Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

Yes, CEO was banned from Evo. I won't go into the details because it's not my place to say but as you can probably guess, it wasn't because he followed the "program" over there.
Do you read ceo's posts over at evo? They are in stark contrast to dylans and the others. Insert said he thought ceo was banned from evo? Is he insert or ceo could answer?
You guys are throwing rotten eggs and tomato's at ceo...actually talking shit when I don't think it's warranted.
I'm recently banned at evo but I'd much rather see ceo there than not. A voice of reason and truth. When I was there I felt like I had a comrade...someone that was real and honest. It doesn't happen often but there are honest guys that work in the biz(reps) that aren't pieces of shit.
CEO greeted me when I first showed up at evo and he helped lend me a bit of credibility when I immediately lit into someone and found myself on the business end of what looked like the beginning stages of a mob looking to lynch me for bashing SARMS and the other stuff staff lives off of.
CEO is a gentleman. He hit me up by PM at another place and I enjoyed hearing his side of things. On top of that he knows what he's talking about. He gives me a view to things I'm not privy to. He's been around a long time, as I have.
I'm gonna ask that you guys give him a break. He's a friend and I got pissed when I saw you guys jump him. I don't believe he had it coming. If he was to cross a line I'd be the first to ask him to go....though I'd be poite.
Insert, nice work with speaking up for ceo...and, ceo. It would be nice to have you around when you are able to stop by. I apologize for the guys getting after you. Things associated with evo tend to piss me off, too. I helped set the tone here when it comes to handling certain guys.

Hey Ben! Yes, I was banned from Evo, like I was banned from EF. I don't follow the orders from above very well.

I was actually asked...NO...TOLD! by admin (WPA) at Evo to stop "vetting" sources there. I called out the obvious bullshit from sources who claimed things like, their gear was made by a biochemist who used to work for a major pharma company (yeah fucking right). Or, their gear is made in a US licensed compounding pharmacy and their test comes from the same US raws that the compounding pharmacy uses (LOL!!). Or they have every batch of raws and finished product MS tested (but can't seem to find any of the copies of those tests).

I found out a member (and NTBM rep!) named Reps for Jesus was scamming people, and I got all his info, gathered info from a few members who were scammed, then got the guy banned. They banned him right away since he was a NTBM rep and that looked bad for NTBM. But getting other scammers banned by admin (WPA) was like pulling teeth.

I got paja banned for selling fake GH. WPA and gearhead (another admin at evo) wanted to make sure he actually sold it to someone and wasn't just trying to sell it publicly on the board. What's the difference? If he is trying to sell fake GH (that was relabeled prednisolone) then he's just a scammer that got caught early (a good thing, right?). But I had to go and actually find two members that he DID sell to so they would ban him. Unreal.

BluRock Labs was another one I called out on their bullshit from day one. But they started throwing free gear at people, and everyone ignored me and jumped at the freebies. Then people started ordering...and BluRock took off with all their money. I called them scammers from the start and I was right.

So I was actually warned by WPA to stop calling out sources and being hard on them, regardless if I knew they were full of shit, or scammers, or I would be banned. How is that for an admin of an open source site? Welcoming even scammers to his site. He told me they "had as much right to be there as any other source." So if you go to Evo looking for a source, stick with the well known and established ones. They are the safest bets.

I tried to comply and not call out these POS sources who just ordered their first batch of raws and decided to start brewing in their kitchen, that started popping up on evo in droves. But maybe I couldn't help myself a couple times too many? :)

I'm not exactly certain of why I was banned. They didn't even tell me. First they de-modded me and gave me a "VIP" title. I knew that was the beginning of the end since all their VIPs get banned. It was a few weeks later that I could no longer login. No email, no PM, they just went into Admin control panel and changed my password and registration email. So I don't have the password and cannot get it reset. That way it doesn't look like I am banned, it just looks like I never login anymore. Shady huh? But that way nobody asks. If somebody does ask they just delete the thread, and if the same member keeps asking they ban him.

