What did you inject today?

I have noticed this running Superdrol as well. While I am lifting I am like possessed by satan I am getting after it so hard. MORE MORE MORE!
Internal dialogue something along the lines of; "What? You don't have 3 more reps in you? Fuck you pussy, get that bar up."

But after? It's like someone just syphoned all the gas from my gas tank and I crash. I am not really the same again until the following day, when I take more. lol. Vicious cycle I guess, but what it does provide while working out is unmatched with any oral I have ever taken, and I have taken a bunch.
Yeah it's wild for the workout haha. I have yet to try M1T or methyltren. I have tried halo, though. Now THAT is insane and I get zero lethargy from it. Used to take like 30mg pregame with 10mgs of addy....ohhhh boy. Talk about focus and aggression!
Yea I love eq as well. Definitely increased vascularity when I used it. Only got 3cc pins at the moment, since I do bilateral injections daily each pin has about 2.6ml in them and there’s an extra half cc if you pull the plunger way back and I’d only be using about 160 or so mg of eq daily using a 500/600 per ml blend so it’s safe to say I have quite a lot of room. Even more so with the swaps from short to long esters I’m making soon.

Might post pictures soon, might not, might just continue to wait to the end of this offseason to upload them all. For the time being, il just give progress updates using the names My girlfriend calls me at the end of the day. Most recent one is elephant. Real sweetheart this girl is.

Has nothing to do with your questions but this new vial of qsc tren ace has been giving me terrible tren cough every single pin. Although I would consider myself more knowledgeable than most, I’m not some pharmacology genius who knows every minute detail and fact about it like why this would be happening for example. Anyone able to chime in on this? Thanks
Regardin tren cough - afaik it only happens if tren get's in contact with a vessle/vein.

From my personal experience from back in the tren days, that seems to hold true.

I do chest injections 1-2cm above the nipple with a slinpin. Nice spot, seems to have little veins etc.. Give it a try if you keep bein unlucky with the tren cough..
PM can be absolutely brutal man. Definitely a ton of good info there, and a ton of good dudes. But they ain’t playing about “professional muscle”. I’m not really interested in optimizing for physique / muscle anymore so I kinda just chill here.

This is true. I made a silly joke this one time my second day on that board....

Good now tho hahah

The only reason I survived there was literally from posting pics lol

Exactly! I'm just lurking, trying to find some good posts here and there and see some physiques because the majority of people posting their pics there is damn awesome. I have only 2 posts from the new members thread lol.
Day 31. Any questions are appreciated

-Morning weigh in: 283.0lbs
-around 30lbs of this is water.

Split between left and right pecs:

-150mg/0.6ml Test E
-45mg/0.3ml Nand PP
-120mg/1.2ml Tren A
-120mg/2.4ml Trest A
-350mg/0.7ml Nand D
-350mg/0.7ml Bold U

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone

*been getting crazy anxious like feelings to the point where I feel like I need to escape something and I can’t seem to calm down. No idea what or if there’s a root cause. Just panicked kind of feeling. Anyone deal with similar issues? First time I’ve ever experienced this.
Nothing has changed with my Test + Tren Hex protocol, but decided to add an additional compound to this mix today, basically on a whim.

Brought this up the other day, but I am now running M-Sten also, AKA MethylStenbolone or Ultradrol. I have not messed around with this one in quite some time but since I already had some on hand I figured why not? Dosed up at 12 mg as I did not want to go crazy since it's been awhile. Can't quite recall what I was max dosing this stuff at during my last tango with it.

I had already completed my workout this AM when I got it in my head that I wanted to add the M-Sten, but since I have a gym in my basement I decided to bang out some sets to get a sense of what this drug adds to the calculus.

It's pretty much just like I remember. Nice intensity addition, increased pulse rate, crazy pump, increased time to failure on high rep stuff. All the trappings it's known for basically.

I'll probably run it for 2-3 weeks but I am basically gonna play it by ear based upon how I feel and how my next blood work comes back.
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