What does it feel like when you are on Test?

Cholesterol and blood viscosity aren't important. Just the high bp. You're ahead of the game. 22 years old and you already have all the answers.
This is the last straw for me i swear, i first was like "damn i'm gonna just answer with links from pubmed and ncbi" and show you that there is no correlation between Cholesterol and testosteron or trt or at least very very little correlation.
Also i wanted to put a link from a study which shows that blood viscosity is not directly caused by testosteron, but more likely by poor nutrition or wrong nutrition paired with testosteron.

But you know what i wont answer any dumb shit here anymore , meso seems to be filled with ignorance and hate.people always twisting the words i say. The next thread i create will show yall how much i know about juice, nutrition and training, it will be my wbff muscle model pro prep ofc with pics and videos of me to gain the credibility i deserve here. The rest will be ignored
Interesting to read so many comments that report feeling basically minimal sides. I presume most that said that bnc, as I have yet heard a guy that cycles (for instance once a year) say that he feels the same when natty or on cycle.

On 500mg test I feel more aggressive, more assertive and more dominant. Wouldn't mind getting into fights and such. Drive, lot's of drive; I can see why dudes who bnc are easier more accomplished. This is not a night and day difference but it's there and it's easily noticeable. I wish this personality changes wouldn't exist and that I would feel the same on cycle as off cycle. It's a mental roller coaster when cycling, as when you get off it takes a few months to adjust back to normal and for me, this is the biggest negative of cycling. I await for the day when roids wont affect you mentally at all and you'll be the same on or off. For me I't get's especially hard to vent my anger as I'm naturally an angry guy and on cycle if I am not able to vent - the aggression turns back in to anxiety.

Other most notable sides for me: to much energy, harder to stay calm and to meditate, hard to sleep. I really need to kill it in the gym or skating every day or else I'm to hyper in the evening. Sex drive ... I swore I wouldn't cycle again if I didn't have a few girls on the dial ready to go, as this gets to intense and I end up jerking off way to often.

Test e/c kicks in fairly quickly for me. One week in and I feel half of what I just described.
This is the last straw for me i swear, i first was like "damn i'm gonna just answer with links from pubmed and ncbi" and show you that there is no correlation between Cholesterol and testosteron or trt or at least very very little correlation.
Also i wanted to put a link from a study which shows that blood viscosity is not directly caused by testosteron, but more likely by poor nutrition or wrong nutrition paired with testosteron.

But you know what i wont answer any dumb shit here anymore , meso seems to be filled with ignorance and hate.people always twisting the words i say. The next thread i create will show yall how much i know about juice, nutrition and training, it will be my wbff muscle model pro prep ofc with pics and videos of me to gain the credibility i deserve here. The rest will be ignored

You're coming off as a know it all. Whomever suggested you do more reading and less babbling was spot on.

If you know as much as you claim to know, you wouldn't have shown up here claiming your gear was bunk based on feelz.

However, i look forward to this next thread of yours that's going to show us your guru like knowledge.

Eat a dick cochino, i already look better than you will ever look moron retard autism ape

Scratch that statement about looking forward to your next thread. i'm afraid i won't be able to view it with you on ignore.

For a know it all, obnoxious kid that looks like he should be modeling Calvin Klein underwear, you should really learn some humility before you run your cock holster.
You're coming off as a know it all. Whomever suggested you do more reading and less babbling was spot on.

If you know as much as you claim to know, you wouldn't have shown up here claiming your gear was bunk based on feelz.

However, i look forward to this next thread of yours that's going to show us your guru like knowledge.

Scratch that statement about looking forward to your next thread. i'm afraid i won't be able to view it with you on ignore.

