Weird water retention

JC Grifter

Well-known Member
I’m stumped on something and wanted to get some thoughts. I started a fairly low dose bulking cycle three weeks ago and I’m up 16 pounds. Obviously it’s not muscle. Food wise I haven’t gone over 3,000 calories yet. Little no fat gain. However there’s two reasons I wouldn’t assume water retention.

1) cycle is only 200mg test and 100mg NPP eod
2) nowhere on my body does it look like I’m retaining water. Don’t even get lines on my legs from socks.

Anyone ever experience something like this?
hows hydration?
anything with diet change?
BP change at all?
Any AI/hows estrogen?
Close to a gallon and a half of water a day.
Diet changes- recently added dextrose powder to a shake. (I’ve never used it before. Could that be effecting me somehow?)
BP is only slightly elevated
I always keep test low because I don’t live anywhere near where I can get my own bloodwork. My trt dose is 100mg and that puts me at 818. My estrogen is 30. So I never go over 200mg. The other day I did take .25 Arimidex to see if there was any change.

I’m sure the jump in calories added some extra bloat from my IBS, but 16 pounds says something else is going on.
I’m sure the jump in calories added some extra bloat from my IBS, but 16 pounds says something else is going on.
my next question was going to be related to how you felt like your digestion was.

I dont think the dextrose powder would cause an issue, but since thats a new variable i would cut it out and see what happens for a couple days since those types of carb powders can be rough on some peoples digestion and gut
my next question was going to be related to how you felt like your digestion was.

I dont think the dextrose powder would cause an issue, but since thats a new variable i would cut it out and see what happens for a couple days since those types of carb powders can be rough on some peoples digestion and gut
I’ll give that a shot and report back. I appreciate the advice brother!
I’ll give that a shot and report back. I appreciate the advice brother!
could be nothing at all, and could just be the extra food and gear hitting at once, but 16lbs does sound like a lot.

Since youre not seeing a big spike in BP, and not seeing any pitting edema on your ankles or anything i wouldnt worry too much. dolar to donuts youll level out as shit normalizes in the next few weeks.

id still keep an eye on the BP and take notes on how your feeling with sleep, digestion, bloating, appetite ect
could be nothing at all, and could just be the extra food and gear hitting at once, but 16lbs does sound like a lot.

Since youre not seeing a big spike in BP, and not seeing any pitting edema on your ankles or anything i wouldnt worry too much. dolar to donuts youll level out as shit normalizes in the next few weeks.

id still keep an eye on the BP and take notes on how your feeling with sleep, digestion, bloating, appetite ect
Very true. That 16 pounds just really threw me for a loop. I’m also a shocked not having any pitting.

I’ll definitely keep an eye on those things. Thanks again brother!
could be nothing at all, and could just be the extra food and gear hitting at once, but 16lbs does sound like a lot.

Since youre not seeing a big spike in BP, and not seeing any pitting edema on your ankles or anything i wouldnt worry too much. dolar to donuts youll level out as shit normalizes in the next few weeks.

id still keep an eye on the BP and take notes on how your feeling with sleep, digestion, bloating, appetite ect
Yea 16 is alot. But 1 weekend with a cheat meal or 2 I can put on 10 pounds of bloat easy but to me its noticeably visible in the mirror.
I’m stumped on something and wanted to get some thoughts. I started a fairly low dose bulking cycle three weeks ago and I’m up 16 pounds. Obviously it’s not muscle. Food wise I haven’t gone over 3,000 calories yet. Little no fat gain. However there’s two reasons I wouldn’t assume water retention.

1) cycle is only 200mg test and 100mg NPP eod
2) nowhere on my body does it look like I’m retaining water. Don’t even get lines on my legs from socks.

Anyone ever experience something like this?
Is it 3000 cal low carb? And if so could adding that dextrose fill up glycogen stores and make u gain a few pounds on the scale?
Is it 3000 cal low carb? And if so could adding that dextrose fill up glycogen stores and make u gain a few pounds on the scale?
Hmmm. I wouldn’t say low carb but that’s an interesting thought. Right now I’m doing 338grams of carbs per day but that will be increased over time. I have to go slowly up on food because of my IBS
Hmmm. I wouldn’t say low carb but that’s an interesting thought. Right now I’m doing 338grams of carbs per day but that will be increased over time. I have to go slowly up on food because of my IBS

Oh man do I hear u on that! I have actual ibd "crohns disease" I struggle with. Especially putting on size.

Not to down play ur ibs we probably have the same exact pain and symptoms, just mine will progress.
Oh man do I hear u on that! I have actual ibd "crohns disease" I struggle with. Especially putting on size.

Not to down play ur ibs we probably have the same exact pain and symptoms, just mine will progress.
Oh yeah it’s bad lol. But I always thought Crohns might have been worse. Either way, sucks to be us
If you transitioned from aggressive cutting straight to bulking, then it's explainable.

On another hand nothing bloats me like deca does. Weight can just jump 15-20 pounds after it kicks in.
If you transitioned from aggressive cutting straight to bulking, then it's explainable.

On another hand nothing bloats me like deca does. Weight can just jump 15-20 pounds after it kicks in.
I’ve been in maintenance mode for 4 months. I usually don’t get too bloated from nandrolone, but I am getting older so maybe I responding differently now. The weird thing is, I don’t look like I’m holding any water. Ankles and feet look normal. No edema/pitting. It’s not hindering me in any way, I’m just trying to solve this mystery lol.

One of the posts above recommending stopping the dextrose shake as that may be messing with my digestion and worsening my IBS which also causes bloating.