We're sending the wrong message...


New Member
Alright, i have posted parts of this to another thread but i had to extend it and make a few corrections, so here it is.

I understand cardio is important for the body to stay healthy, my question is while on a bulking cycle ive been told and read not to do cardio more than twice a week. What are your thoughts on that?

Health is far more important than looks so i would do cardio 3 times a week either i was bulking or cutting. Cardio is far more important actually because it's stamina and physical endurance which make an athlete. After that comes muscular strength and muscle mass.

Walking around with clogged arteries by cholesterol isn't good at all. Plus, muscle building effects increase considerably when doing cardio, swimming, martial arts, anything that makes your heart rate go up and gets you sweaty.

This happens for many reasons but the most important are:

1) You strengthen your heart which is a muscle itself and you help it support your muscles without having alternations in blood pressure and before anyone starts a fucking war, I’m talking about the long term side effects and the extreme cases of guys which are in the 220-270 lbs range and low bf%. The human body is not designed to carry so much muscle mass and neither is the heart designed to sent blood to all that muscle mass and that's why we cannot reach that point naturally. Not to mentions that human tendons, ligaments and bones are not designed to carry so much mass as well.

2) Clogged arteries can lead to serious health risks in the long run but besides that, the body ejects a lot of toxins through sweat, keeps your heart strong so it can support your muscle mass and it makes it easier for blood to circulate and thus carry more nutrients to your muscles let alone it helps to keep lower bp levels in general.

Someone said that pro's look like shit these days. I agree. Their bellies and their quads are totally unaesthetic and synthol abuse becomes more and more profound. Bodybuilders from the sixties and the seventies were in the 190-220 lbs range and looked a lot better than today’s pro's and they didn't know near as much as we do regarding training, nutrition, steroid usage and so on, nor they had as many or that advanced supplements. They were huge and totally cut and i doubt they used 1/5 of the gear or the dosages pros use today. There was no Tren or dnp or several of the drugs that are being used today. We're staring at the tree instead of the forest.... 400mgs of tren, plus 500mgs of testosterone plus 40mgs d-bol, plus hgh, plus insulin, plus clen, plus masteron plus this, plus that, i mean whoa. What the fuck??? Let's take it easy. More isn't better, we say this ourselves and we are pretty good convincing other people about that, but it comes to us, we do exactly the same thing.

It's in the nature of the human kind to evolve and need more and more. I understand that but never getting satisfied with anything is greedy and potentially harmful. Just look at frank zane and serge numbre. They are still big and cut at the age of 65+.

I doubt any of the pros today is going to live that long besides the smart ones like levrone who did his time as a pro bb and then he returned to "normal" life and a normal body condition. He didn't struggle in vainglory that much so he would oversee the potential health risks nor wasn't he realistic about what he could achieve and how far was he able to go.

Modern bodybuilding and professional, competitive athletes are simply sending the wrong message and then we wonder, "Why do teens take steroids"? Because they've grown up with this kind of prototypes and have parents that push them to be "the best" (if there's such thing) so when they run out of options and want something fast working, they turn to steroids. They do it because steroids make them big, girls like them, they get "respect" from other guys and form their own little college mafia's and so on.
Note that i mention only a couple reasons. It's not that simple but i don't want to make a long story even longer.

Being fit, healthy and muscular is one great thing but to certain extend. Anything someone does for his/her self is great but the point is to not miss the measure. Just look at the pro's of any sport and the models. They are big, fit, beautiful (both men and women and no i am neither gay nor bi) but when they open up their mouth you just wish they didn't. Not all, but most of them can barely form a proper sentence. Where are we going??? A strong body is useless if someone has a weak mind. Even in martial arts, you have to use your mind extensively.

Regarding testosterone now, someone said that 250mgs are not enough to make someone grow while there are people who have gained 20-30pounds on 12 weeks of test only cycles and he also said that 250mgs ew is the TRT dose.... WTF? Since when? Well, I’m sorry buddy but you don't know shit and you should be studying more instead of playing it smart mouth to people who don't know and are trying to learn. I'm saying this here because it's someone of this forum who said it but i can't recall the thread title or his username. Peace. :cool:
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I have to be honest, im not doing this for my health. id doing this because i want to be huge. so I don't do cardio either. if I drop dead tomarrow, then so be it.
I was always curious about what exactly was in Asterix's magic potion


They are big, fit, beautiful (both men and women and no i am neither gay nor bi) but when they open up their mouth you just wish they didn't. Not all, but most of them can barely form a proper sentence.

We've had some well spoken Mr Os in the past ,Lee haney and Dorian are the first two that come to my mind.

I do see your point and agree in part,but I think it might be a bit reaching towards to end.
But in general and pretty good rant
I was always curious about what exactly was in Asterix's magic potion


We've had some well spoken Mr Os in the past ,Lee haney and Dorian are the first two that come to my mind.

I do see your point and agree in part,but I think it might be a bit reaching towards to end.
But in general and pretty good rant

I totally agree with you about Dorian and Lee Haney. Don't forget that Zane was a doctor, Arnold had finished his studies as well and so had Serge Numbre just to mention a few. It seems that they were people with many interests and just passionnate about building huge muscles. First of all they all were great endurance athletes. Today's pro's do what? They lift a few houndred pounds more and use more than 3-4 grams of anabolics to achieve what they did back in the day with much less.

It probably sounds as if i am exaggerating in some parts but that's how feel. I am not being pessimistic, just realistic.

Thanks jasthace! :)