For a know it all, obnoxious kid that looks like he should be modeling Calvin Klein underwear, you should really learn some humility before you run your cock holster.
Well, if he ever gains the credibility he says he deserves I will let you know. I don't see it happening though. This isn't the forum for someone like him to gain credibility without having a lobotomy.
correlation between Cholesterol and testosteron or trt or at least very very little correlation.
Also i wanted to put a link from a study which shows that blood viscosity is not directly caused by testosteron, but more likely by poor nutrition or wrong nutrition paired with testosteron.
There's relation and correlation. Test is made from cholesterol, at the same time test or any other AAS has a deleterious effect on cholesterol, even at TRT doses problems with low HDL are common.

Same with Hb/Ht, all AAS including Test promote at different grades the creation of new RBC. A single study can't abolish decades of dozens of clinical trials and what any user can simply check with 2 bloodwork tests (pre/post). Malnutrinion is rather cause of anemia: low level count of Hb/Ht.
This is the last straw for me i swear, i first was like "damn i'm gonna just answer with links from pubmed and ncbi" and show you that there is no correlation between Cholesterol and testosteron or trt or at least very very little correlation.
Also i wanted to put a link from a study which shows that blood viscosity is not directly caused by testosteron, but more likely by poor nutrition or wrong nutrition paired with testosteron.

But you know what i wont answer any dumb shit here anymore , meso seems to be filled with ignorance and hate.people always twisting the words i say. The next thread i create will show yall how much i know about juice, nutrition and training, it will be my wbff muscle model pro prep ofc with pics and videos of me to gain the credibility i deserve here. The rest will be ignored
You just kind of sound like an asshole. No offense man but you look basically exactly how I did at 22 which means you probably don’t know more than me and I don’t know much. It’s not that people don’t respect you it’s that they don’t respect the fact that you act like you know everything in a sport where no one knows everything. I’m sure you know a lot but you’re 22 you can’t know everything bro. Not even close. Just be a little more humble and maybe people will respect what you have to say.
Also calling people names and thinking you look better than everyone is a really dislikable character flaw.
Interesting to read so many comments that report feeling basically minimal sides. I presume most that said that bnc, as I have yet heard a guy that cycles (for instance once a year) say that he feels the same when natty or on cycle.

On 500mg test I feel more aggressive, more assertive and more dominant. Wouldn't mind getting into fights and such. Drive, lot's of drive; I can see why dudes who bnc are easier more accomplished. This is not a night and day difference but it's there and it's easily noticeable. I wish this personality changes wouldn't exist and that I would feel the same on cycle as off cycle. It's a mental roller coaster when cycling, as when you get off it takes a few months to adjust back to normal and for me, this is the biggest negative of cycling. I await for the day when roids wont affect you mentally at all and you'll be the same on or off. For me I't get's especially hard to vent my anger as I'm naturally an angry guy and on cycle if I am not able to vent - the aggression turns back in to anxiety.

Other most notable sides for me: to much energy, harder to stay calm and to meditate, hard to sleep. I really need to kill it in the gym or skating every day or else I'm to hyper in the evening. Sex drive ... I swore I wouldn't cycle again if I didn't have a few girls on the dial ready to go, as this gets to intense and I end up jerking off way to often.

Test e/c kicks in fairly quickly for me. One week in and I feel half of what I just described.
When I started using gear the people who taught me (family) basically told me to be ready to blast and cruise. They helped me cycle a couple times but they knew I wouldn’t want to after coming off. You’re right, the changes in attitude and drive aren’t night and day but you will notice if you pay attention. I do mostly physical labor and BnC has kept my drive way up there. Rarely do I have those days where I don’t want to go to work anymore. I come home and go do shit with my girl, get back late and still want to fuck then get up early and do it again where most guys I work with complain at work about how their girls annoy them and they just want to go home and relax because they’re tired. Hormones play a big part in our physiology. The only thing I disagree with you on is how you wish you felt the same on cycle as off. I’m happy there’s changes because I feel testosterone has really changed me for the better. I lacked drive and struggled more mentally before using testosterone. As far as side effects, I’ve always had high blood pressure and since using gear it’s gotten a little worse. Diet plays a part in this sure but if I do dosages that are high or what some consider normal I do notice my blood pressure increases. I’m not claiming to know the science behind any of this it’s just personal experience.
The only thing I disagree with you on is how you wish you felt the same on cycle as off. I’m happy there’s changes because I feel testosterone has really changed me for the better.

