Watson Test-C - Domestic Supply

thats the problems w members like irishsack makig statements with no validity.
See how all the big wigs try and gang up on you so they can protect each other
Lol. Thanks Dave but don't sweat it brother.
The people that have actually been here and contributed know the truth. This guy isn't worth it.
Hey @irishman why don't you go find a source that will take your credit card.
Lol. Thanks Dave but don't sweat it brother.
The people that have actually been here and contributed know the truth. This guy isn't worth it.
Hey @irishman why don't you go find a source that will take your credit card.
See all the big wigs always gang up on people that's how they stay in business. This boiler operator fruitcake knows damn well all websites are bullshit.
Well I can't say from personal experience if it's legit from bloodwork. But I can tell you that as far as looks go it looks just like normal Watson to me. Comes in original packaging with original inserts and everything. Not sure how much you normally pay for Wartson but we have guys here on TRT that pay $70 for a 10ml vial. I'm not promoting this source im just stating the facts. There is also a member here that is on the watson and he plans on getting bloodwork in a couple weeks. So until I see proof it's not real I'm not going to spread any rumors. And I have some respect for ceo and if he says it's good watson then I trust him. But you can make your own decisions brother. Not trying to tell you he real or good I just wouldn't call fake without proof.

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My biggest question is demand with that price. His Watson is by far average to below average black market price. And with that in play, how can this source maintain a steady stock to meet public demand.
My biggest question is demand with that price. His Watson is by far average to below average black market price. And with that in play, how can this source maintain a steady stock to meet public demand.

I can answer that one. He can't keep up with the supply. I was looking into his Watson last year and he was out of stock. So really he can't keep up with the supply at all times.
Just for the record I'm not saying this guy is gtg. I make my own decisions all by myself just like you all should do to.
I can answer that one. He can't keep up with the supply. I was looking into his Watson last year and he was out of stock. So really he can't keep up with the supply at all times.
Just for the record I'm not saying this guy is gtg. I make my own decisions all by myself just like you all should do to.
It sure looked like you said he was good to go with all those fancy pics you posted.
See how all the big wigs try and gang up on you so they can protect each other

See all the big wigs always gang up on people that's how they stay in business. This boiler operator fruitcake knows damn well all websites are bullshit.
I am flattered you think I am a "Big Wig" LMFAO. I have been on this site for 2 months. Is it possible that we are not ganging up on you "to protect eachother", but rather several people just find you rude and annoying? Just some food for thought. And he clearly said his comment should NOT be taken to mean the source is gtg in his original post.
I am flattered you think I am a "Big Wig" LMFAO. I have been on this site for 2 months. Is it possible that we are not ganging up on you "to protect eachother", but rather several people just find you rude and annoying? Just some food for thought. And he clearly said his comment should NOT be taken to mean the source is gtg in his original post.
I'm rude. Your first words to me were eat a dick.
Lol. Thanks Dave but don't sweat it brother.
The people that have actually been here and contributed know the truth. This guy isn't worth it.
Hey @irishman why don't you go find a source that will take your credit card.
By the way I've never taking shit free. I have plenty of money and don't need free gear. Thanks
I know... I know. I should stop labmaxing things and then pinning them because the amp is open. Pretty sure if I got bloods right now it would say "angry" next to Total Testosterone.
Domestic-supply.com source check

Search this from a year ago.
What's the point? To discredit ceo?

I am cracking up right now.
You should really read through that thread from the beginning to the end. I was here when that thread was posted. And I remember the shit going down with analog.
But all that thread does is support domestic supply. Very well respected members here stood up for ceo in that thread.
You need to do better homework than that son. Have a good evening.
I am cracking up right now.
You should really read through that thread from the beginning to the end. I was here when that thread was posted. And I remember the shit going down with analog.
But all that thread does is support domestic supply. Very well respected members here stood up for ceo in that thread.
You need to do better homework than that son. Have a good evening.
Where's your western union receipt for all that gear you got partner.
I am cracking up right now.
You should really read through that thread from the beginning to the end. I was here when that thread was posted. And I remember the shit going down with analog.
But all that thread does is support domestic supply. Very well respected members here stood up for ceo in that thread.
You need to do better homework than that son. Have a good evening.
Your nothing but a liar and a scumbag. You got that for free.
Where's your western union receipt for all that gear you got partner.

Fuck you motherfucker. I have never got anything free. I have spent more money on testing gear and contributing here then you probably making a whole year.
I spent $650 fucking dollars on it you fucking piece of shit!
They must have paid you to cocktease. I have noticed they pay some of the big wigs on here and I drink shiner.

That is a very hard statement Irishman exactly who is "They" and exactly who are the "big wigs"
If you are goin to bring that kind of accusation here please have the keyboard warrior balls to state names and facts to back it up.
"Boilermech, post: 1193319, member: 62379"]Fuck you motherfucker. I have never got anything free. I have spent more money on testing gear and contributing here then you probably making a whole year.
I spent $650 fucking dollars on it you fucking piece of shit![/QUOTE]
And I almost felt bad for attacking this POS earlier. Nope... Appears I am still a good judge of character & I stand by my original comments. @irishman, what are you trying to accomplish here? You have no evidence to support your statements, & obviously you are not planning to order since "all public online sources are scams". Are you just trying to protect the kids from pictures of gear? If so... Do it elsewhere. Your contributions have no value to the board.