with him at AB back when a member was pissed off and was of the belief that he was selling fake Omnadren. R was adamant that he was the 1 and only source with real Omna's. He wanted to send me some amps at his expense in hopes that I'd get behind him and push him out from under the spot light.
R has a lot of friends(vets/vips) that say he is honest to a fault and an invaluable asset to the community. Guys try and protect his ID and praise his service and speak of an unblemished record.
In situations like this the answer is usually the most reasonable and most simple. Yes, Watson was sold in a merger that was approved by the powers that be not long ago. I believe the Watson test cyp coming out of the DS camp is fake. I KNOW that the Jelfa Omnas he and Uncle Z were pushing were working replicas as well. Fuck 'em both.
Counterfeits are getting better and better.
Domestic Supply is an old source, been around for years. You remember a guy named Retabolil(Ret)? Thats him..

Majority of his products are counterfeits, and that includes the Watson Cyp.
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I guess if you're saying...or the the collective understanding is that he(ret) has been knowingly selling fakes as the real Mccoy then going public with the man behind the curtain.
I had a brief volley of pm's with him at AB back when a member was pissed off and was of the belief that he was selling fake Omnadren. R was adamant that he was the 1 and only source with real Omna's. He wanted to send me some amps at his expense in hopes that I'd get behind him and push him out from under the spot light.
R has a lot of friends(vets/vips) that say he is honest to a fault and an invaluable asset to the community. Guys try and protect his ID and praise his service and speak of an unblemished record.
In situations like this the answer is usually the most reasonable and most simple. Yes, Watson was sold in a merger that was approved by the powers that be not long ago. I believe the Watson test cyp coming out of the DS camp is fake. I KNOW that the Jelfa Omnas he and Uncle Z were pushing were working replicas as well. Fuck 'em both.
Counterfeits are getting better and better.
Kindofwhat I meant by concrete info. : )
I guess if you're saying...or the the collective understanding is that he(ret) has been knowingly selling fakes as the real Mccoy... then going public with the name of the man behind the curtain is the first step in getting things out in the open.(I know ret is his handle and his real name isn't being posted, but in his case and any other long time Community member as well known as he is, his handle is much more recognizable than posting his surname.)
I had a brief volley of pm's with him at AB back when a member was pissed off and was of the belief that he was selling fake Omnadren. R was adamant that he was the 1 and only source with real Omna's. He wanted to send me some amps at his expense in hopes that I'd get behind him and push him out from under the spot light.
R has a lot of friends(vets/vips) that say he is honest to a fault and an invaluable asset to the community. Guys try and protect his ID and praise his service and speak of an unblemished record.
In situations like this the answer is usually the most reasonable and most simple. Yes, Watson was sold in a merger that was approved by the powers that be not long ago. I believe the Watson test cyp coming out of the DS camp is fake. I KNOW that the Jelfa Omnas he and Uncle Z were pushing were working replicas as well. Fuck 'em both.
Counterfeits are getting better and better.

All jelfa Omnadren on the market currently, are either counterfeit, knockoffs, or fakes. PharmaSwiss bought them out some time ago. So the only legitimate Omnas right now are from PharmaSwiss.

Ret in my opinion was a good dude years ago, when he actually had legit pharm products. Most of his list was humangrade, and even carried authentic Jintropin. He is a businessman, so I think now its more about just making money and not really caring what he selling as long as it works. Wether it be some working replicas or knockoffs. His list at DS has changed over the last year.. I no longer see Kigtropin on his list either, and that was for sure some cheap ass generic.