What did you inject today?

Day 29. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 283.0lbs
-around 30lbs of this is water.

Split between left and right delts.

-150mg/0.6ml Test E
-90mg/0.6ml Nand PP
-120mg/1.2ml Tren A
-120mg/2.4ml Trest A
-350mg/0.7ml Nand D
-350mg/0.7ml Bold U

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone

*Beggining the switch from NPP to deca so the dosing will look a bit whacky for a week. Will switch back to NPP at week 17 to allow the deca to clear by the time the cut starts. Will do something similar with the EQ with Bold CYP. Same idea with the ment and test, Trest E -> Trest A, Test E -> Test P.
*Frontloading the EQ for the first week to reach full saturation.

*Finishing up the Tren and Trest A before switching to the enanthate esters.

*Letro and Adex are in. Thank god. Was starting to feel really sick.

*Although far in the future, figured I’d share the rough plan I have for my cutting stack. Might do a show, who knows. Daily dosing.
-DHT suspension 2ml/100mg subq PW
-DHB C 1.5ml/150mg
-Mast E 0.3ml/150mg
-Tren E 0.3ml/150mg
-Primo E 1.25ml/150mg
-Winny 100mg
-Epi 100mg
-fat burners as necessary
-letro and adex

*Yes I’m alive, was just a bit tired today. Was up all night throwing up and bleeding out my nose holes. I now understand what it’s like to be a pregnant woman.

*All the joints in my body feel like they’ve shattered.

*Headache seemed to come and go day to day.

*Skins been very very dry.
Day 29. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 283.0lbs
-around 30lbs of this is water.

Split between left and right delts.

-150mg/0.6ml Test E
-90mg/0.6ml Nand PP
-120mg/1.2ml Tren A
-120mg/2.4ml Trest A
-350mg/0.7ml Nand D
-350mg/0.7ml Bold U

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone

*Beggining the switch from NPP to deca so the dosing will look a bit whacky for a week. Will switch back to NPP at week 17 to allow the deca to clear by the time the cut starts. Will do something similar with the EQ with Bold CYP. Same idea with the ment and test, Trest E -> Trest A, Test E -> Test P.
*Frontloading the EQ for the first week to reach full saturation.

*Finishing up the Tren and Trest A before switching to the enanthate esters.

*Letro and Adex are in. Thank god. Was starting to feel really sick.

*Although far in the future, figured I’d share the rough plan I have for my cutting stack. Might do a show, who knows. Daily dosing.
-DHT suspension 2ml/100mg subq PW
-DHB C 1.5ml/150mg
-Mast E 0.3ml/150mg
-Tren E 0.3ml/150mg
-Primo E 1.25ml/150mg
-Winny 100mg
-Epi 100mg
-fat burners as necessary
-letro and adex

*Yes I’m alive, was just a bit tired today. Was up all night throwing up and bleeding out my nose holes. I now understand what it’s like to be a pregnant woman.

*All the joints in my body feel like they’ve shattered.

*Headache seemed to come and go day to day.

*Skins been very very dry.
Can I pay a scientist to examine you? Bro is the definition of "built by science"
I haven't came off blast in around a year. Never really did cruise to be completely honest. Just blast year round. I do a 4 day split and 10 sets per muscle every 4 days. I like high volume training and a typical workout has 40-50 total sets either taken to failure or 1-2 reps with failing over the course of about an hour and a half.
Can’t comment on cruise vs blast workload haha.
Sorry in advance if I am prying. Do you have any bloodwork to share? Any concerns?

Have you ever had a calcium score test?
180 Deca 0,6cc
200 Mast E 1cc
300 EQ 1,5cc
12iu gh pre bed

100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg Cialis
30mg Aromasin

I killed myself in training, and my knee and hip are inflamed


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Sorry in advance if I am prying. Do you have any bloodwork to share? Any concerns?

Have you ever had a calcium score test?
Have some from September. Never had issues apart from when I came off many moons ago.

Never got one done but I do see the benefit.

