Website security measures - requests


Staff member
10+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
What security measures would you like to see implemented on this website?

dual-factor authentication
I like the dual-authentication idea with a 15 or 30 day remember me option like a bit coin wallet or exchange.
But how would personal info ie phone # be protected or disassociated with account.
Veteran & VIP discussion areas maybe.
Members can currently set up invite-only social groups as sort of a decentralized vet discussion. Would this be a better alternative to a MESO admin-established VIP section?
Have you looked into Perfect Forward Secrecy in addition to https/ssl?
Thanks for the information. I will see it my web host can implement. Anything else to make SSL/HTTPS more secure?
I like the dual-authentication idea with a 15 or 30 day remember me option like a bit coin wallet or exchange.
But how would personal info ie phone # be protected or disassociated with account.
I don't think any personal information from the authenticator app is shared with the account. But I would like to hear from anyone who has greater insight on DFA.


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