Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

Pin was good, normal.

Not sure what you mean about them not sending the third vial. As far as product goes, there is nothing missing from my order. There were only two boxes sent and no inserts.
Cost at my pharmacy is $114. But my insurance reimburses me 100% of the cost.
I have a vial of Watson from DS as well. Everything matched completely to the vials I have from my pharmacy. Just like the pics posted. I got a box and the insert with mine.

These are coming from overseas (they are made in Portugal, not USA. That goes for all Watson) so they are broken down for ease and security of shipping. Pretty standard practice. It's possible I guess that the inserts were discarded as not being necessary this time? Or maybe for shipping reasons?
I hope they are legit, but to me something seems off. That's a decent price, a counterfeiter would make crazy loot off of these
Below is a quote from CEO. I took it from the thread linked above.

"And I've said it many times. DS and I have known each other for a long time. I consider him a friend. I've been a VIP customer of his for a long time too. I've never said anything different. He asked for my help when he rolled out this site. I help my friends. You don't know DS, don't know shit about him. You can say all the shit you want about me, because I think you are insignificant, and a lying piece of shit. But don't call DS a scammer. He's been doing this longer than almost anyone and never scammed anyone in 15+ years. I help DS. I promote his site. I've used some of the gear he sells. Reps get paid in gear every month. If that's how it works then he got a helluva deal with me. I haven't ordered from him since I think December. So I will just keep helping my friend and people can call me the stupidest rep ever for not grabbing what I can from him every month."

IME, CEO is a stand up guy and I'm proud to call him my friend.
I hope they are legit, but to me something seems off. That's a decent price, a counterfeiter would make crazy loot off of these

As far as I can tell, everything about them looks legit. I'll be getting bloods done in about 6 weeks, comparing the TT with my prescription test. I'll post my labs in the lab testing sub-forum.
What's stand up about that ...? Just because he admits to being a DS rep and knowing the guy doesn't mean shit when there have been so many instances that the gear has been underdosed or counterfeit. It just makes him smart for not using the gear that he could be getting for free.. Why else wouldn't he use it??
For the record, I don't have any personal experience with him OR DS, I'm simply repeating what I've heard countless times.
What's stand up about that ...? Just because he admits to being a DS rep and knowing the guy doesn't mean shit when there have been so many instances that the gear has been underdosed or counterfeit. It just makes him smart for not using the gear that he could be getting for free.. Why else wouldn't he use it??

I posted his quote to help answer the question being asked of him, not as representation of why I think he's a stand up guy - hence the "IME". The quote is the answer he gives any time he has been asked that question.

What under-dosed and counterfeit gear are you referring to?

I believe he does use it. He just doesn't get it for free.
For the record, I don't have any personal experience with him OR DS, I'm simply repeating what I've heard countless times.

This is the first time I've used DS. So far its been a good experience. We'll know more within six weeks. If this is fake Watson and its under-dosed, I should start to notice something is amiss in a couple of weeks or less.
He said he hasn't ordered from him since December (I'm assuming that means LAST December). Either way, just seemed weird that his first post on this thread was portrayed as an unbiased review of DS instead of just coming out and saying he was a rep right away.

I guess we will know in due time. Nothing would make me happier than if your bloods prove that the Watson is legit. I'd be the first person to make the next order if that's the case...
What's stand up about that ...? Just because he admits to being a DS rep and knowing the guy doesn't mean shit when there have been so many instances that the gear has been underdosed or counterfeit. It just makes him smart for not using the gear that he could be getting for free.. Why else wouldn't he use it??

I've bought from DS for many years. Talked to him on the boards and through email and text. Gotten to know him fairly well. He's a good guy and I consider him a friend.
You said there's been many instances of gear he carries being underdosed or counterfeit? Post them.

For the record, I don't have any personal experience with him OR DS, I'm simply repeating what I've heard countless times.

countless? Surely then you can post at least a handful? Just curious, because so far I've heard and experienced only good. Not just from DS or a handful of people, but from many boards and different people about the quality of Alpha-Pharma. And certainly about Watson. That can't be denied. Everyone acts like Watson is the holy grail of test.

I posted his quote to help answer the question being asked of him, not as representation of why I think he's a stand up guy - hence the "IME". The quote is the answer he gives any time he has been asked that question.

What under-dosed and counterfeit gear are you referring to?

I believe he does use it. He just doesn't get it for free.

I'd like to know what he's referring to also. :) I've used several things from DS and never had a complaint. I've ran blood work on AP test and it gave me results on par with my script stuff (Watson, Paddock, whatever is in stock at my pharmacy).

He said he hasn't ordered from him since December (I'm assuming that means LAST December). Either way, just seemed weird that his first post on this thread was portrayed as an unbiased review of DS instead of just coming out and saying he was a rep right away.

I guess we will know in due time. Nothing would make me happier than if your bloods prove that the Watson is legit. I'd be the first person to make the next order if that's the case...

