What did you inject today?

Superdrol makes me lethargic as FUCK. But work outs are insane, pumps are insane, strength is insane. No change to mood or behavior. I just don't want to get out of bed except to workout. And then I want to get back into bed. Even on just 30mg per day. Just my experience @PermaBlastingTren has some special genetics to tolerate 100mg per day lol or something.
I have noticed this running Superdrol as well. While I am lifting I am like possessed by satan I am getting after it so hard. MORE MORE MORE!
Internal dialogue something along the lines of; "What? You don't have 3 more reps in you? Fuck you pussy, get that bar up."

But after? It's like someone just syphoned all the gas from my gas tank and I crash. I am not really the same again until the following day, when I take more. lol. Vicious cycle I guess, but what it does provide while working out is unmatched with any oral I have ever taken, and I have taken a bunch.
Winstrol is top tier. I love the strength it gives. It also makes me super fast. I like sprinting and it makes major difference
is 30mg winstrol good for a starting point?

last 4 weeks on my cycle i wanna take some orals..
dbol as high aromatiser is bad for me(or i cut the test and split it on 3x 20mg)
anadrol only with tamoxifen cause my nipples hurt
anavar is to mild i guess(took 40mg pre workout in past)

so i think i will stack to 30mg winstrol + 25-50 anadrol + tamoxifen
is 30mg winstrol good for a starting point?

last 4 weeks on my cycle i wanna take some orals..
dbol as high aromatiser is bad for me(or i cut the test and split it on 3x 20mg)
anadrol only with tamoxifen cause my nipples hurt
anavar is to mild i guess(took 40mg pre workout in past)

so i think i will stack to 30mg winstrol + 25-50 anadrol + tamoxifen
Sounds good to me. I was taking 30mg winstrol + 25mg anavar recently and noticed the addition of winstrol. 50mg you would DEFINITELY notice, but i think 30 will be perceptible.
Day 30. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 283.0lbs
-around 30lbs of this is water.

Split between left and right quads:

-150mg/0.6ml Test E
-60mg/0.4ml Nand PP
-120mg/1.2ml Tren A
-120mg/2.4ml Trest A
-350mg/0.7ml Nand D
-350mg/0.7ml Bold U

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
Yes......EQ! Can't believe I haven't run more EQ in my 10 years of BnC. I'm really loving it. Moreso than primo, tbh.
is 30mg winstrol good for a starting point?

last 4 weeks on my cycle i wanna take some orals..
dbol as high aromatiser is bad for me(or i cut the test and split it on 3x 20mg)
anadrol only with tamoxifen cause my nipples hurt
anavar is to mild i guess(took 40mg pre workout in past)

so i think i will stack to 30mg winstrol + 25-50 anadrol + tamoxifen
30 is good, 50 is better. I like within like 4 days in 50 winstrol your muscles look like they got vacuum sealed. Pulls all the water into the muscle, it will really dry you out. But the cns boost I can't emphasize enough. It makes you explosive
Day 30. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 283.0lbs
-around 30lbs of this is water.

Split between left and right quads:

-150mg/0.6ml Test E
-60mg/0.4ml Nand PP
-120mg/1.2ml Tren A
-120mg/2.4ml Trest A
-350mg/0.7ml Nand D
-350mg/0.7ml Bold U

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
Heavy duty bro!
Re: orals: I'm curious what your liver enz. #'s are at; how long you run them; how & what you take to minimize toxicity. Apology in advance if asking TMI.
Sounds good to me. I was taking 30mg winstrol + 25mg anavar recently and noticed the addition of winstrol. 50mg you would DEFINITELY notice, but i think 30 will be perceptible.
I still have a bottle of M-Sten (Ultradrol) I need to use up also, so I could potentially slide that in to the tail end of my cycle. Side effect profile is more subdued than Superdrol in my experience also.
Day 30. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 283.0lbs
-around 30lbs of this is water.

Split between left and right quads:

-150mg/0.6ml Test E
-60mg/0.4ml Nand PP
-120mg/1.2ml Tren A
-120mg/2.4ml Trest A
-350mg/0.7ml Nand D
-350mg/0.7ml Bold U

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
So, when are you going to grace us with a picture, just curious not calling you out or anything judgmental like that.
I still have a bottle of M-Sten (Ultradrol) I need to use up also, so I could potentially slide that in to the tail end of my cycle. Side effect profile is more subdued than Superdrol in my experience also.
Bro. Blast from the past. I haven’t used methylstenbolone since black stone labs orals days. I’m gonna have to check this one out again.
So, when are you going to grace us with a picture, just curious not calling you out or anything judgmental like that.
He said probably at the end of the bulk. His gf calls him elephant, so I don’t think aesthetically he’ll be very pleasing.

I agreed to post my most unflattering picture if he does
Took me awhile to have the balls to post a pic here. As a little man, you guys all give me an inferiority complex anyway.
Funny thing is, I’m willing to bet, the biggest dudes are the least judgmental. I’m like a golden retriever personality IRL with the looks of a Pitbull lol

I would’ve had a really hard time posting a picture when I was still fat.
Funny thing is, I’m willing to bet, the biggest dudes are the least judgmental. I’m like a golden retriever personality IRL with the looks of a Pitbull lol

I would’ve had a really hard time posting a picture when I was still fat.
Looking like a pitbull is awesome. My ears look like tortellini’s from years of BJJ and MMA, and now I’m bigger and shredded. It makes it more fun to be laid back and friendly when people expect you to be a maniac meathead.
Looking like a pitbull is awesome. My ears look like tortellini’s from years of BJJ and MMA, and now I’m bigger and shredded. It makes it more fun to be laid back and friendly when people expect you to be a maniac meathead.
I love shattering stereotypes! Those ears though…not that I fuck with people anyways, but I especially would not fuck with someone that has those ears…

I joke with people that if I get into a physical altercation I’m just going to immediately drop into a 3pt stance like my football days, lmao.
I love shattering stereotypes! Those ears though…not that I fuck with people anyways, but I especially would not fuck with someone that has those ears…

I joke with people that if I get into a physical altercation I’m just going to immediately drop into a 3pt stance like my football days, lmao.
I was a corner in HS and (briefly) at a D2 school. Nowadays nobody will watch football games with me because I invariably end up spending the entire game critiquing the defensive secondary.
I was a corner in HS and (briefly) at a D2 school. Nowadays nobody will watch football games with me because I invariably end up spending the entire game critiquing the defensive secondary.
Trust me bro… I get it. Everyone is busy watching the fun stuff and I’m analyzing the DLine pass rush / contain / technique.