Well yeah, if you bnc it's different. When you cycle you feel like a god when on and then you crash when you get off and it takes 2 to 3 months to feel normal again and to get used to it.
This is the last straw for me i swear


Bye bye @David44 I told you on day 1 this wasn’t the place for you.

But you know what i wont answer any dumb shit here anymore , meso seems to be filled with ignorance and hate.people always twisting the words i say. The next thread i create will show yall how much i know about juice, nutrition and training, it will be my wbff muscle model pro prep ofc with pics and videos of me to gain the credibility i deserve here. The rest will be ignored

Awww geez.... So you’re not leaving? Ugh. Alright well it’s never too late to reconsider.

Save the pictures and videos for an OnlyFans site. Nobody here is going to be impressed.

iTs A sTeRoId fOrUm.
We’re all big and strong fuckface. You’re not speshul!!!
500mgs of test- Feel Normal
Gram of test, and above on contest cycles- Amazing, completely different mindset

Everyone’s sweet spot is different

Same with upping my GH doses, I always feel like I hit the fountain of youth, even though I’m still young lol
Cholesterol and blood viscosity aren't important. Just the high bp. You're ahead of the game. 22 years old and you already have all the answers.
This guy is a troll. He does this to just get a rise out if people. Wonder what his old handle is.

Maybe even LE, playing it smart. Or one of those snitches, working with LE.
This guy is a troll. He does this to just get a rise out if people. Wonder what his old handle is.

Maybe even LE, playing it smart. Or one of those snitches, working with LE.

He reminds me a lot of the doofus kid, Bullet Train that used to come around.

Thinks he's hot shit, knows everything and is going to be a legend one day. Ugh.
No correlation between test and cholesterol? Get the fuck out of here, you little shit.

I wonder why my HDL has been always perfect now on TRT did decrease slightly and when I fucking increase test dosage to 250-300 it does get even a little bit lower, must be fucking magic!

On a side note I'm fucking gifted because my total cholesterol never goes above 110 and my LDL is in double digit even on tren blast BUT still my HDL was better off testosterone.

So fuck you and your broscience and disinformation that only confuse other new ppl. Shit you are the one giving bad rep to roids.

No harm in cycling at 16 years old? What about plate growth and fucking up your natural testosterone when you are in your prime and growing?

Fucking troll.
No correlation between test and cholesterol? Get the fuck out of here, you little shit.

I wonder why my HDL has been always perfect now on TRT did decrease slightly and when I fucking increase test dosage to 250-300 it does get even a little bit lower, must be fucking magic!

On a side note I'm fucking gifted because my total cholesterol never goes above 110 and my LDL is in double digit even on tren blast BUT still my HDL was better off testosterone.

So fuck you and your broscience and disinformation that only confuse other new ppl. Shit you are the one giving bad rep to roids.

No harm in cycling at 16 years old? What about plate growth and fucking up your natural testosterone when you are in your prime and growing?

Fucking troll.
I hope he’s a troll because otherwise he’s just plain stupid, and the sad part is kind of hard to tell which it is because these people exist
On 500mg test:

Night sweats
Agitated sleep
Face flushed
Lethargy (from opposing cortisol too much I would think)
Mild euphoria
Strong libido
Poor erections & long refractory period
Damn buddy that doesn't sound too good. Hope you've got all your sides under control now! You know, I've tried SARMS in past - Ostarine at 10 mg (the shit also called MK-2866) and it gave me similar sides you described and when I told people on forums they were like 'oh it's not normal must be just you and your body'. So I quit it after a few days cause I felt kinda suppressed. So I'm thinking my body might respond similar way to Test (500 mg/week) which I'm planning to do in a couple of months. I hope it won't happen, gonna see :D

