Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

A buddy ran labs from ds watson and they came back around 6x higher then the dose he was taking. I can get counterfeit watson which come back around the same thing for 18.00 bottle and those fuckers look very very real. Inserts and all.
Went to pin my Watson today and it was crashed. Same as inserts.

But my ugl Cyp wasnt? Stored in the same place ?
Went to pin my Watson today and it was crashed. Same as inserts.

But my ugl Cyp wasnt? Stored in the same place ?
The Watson you got from the pharmacy is crashed? Man, I don't think I have ever seen that. The other one is from a ugl? Did you mix them up? Strange.
This Watson I got from a private source it's identical to insertname's. This crashed.

My ugl Cyp opened in the same place did not ?
I'm just lazy to read there all the posts but DS Watson is 100% counterfeit. I'm not saying whoever made it didn't put real test in theRE but it sure as fuck wasn't done at the Watson factory. I'm comparing my vial I got from CVS to the one DS sells. Look at the space on the vial between Cypionate and injection. Theres a huge space. On mu bottle the space is not as big. Flora from OLM is also selling Westward cyp for $30 a vial. How is it possible some dude in Europe has an endless supply of American cyp dirt cheap? You guys ready for his answer.....all the bottles did not pass inspection becuz the labels were crooked so they got tossed out. And somebody from the factory grabbed them and resold them. LMFAO....I would be more willing to believe that the tooth fairy really left a dollar under my pillow every time I lost a tooth and it was Santa that really delivered all my gifts and ate all the cookies I left out for him. Obviously somebody over seas is faking American cyp just like their doing with so many other hg products.
I'm just lazy to read there all the posts but DS Watson is 100% counterfeit. I'm not saying whoever made it didn't put real test in theRE but it sure as fuck wasn't done at the Watson factory. I'm comparing my vial I got from CVS to the one DS sells. Look at the space on the vial between Cypionate and injection. Theres a huge space. On mu bottle the space is not as big. Flora from OLM is also selling Westward cyp for $30 a vial. How is it possible some dude in Europe has an endless supply of American cyp dirt cheap? You guys ready for his answer.....all the bottles did not pass inspection becuz the labels were crooked so they got tossed out. And somebody from the factory grabbed them and resold them. LMFAO....I would be more willing to believe that the tooth fairy really left a dollar under my pillow every time I lost a tooth and it was Santa that really delivered all my gifts and ate all the cookies I left out for him. Obviously somebody over seas is faking American cyp just like their doing with so many other hg products.

Please post pictures of your vial, so we can see the discrepancy you're referring to.
Just goggle pics online of Watson cyp images then compare it to ones on DS website. It's pretty obvious.

Maybe if you weren't too lazy to read the thread and the others concerning this very same Watson, you would know the amount of time spent scrutinizing it. We don't need to google anything, its been done.

Now, you said that when comparing the bottle you have, there is discrepancy. Please show us your bottle so we can see what you're referring to.
I'm just lazy to read there all the posts but DS Watson is 100% counterfeit. I'm not saying whoever made it didn't put real test in theRE but it sure as fuck wasn't done at the Watson factory. I'm comparing my vial I got from CVS to the one DS sells. Look at the space on the vial between Cypionate and injection. Theres a huge space. On mu bottle the space is not as big. Flora from OLM is also selling Westward cyp for $30 a vial. How is it possible some dude in Europe has an endless supply of American cyp dirt cheap? You guys ready for his answer.....all the bottles did not pass inspection becuz the labels were crooked so they got tossed out. And somebody from the factory grabbed them and resold them. LMFAO....I would be more willing to believe that the tooth fairy really left a dollar under my pillow every time I lost a tooth and it was Santa that really delivered all my gifts and ate all the cookies I left out for him. Obviously somebody over seas is faking American cyp just like their doing with so many other hg products.

I see no huge gap in the pics posted in this thread. Are you to lazy to look at the first post ?
If you really believe you got real Watson cyp then keep using it. All that matters is if you think it's real. I know better and would never waste my $ on it. I will Continue using my script for real Watson. What proof will blood work do? It's not gonna prove Watson made your bottle. You could have gotten 3 bottles of ug cyp for same pricE. Basically you paid $100 for ug made cyp advertised as hg. But if you believe it's genuine then more power to ya.
If you really believe you got real Watson cyp then keep using it. All that matters is if you think it's real. I know better and would never waste my $ on it. I will Continue using my script for real Watson. What proof will blood work do? It's not gonna prove Watson made your bottle. You could have gotten 3 bottles of ug cyp for same pricE. Basically you paid $100 for ug made cyp advertised as hg. But if you believe it's genuine then more power to ya.

Are you going to post the pics of your Watson for comparison?
If you really believe you got real Watson cyp then keep using it. All that matters is if you think it's real. I know better and would never waste my $ on it. I will Continue using my script for real Watson. What proof will blood work do? It's not gonna prove Watson made your bottle. You could have gotten 3 bottles of ug cyp for same pricE. Basically you paid $100 for ug made cyp advertised as hg. But if you believe it's genuine then more power to ya.

So you don't have any real proof just speculation ? Good for you get script test I don't give a shit.

How bout you try to help the board and post of facts to hammer this out, instead of being a lazy prick ?
Hi JackC. If you read the insert from a vial of Watson test cyp fom the pharmacy you will see there are instructions on how to deal with crashed product. It happens to Test Cyp, even legit from CVS. It's simply the nature of the compound. It doesn'y happen all the time, but enough to warrant the manufacturer to include a segment on how to deal with it if it happens to you.
It certainly doesn't mean the gear has any issues and throwing it out isn't going to get you a refund or a replacement vial. It's not a big deal and there won't be any recalls coming from the manufacturer or the FDA.
If we're gonna call joebig names lets leave out "lazy". Joe was responsible for bringing labmax to the community as a whole.(If he wasn't solely responsible he was from the first group.) He's spent more time testing and posting about it than most all of us combined. Thanks, joebig.
It sure does I got some rite know full of crystals its kinda nice to know its legit lol..ZIP LOCK BAG BOILING WATER 5 MIN.WORKED FOR ME