The place took a turn for the worse. Evo is a shithole really. The owner (BRR, the head admin at EF) only cares about getting high google rankings and building an email list to spam with sales for his companies, and the companies he has interests in (NTBM, sarms1, RLS, AG Guys, GK Prohormones). He loves to sell that $1500 PCT that is the typical copy/paste recommendation there. He also took over isteroids from Mr. X (founder of AG Guys - the original research chem scammers - remember back in 2006-2007 when they scammed many people?). MR. X is now known as WPA on Evo, so no wonder he welcomes scammers...he IS one.

I'm laying a lot of cards on the table here that I have held pretty tightly for a while. I've taken a lot of flack for being associated with EF and Evo. Those who cared enough to look closely saw that I wasn't one of the gang. I didn't get intimidated by Rick, and I think a lot of the products he pushes are shit and didn't recommend them. Probably more reasoning there that I was banned than anything. Rick (BRR) only wants yes men. People who will fear him and do exactly what he tells them without questioning. He doesn't like free thinkers or people who won't be bullied.

I don't come to meso much any more. Largely because I don't have a lot of time lately. It's also turned into quite the hostile environment. I used to come here a lot. I started out coming here back in 1999. Sometime in there I lost my username. The forum went through a lot of changes through the years. There are some good people here and some good knowledge, but it's hard to get to for all the bullshit and mud-slinging. I know I'll get bashed for that too. But as people in this thread said, one guy (new or old) says a lab sucks and everyone chimes in the same tune. If one guy says a lab is good everyone calls him a liar and tells him to fuck off. That's about as much unity as I see here, unfortunately.

Ben it's always good to see you. Don't bother with evo. There are some good guys there who try to vet sources, but there are too many new sources popping up and too many members desperate for free and cheap gear. As soon as a source throws out free gear the members no longer seem to care about the one or two guys who are attempting to vet the new sources, or what they have to say.

Are you going to go back to TID? I haven't seen you over there.

Hey KillaBig. Not sure what brought on that little tirade from you. Did I wrong you somehow at evo? Never knew you harbored any hostility towards me. How was that sarms from sarms1 you ran? You should've asked me my opinion. ;) Like when you asked me where to get pharmacom gear. Maybe you're just trying to fit in here. BTW, it's "presence." I didn't bring any presents. Sorry if I offended you or upset you. If you got banned from evo, it wasn't by me. I never could ban people at evo. I wouldn't have banned you anyway. I don't really care to ban people unless they are spammers.
I do apologize CEO,Evo leaves a bad taste in my mouth,after hearing your side of things and also the fact you were banned
does give me a different perception of you.I liked the fact you brought up BluRock,I remember when that scamm went down I had thought about pulling the trigger especially after Arabian vouched for them and then had the nerve after everything to have sticky about scammers.I had asked some questions about that and also just some sarms question's in general which really ruffled Dylan's feather's and a few others.
As far as you wronging me personally,I can't say you did and that's why I apologized after my anger for Evo's Hierarchy calmed.
I still have 6 or so Vials of BWL gear with Hair in them black pubic hair it look's like,lol.And that was suppose to be Robolics equal or better.
I do apologize CEO,Evo leaves a bad taste in my mouth,after hearing your side of things and also the fact you were banned
does give me a different perception of you.I liked the fact you brought up BluRock,I remember when that scamm went down I had thought about pulling the trigger especially after Arabian vouched for them and then had the nerve after everything to have sticky about scammers.I had asked some questions about that and also just some sarms question's in general which really ruffled Dylan's feather's and a few others.
As far as you wronging me personally,I can't say you did and that's why I apologized after my anger for Evo's Hierarchy calmed.
I still have 6 or so Vials of BWL gear with Hair in them black pubic hair it look's like,lol.And that was suppose to be Robolics equal or better.

Apology accepted brother. :)

As for BWL...you've gotta be kidding me?? HAIR? Jesus Christ. I like BWL but damn. Things seemed to get weird with him a little while back. He had some issues with very late shipments, not picking up funds but sending gear anyway, and some other strange things. Kind of made me wonder if something else was going on. How the hell do you let something go like that? Do you have pics of that?
Gotta admit @ceo I like I how you handled all that...

