What did you inject today?

Luckily I have a bulletproof hairline. Thick oily brown hair naturally never lose a single hair.

But…. The DHT’s make my shoulders breakout so there’s that trade off.

I use panoxyl for shoulder, chest and back breakouts

You guys ever do a course of Accutane? Various protocols depending on your liver values but can be safely used to address the acne.

I don't recall the specifics but it was something like 10 mg EOD up to 20 mg every day. Taper up until acne resolves or liver enzymes elevate.

If it's not resolved in a few months, should consider other approaches.
I use panoxyl for shoulder, chest and back breakouts
Luckily I have a bulletproof hairline. Thick oily brown hair naturally never lose a single hair.

But…. The DHT’s make my shoulders breakout so there’s that trade off.
I have been alternating salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide soap every other shower. If I use both I peel, but the alternating combo got my acne 75% cleaned up. Only 1 was about 50%
I have been alternating salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide soap every other shower. If I use both I peel, but the alternating combo got my acne 75% cleaned up. Only 1 was about 50%

Some guys say changing your bed sheets 2-3x more frequently when on cycle, in addition to the other personal hygiene measures mentioned here.

So find the least inconvenient protocol that clears up your acne. More showering? Different soaps? Changing bed sheets every day? etc

(or back to this suggestion) (it was Accutane)
I have been alternating salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide soap every other shower. If I use both I peel, but the alternating combo got my acne 75% cleaned up. Only 1 was about 50%
Tretinoin cream I heard is good aswell. Iv got some on the way planing to use the cream for my face and the panoxyl for my body since it’s a wash. Tretinoin also has anti ageing effects
Tretinoin cream I heard is good aswell. Iv got some on the way planing to use the cream for my face and the panoxyl for my body since it’s a wash. Tretinoin also has anti ageing effects
I use tretinoin cream daily to keep my face clear, my shoulders just get jacked up as soon as I throw mast in. I’m considering low dose Accutane 10-20mgs per day for 2-3 months
I have been alternating salicylic acid and benzyl peroxide soap every other shower. If I use both I peel, but the alternating combo got my acne 75% cleaned up. Only 1 was about 50%
The dial orange soap has been good for the shower for me, it does some work on the top layer but to get the deep ones I’m thinking low dose accutane.
Tretinoin cream I heard is good aswell. Iv got some on the way planing to use the cream for my face and the panoxyl for my body since it’s a wash. Tretinoin also has anti ageing effects

I use tretinoin cream daily to keep my face clear, my shoulders just get jacked up as soon as I throw mast in. I’m considering low dose Accutane 10-20mgs per day for 2-3 months

Curious how your dosing protocol works out. I was reading mixed reports: 10 mg every day vs 20 mg every other day (and scale up accordingly).

*and even though this is much lower than typical dose for kids with cystic acne, conditions are different now. Harm reduction.
Curious how your dosing protocol works out. I was reading mixed reports: 10 mg every day vs 20 mg every other day (and scale up accordingly).

*and even though this is much lower than typical dose for kids with cystic acne, conditions are different now. Harm reduction.
I’ve never actually ran it, but I’ve heard of people having great success with 20mgsx80 days some reports of the acne rarely If never coming back.