I think that post was from back in April or so? I've ordered from him since then. I've been using the Somatropin GH he carries for about 3 months now.

I heard about this thread I think from insertnamehere, since he had recently purchased his Watson and I think he asked if I had purchased any as well. So I came to read it and posted my experience with buying Watson from my pharmacy and from DS. Now I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to AAS, and I do hoard test. So while it may seem foolish (admittedly even to me a bit) for me to buy Watson from DS when I get it for free through my insurance, I guess I am a bit paranoid that some day insurance might stop paying or that TRT could get banned by congress or some shit. So maybe it's not so foolish?

I could say how great my bloods were on the Watson, but you wouldn't trust me anyway. Which is fine. More for me if I do decide to hoard a few more.

Mostly Alpha Pharma gear sold by DS. Just the word on the street..

Oh so word on the street? So not on the boards? So you can't post any evidence? So it's just hearsay? Well, I'll take my good experience with Alpha Pharma over your negative hearsay. My advice? You shouldn't use DS.
I'm glad CEO graced us with his presents only to comment on D-S
same as Dylan Gemelli would defend Sarms1 tooth and nail and Ban anyone who dare challenge his authority,Lol. GTFO and go back to Evo with your D-S shit.Sales should be great with all the sheep from Evo.You've been a member here since 07 and you have 89 Post's come on bro.I'm sure will see your next post when some one challenges your precious D-S you push so fucking hard at Evo.
I've bought from DS for many years. Talked to him on the boards and through email and text. Gotten to know him fairly well. He's a good guy and I consider him a friend.
You said there's been many instances of gear he carries being underdosed or counterfeit? Post them.

countless? Surely then you can post at least a handful? Just curious, because so far I've heard and experienced only good. Not just from DS or a handful of people, but from many boards and different people about the quality of Alpha-Pharma. And certainly about Watson. That can't be denied. Everyone acts like Watson is the holy grail of test.

I'd like to know what he's referring to also. :) I've used several things from DS and never had a complaint. I've ran blood work on AP test and it gave me results on par with my script stuff (Watson, Paddock, whatever is in stock at my pharmacy).

I think that post was from back in April or so? I've ordered from him since then. I've been using the Somatropin GH he carries for about 3 months now.

I heard about this thread I think from insertnamehere, since he had recently purchased his Watson and I think he asked if I had purchased any as well. So I came to read it and posted my experience with buying Watson from my pharmacy and from DS. Now I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to AAS, and I do hoard test. So while it may seem foolish (admittedly even to me a bit) for me to buy Watson from DS when I get it for free through my insurance, I guess I am a bit paranoid that some day insurance might stop paying or that TRT could get banned by congress or some shit. So maybe it's not so foolish?

I could say how great my bloods were on the Watson, but you wouldn't trust me anyway. Which is fine. More for me if I do decide to hoard a few more.

Oh so word on the street? So not on the boards? So you can't post any evidence? So it's just hearsay? Well, I'll take my good experience with Alpha Pharma over your negative hearsay. My advice? You shouldn't use DS.
I'm glad CEO graced us with his presents only to comment on D-S
same as Dylan Gemelli would defend Sarms1 tooth and nail and Ban anyone who dare challenge his authority,Lol. GTFO and go back to Evo with your D-S shit.Sales should be great with all the sheep from Evo.You've been a member here since 07 and you have 89 Post's come on bro.I'm sure will see your next post when some one challenges your precious D-S you push so fucking hard at Evo.
Do you read ceo's posts over at evo? They are in stark contrast to dylans and the others. Insert said he thought ceo was banned from evo? Is he insert or ceo could answer?
You guys are throwing rotten eggs and tomato's at ceo...actually talking shit when I don't think it's warranted.
I'm recently banned at evo but I'd much rather see ceo there than not. A voice of reason and truth. When I was there I felt like I had a comrade...someone that was real and honest. It doesn't happen often but there are honest guys that work in the biz(reps) that aren't pieces of shit.
CEO greeted me when I first showed up at evo and he helped lend me a bit of credibility when I immediately lit into someone and found myself on the business end of what looked like the beginning stages of a mob looking to lynch me for bashing SARMS and the other stuff staff lives off of.
CEO is a gentleman. He hit me up by PM at another place and I enjoyed hearing his side of things. On top of that he knows what he's talking about. He gives me a view to things I'm not privy to. He's been around a long time, as I have.
I'm gonna ask that you guys give him a break. He's a friend and I got pissed when I saw you guys jump him. I don't believe he had it coming. If he was to cross a line I'd be the first to ask him to go....though I'd be poite.
Insert, nice work with speaking up for ceo...and, ceo. It would be nice to have you around when you are able to stop by. I apologize for the guys getting after you. Things associated with evo tend to piss me off, too. I helped set the tone here when it comes to handling certain guys.