I apologize for jumping the gun, it's hard to judge characters online when all you have to go off of is rumors/gossip from forums.

I appreciate your straight forwardness. As Killa said, Evo left a bad taste, and I always associated you with Evo so that didn't help my impression of you. It actually speaks volumes on your behalf that you got banned...

As for the underdosed/counterfeit gear, I was referring to a few experiences I heard of from Pittbox... After reading more from him, he may not be the most reputable source of information.

I hope all goes well with the your Watson test, Insert, keep us posted.
Apology accepted brother. :)

As for BWL...you've gotta be kidding me?? HAIR? Jesus Christ. I like BWL but damn. Things seemed to get weird with him a little while back. He had some issues with very late shipments, not picking up funds but sending gear anyway, and some other strange things. Kind of made me wonder if something else was going on. How the hell do you let something go like that? Do you have pics of that?

I was sad about it also and did run the gear that appeared clean with good results.(no bloods)
He was very nice about it when I sent him a email with a pic of he first 20ml jugg with a big hair in it and replaced it,but I had also
orderd Hgh through him during the whole Paja ordeal that obivsiouly was Paja's fake shit being resold through him.So this order was one of the early BWL orders before he changed the Label's and while Paja and Analog were still reaking havoc.lol
I haven't ever said anything openly for the pure fact that he did replace one Jugg I believe with two and was very nice about it
but after finding more in my Tren and Super test which was a lil pricey and a few vials of test P.I decided I wouldn't go that route again.
I'll post up a pic of a few of the vials I held on to I still have um in the stash.I guess I should toss um.
The question is how can DS keep up with pharma test C while the cheapest cheapest on the market to have it readily available for every and any customer?


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@KillaBig you didn't ask for replacement on the tren, supertest, and test p? Or at least make BW aware of the problem? I would be pissed to have received that garbage.

Incidentally, I wasn't aware BW was reselling the fake HGH Anal and Paja were pushing. That doesn't sit well with me. IMO, BW should have known it was fake from the get go.
The question is how can DS keep up with pharma test C while the cheapest cheapest on the market to have it readily available for every and any customer?
I don't know brother, but I'm sure he will try. It seems too good to be able to last, but I hope I'm wrong.
@KillaBig you didn't ask for replacement on the tren, supertest, and test p? Or at least make BW aware of the problem? I would be pissed to have received that garbage.

Incidentally, I wasn't aware BW was reselling the fake HGH Anal and Paja were pushing. That doesn't sit well with me. IMO, BW should have known it was fake from the get go.

BWL sold that GH before everything came out about it being fake. He thought he bought good stuff of course. I found out he bought some and contacted him and he said he only bought a couple and had sold only one. I know I told him he should contact the buyer and I think he said he was going to.
Paja was trying to sell that shit to other sources too. No other sources I know of bought it from him and very few others bought. I know of only maybe a couple.

I saw the floater in those pics. That sucks. I'm sure he would offer to replace them, but I can understand you not wanting to bother.
Bro i just went over all my bwl gear, all clear over here, tren e and a test c and e, and tren/test blend. Combo of 10mls and 20mls.
I had put in a big order and had plenty of good clear stuff and as far as the Hgh he offered a refund but I instead put the cash for the two kits towards my second order.
I never wanted to bash or even speak on the forums for the pure fact he did replace one with two and I'm sure if I had emailed him pics of the rest of contaminated gear he would have done something for me.
The gains were good and most of the gear was smooth,But the fact he sent me more contaminated gear with my second order after replacing my first and some of that was supertest which is a little more costly.I decided to take my buisness else where but I never once bashed him and even complimented him until this thread made me wanna blow the whistle.
His customer service and ta were on point holefully he's got his quality control taken care of which from the sounds of Casca it may be.
@ceo FWIW I wouldn't mind seeing you around here more often. Meso is at a spot were it is ready to change and I think your true veteran leadership could help out here.