Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

I haven't bought any Watson......you need to get over the blood tests man damn you don't know these people personally
I don't know you at all
What !? I'm not on any of those my god are you serious, you're like a group here of babies , let me see what your body's even look like do you guys even have decent builds
Your deflecting and trying to redirect the conversation away from the question, "Why do you care so much about DS and this alleged Watson supply?"
Haven't you thought that a Person on the Internet can manipulate a blood result through a computer program changing the numbers for 1, and 2 everyone's endochrine system isn't the same right or wrong ? In terms of for one their age and hereditary low test levels...

Again I just saw this elderly man at the gym today . He gets Watson for 10$ ! 10!!! So why couldn't DS get it for that price or anyone else and mark it up ?
Haven't you thought that a Person on the Internet can manipulate a blood result through a computer program changing the numbers for 1, and 2 everyone's endochrine system isn't the same right or wrong ? In terms of for one their age and hereditary low test levels...

Again I just saw this elderly man at the gym today . He gets Watson for 10$ ! 10!!! So why couldn't DS get it for that price or anyone else and mark it up ?
I guess people can be this stupid- congratulations faggot!

Everyone's endocrine system IS different! Gold star for you douchebag! The control of the experiment t is that it is the SAME guy running both- so we are comparing results from THE SAME ENDOCRINE SYSTEM RETARD.

ds could get ONE BOTTLE for ten dollars and mark it up. The question is how do you get hundreds? Do you have ANY idea how impossible it would be to coordinate buying thousands of trt patient vials? So he is receiving hundreds of packs a month of ONE vial of Watson? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Be quiet.
Underground labs and counterfeit real hg stuff essentially is the same thing...
Goddamnit you are fucking pissing me off. You were just arguing it was real. Now you are saying it is fake stuff as good as ugl? Kill yourself- the world will appreciate it schilln
Goddamnit you are fucking pissing me off. You were just arguing it was real. Now you are saying it is fake stuff as good as ugl? Kill yourself- the world will appreciate it schilln
Dude shut the fuck you pussy you are a fucking nerd on your computer sucking off people's dicks , old as dude who failed at bodybuilding, mother fucker I never said fake stuff is as good as ugl you fucking goddamn loser where the fuck did I say that bitch. I said ESSENTIALLY !!! You fucking loser with you think your cool avatar you'll never be anything in person you'll live behind your computer as your glory.

Ugl can be under dosed , over dosed and or not contain anything or what is labeled we know that . Then a fake of a real drug IS ESSENTIALLY the same you fucking old ass loser.

How do you get hundreds motherfucker idk do you know !? Is fucking drug dealer going to tell you how he gets pounds a weed or coke etc NO you dork it's called the game. And maybe the stuff hasn't been selling and it's the same stock , don't talk shit to me because you dont like what I have to say freedom of speech you fucking loser, just because you have bitch tits and male pattern baldness
I don't give a fuck if any of you don't like it , im doing nothing wrong.. You are the same people in the gym who never make any progress year in year out, you could fucking own Orgenon and still be a no build having mother fucker.
Dude shut the fuck you pussy you are a fucking nerd on your computer sucking off people's dicks , old as dude who failed at bodybuilding, mother fucker I never said fake stuff is as good as ugl you fucking goddamn loser where the fuck did I say that bitch. I said ESSENTIALLY !!! You fucking loser with you think your cool avatar you'll never be anything in person you'll live behind your computer as your glory.

Ugl can be under dosed , over dosed and or not contain anything or what is labeled we know that . Then a fake of a real drug IS ESSENTIALLY the same you fucking old ass loser.

How do you get hundreds motherfucker idk do you know !? Is fucking drug dealer going to tell you how he gets pounds a weed or coke etc NO you dork it's called the game. And maybe the stuff hasn't been selling and it's the same stock , don't talk shit to me because you dont like what I have to say freedom of speech you fucking loser, just because you have bitch tits and male pattern baldness
You seriously are a god damn idiot.
BTW, weed and coke is unregulated in most parts of the world, its EASY to get. Watson Test Cyp, on the other hand, is an entirely different story.

