Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

So that was one guys blood work, one time. Hardly conclusive IMO.
I'm not gonna rush out and buy DS watson, but I'm not gonna declare it fake either.
If others provided evidence to the contrary, I'd have an open mind to it. But it's not worth the $400 to me to find out more myself.

Usually when it sounds too good to be true, it is...
which is where?
do you have any proof that his watson is real or fake? Buy some, and compare to some pharmacy watson and let me know.
Didn't You see where someone posted bottles of Watson from the cvs and some had flip off on the cap and some didnt? And then
had a few DS Watson which looked exactly the same but all said flip off
All the evidence so far suggests it might be real, might be fake.
Easy enough not to buy it until more convincing info comes out.
Right but no more info can come out other than these blood tests that strangers post online.

And for Micha again a man told me he gets it for 10$! Are you listening , so say DS does for that price to good to be true!? How 100$ a bottle is a lot think how long one lasts if you ran 800mg a week!
Right but no more info can come out other than these blood tests that strangers post online.

And for Micha again a man told me he gets it for 10$! Are you listening , so say DS does for that price to good to be true!? How 100$ a bottle is a lot think how long one lasts if you ran 800mg a week!
Yea he get its for $10 because he has a Rx. An Rx that states specifically how much he can get at one time, and how many refills he can get on the one Rx (if any). In order for DS to do that, he would have to have hundreds, if not thousands of Rx's.... Or rob a pharmacy.
And 1 vial of Watson at 800mg/wk wouldn't even last a month... what's your point?
Yea he get its for $10 because he has a Rx. An Rx that states specifically how much he can get at one time, and how many refills he can get on the one Rx (if any). In order for DS to do that, he would have to have hundreds, if not thousands of Rx's.... Or rob a pharmacy.
And 1 vial of Watson at 800mg/wk wouldn't even last a month... what's your point?
Uhhh exact what I said is my point.

Yea he said that only so much at one time. It's a hustle ..here's an example the guy or GUYs ,A team of people who get rx scripts , stock up , dont use it, and/ or buy others scripts off them , then sell it for more people are hesitant to pay 100$ but it goes sooner or later and maybe it gets hard to stock back up every now and then , you think one person is running a hustle. There you have it, use your head a little man don't buy into everything, I'm still not saying its real but to many people wana come to a Conclusion off one or two things
Or perhaps a Watson facility somewhere under the table off the books needs to make up for something and makes extra off the books?? Who knows ? That stuff goes on in every industry even people who farm produce etc someone who farms organic does a little extra non organic to meet quota ,pay offs etc it goes on.
Or perhaps a Watson facility somewhere under the table off the books needs to make up for something and makes extra off the books?? Who knows ? That stuff goes on in every industry even people who farm produce etc someone who farms organic does a little extra non organic to meet quota ,pay offs etc it goes on.
C'mon- nobody is this dumb. Who is this? You got me for a minute but no more! Who is it? Cbs- is this you? Jb?
Uhhh exact what I said is my point.

Yea he said that only so much at one time. It's a hustle ..here's an example the guy or GUYs ,A team of people who get rx scripts , stock up , dont use it, and/ or buy others scripts off them , then sell it for more people are hesitant to pay 100$ but it goes sooner or later and maybe it gets hard to stock back up every now and then , you think one person is running a hustle. There you have it, use your head a little man don't buy into everything, I'm still not saying its real but to many people wana come to a Conclusion off one or two things
I don't know but how do you know it's isnt 100% tell me that. So your 150% sure it's not ? If I were to say wage 2,000$ that it's for sure fake would you right now at this moment undoubtedly place a bet ?

It isn't even about me pushing for the Watson at this point its now to another level of its time for people to have hard data to support the claims so they did bloods ok now shy don't they send it in for testing it's expensive ? Well stop being cheap and come together as a group and all pitch on ....I will

Don't answer a question with a question. Your the one shilling this and saying it is gtg even though you have not used it. Please put up or please shut up.

Btw, I have some of it. It is going out for MS testing hopefully the beginning of next week.
My ins sucks ,I'm on hrt , I get my test filled using a coupon from " good rx .com " Walgreens charged me 46 with the coupon without using my ins .