Sorry to totally derail the convo, but quick question. Ever taken superdrol with Tren before?
Ya, dropped the sdrol on the 23rd of September. I think there’s a lot myths about it. I really don’t believe it to be this liver grenade like everyone says. While it’s cosmetic look is its main gimmick, I also don’t think it’s the crazy meat slabbing compound like everyone repeats, aside from its intra muscular fluid retention I don’t think it’s all to ahead of any other oral. I think the toxicity myth comes from the sup store ph days where guys were binge drinking and running it for god knows how long and this has just been parroted so many times it’s ingrained into our heads. Ran it at 105mg daily for 6+ weeks I believe.
Have some from September. Never had issues apart from when I came off many moons ago.

Never got one done but I do see the benefit.

Ya, dropped the sdrol on the 23rd of September. I think there’s a lot myths about it. I really don’t believe it to be this liver grenade like everyone says. While it’s cosmetic look is its main gimmick, I also don’t think it’s the crazy meat slabbing compound like everyone repeats, aside from its intra muscular fluid retention I don’t think it’s all to ahead of any other oral. I think the toxicity myth comes from the sup store ph days where guys were binge drinking and running it for god knows how long and this has just been parroted so many times it’s ingrained into our heads. Ran it at 105mg daily for 6+ weeks I believe.
My issue with Superdrol is not so much liver tox as
I am good at mitigating that. It’s how bat shit crazy it makes me. I only run it for a couple of weeks at a time because of this.

I do love the impact it has on my body and on my workout intensity. What’s not to love? I am thinking I’ll add it to the last 2 weeks of the cycle to end things on a high note (and to take pics of course).

Appreciate the feedback
My issue with Superdrol is not so much liver tox as
I am good at mitigating that. It’s how bat shit crazy it makes me. I only run it for a couple of weeks at a time because of this.

I do love the impact it has on my body and on my workout intensity. What’s not to love? I am thinking I’ll add it to the last 2 weeks of the cycle to end things on a high note (and to take pics of course).

Appreciate the feedback
what exactly does it do to you? I find superdrol feels like creatine as far as mental sides. Dont notice a SINGLE thing. Intrested to hear how it makes u feel

what exactly does it do to you? I find superdrol feels like creatine as far as mental sides. Dont notice a SINGLE thing. Intrested to hear how it makes u feel
Not aggressive or anything, just sort of scatter brained. Makes it difficult for me to focus at work. It also has the effect of inhibiting my appetite, which at my size I obviously don’t need.

I love the increased strength, muscle fullness and vascularity. That makes it all worth it, just never ran it with Tren before so I thought I would get your feedback
Not aggressive or anything, just sort of scatter brained. Makes it difficult for me to focus at work. It also has the effect of inhibiting my appetite, which at my size I obviously don’t need.

I love the increased strength, muscle fullness and vascularity. That makes it all worth it, just never ran it with Tren before so I thought I would get your feedback
Superdrol makes me lethargic as FUCK. But work outs are insane, pumps are insane, strength is insane. No change to mood or behavior. I just don't want to get out of bed except to workout. And then I want to get back into bed. Even on just 30mg per day. Just my experience @PermaBlastingTren has some special genetics to tolerate 100mg per day lol or something.
Superdrol makes me lethargic as FUCK. But work outs are insane, pumps are insane, strength is insane. No change to mood or behavior. I just don't want to get out of bed except to workout. And then I want to get back into bed. Even on just 30mg per day. Just my experience @PermaBlastingTren has some special genetics to tolerate 100mg per day lol or something.
I wish I could run orals but they make my stomach bleed
Day 50 back on aas. new addition; SLU-PP-332.

30mg test p
30mg mast p
100 mg EQ
20mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
10mg salbutamol
8iu GH
20mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
500iu HCG or 75iu HMG (alternating EoD; sometimes i forget which day I'm on and just do both...)
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157
2mg SLU-PP-332

weighed in at 261 this AM. interesting. ever since starting SLU-PP-332 I am dropping weight quicker. it's early to come to conclusions, but I am cautiously optimistic.

Allegedly it will ameliorate fat gain from cheat meals. Going to buffalo wild wings for some tuesday bogo wings....think i'll put down 30 and some fries, and see what happens. probably shit my guts out, which I have been doing recently especially with SLU-PP-332, lol.