And while we're playing the semantics game, "essentially the same" and "the same," are essentially the same thing. And regardless of which one you go with, UGL and counterfeit are both essentially NOT HG.
I don't give a fuck if any of you don't like it , im doing nothing wrong.. You are the same people in the gym who never make any progress year in year out, you could fucking own Orgenon and still be a no build having mother fucker.
You're awfully feisty. Must be one of those little dudes with a Napoleon Complex.

EDIT: "..doing nothing wrong" WTF?! You're blatantly disrespectful, and you're mouthing off to a respected member.
Freedom of speech goes both ways, dumbass.
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Are you a pheg? lol. I guarantee you I am in good shape for 46 or even 18.

Okay, let me ask you this; how do you know the Watson from DS is gtg as you say?
I don't know but how do you know it's isnt 100% tell me that. So your 150% sure it's not ? If I were to say wage 2,000$ that it's for sure fake would you right now at this moment undoubtedly place a bet ?

It isn't even about me pushing for the Watson at this point its now to another level of its time for people to have hard data to support the claims so they did bloods ok now shy don't they send it in for testing it's expensive ? Well stop being cheap and come together as a group and all pitch on ....I will
Then let's all pitch in and have it tested if someone has real access to a real testing facility I'm willing to pitch in.....
I don't know but how do you know it's isnt 100% tell me that. So your 150% sure it's not ? If I were to say wage 2,000$ that it's for sure fake would you right now at this moment undoubtedly place a bet ?

It isn't even about me pushing for the Watson at this point its now to another level of its time for people to have hard data to support the claims so they did bloods ok now shy don't they send it in for testing it's expensive ? Well stop being cheap and come together as a group and all pitch on ....I will
HAHA you're trying to make bets on a forum... that's funny shit. Now NO ONE will take you seriously.
Then let's all pitch in and have it tested if someone has real access to a real testing facility I'm willing to pitch in.....

From what I've seen there is no such thing as a real steroid testing facility.
HAHA you're trying to make bets on a forum... that's funny shit. Now NO ONE will take you seriously.
That's the problem no one is serious enough to get things done and stop the schilling trolling etc gay little faggot terms nerds use online , I'm dedicated now to figuring this out, my contribution but seems no one cares they're all comfy with what they have . We together could put DS in his place if we try
From what I've seen there is no such thing as a real steroid testing facility.
Ok then so we go only off of blood work which could have many different controls that the person doing the test , or study didn't add in. Idk to me that's not convincing enough. But fine give up , move on and be happy do try harder or dig for more information be quitters. I think you'll all finally hear the last of me on this thread but ok then guys let's just give up let more people get ripped off
That's the problem no one is serious enough to get things done and stop the schilling trolling etc gay little faggot terms nerds use online , I'm dedicated now to figuring this out, my contribution but seems no one cares they're all comfy with what they have . We together could put DS in his place if we try
I don't have a problem with DS, and Alpha Pharma is ok from what I've seen. But for someone who normally gets XYZ TT level on pharma, then switches to DS 'Watson' and gets ZYX, what more proof do you need?

I'm done with this convo, if you want to buy some 'Watson' be my guest. Test it for all I care. But I've seen all the data I need.
So that was one guys blood work, one time. Hardly conclusive IMO.
I'm not gonna rush out and buy DS watson, but I'm not gonna declare it fake either.
That's the problem no one is serious enough to get things done and stop the schilling trolling etc gay little faggot terms nerds use online , I'm dedicated now to figuring this out, my contribution but seems no one cares they're all comfy with what they have . We together could put DS in his place if we try
You do tgat by not buying his garbage little boy. It's called "the game", remember tough guy? Why dont you come here so I can jpgizzle on your face?