What is the Scally PCT with the currently UPDATES?

I Don't think it matters to much if it is 7 or 5 days.

Thanks logan.

Well Guys just an update of my overall feelings in this hcg therapy.

First,i forget explain that my hcg blast in the past was trought subq way.Call me crazy or whetever,but currently IM via,everything is all right. In the past i feeling sick with the blast,now feeling a great feeling and my testicles beggining feel full,you know a great feeling and dont feel sick,feel inspired",got it?

Second,low dose of hcg feeling terrible,like my penis seeking and erectin but mind"looking the heaven.That was w/ 400ui my first shot,then every shot at 1000ui feel awesome like i said.Definitely the crislers'logics dosent made for me.
I remember that in another forum i explain this strange things in a sort of sexual explanation.I told him that i need some masterbation in hcg but they just laught.I ignored in that case that i was looking a relieve of the mental pain that hcg sub gave me.Now i feel and i see my ignorantus mistake because my problem seems to be a right adaptation to a better levels of E2.After all i was porn addict in my young early days,guess not a good thing to hormonal levels.

Third and las coment,i will do a serm frontload according some meso posts bout the issue. Seems to be a better choice.Anyway the total amount of tamo will 1gr.

Thanks fo read and for the comments.
Easy man HCG always will be a must to those people that want Family.
Further,i said that i will measure estradiol values the second week during tamoxifen intake.

im very regretful of my crazy ways to intake all this medicines,i mean,subq failed test cycles,oxandrolone only cycles,bout "proviron".You know,a man just a simple cycle of testosterone like low dose to cruise with some anastrozole maybe,anyway to me is clear exemestane is the chemical castration mate!
Good afternon sirs,so im here in my house waiting for the tamoxifen starting..you know,today is the third days after the last shot of HCG[from the last pin day i mean] and feel some lethargy..

But i will do the perfect-right timing to begining with nolva,got it?After all seems to be my body is in certain sense a lil slow to leave the substances.

7 days is the perfect timing??

4 days is a no-no in my case?

Thanks in advance brothers
Good afternon sirs,so im here in my house waiting for the tamoxifen starting..you know,today is the third days after the last shot of HCG[from the last pin day i mean] and feel some lethargy..

But i will do the perfect-right timing to begining with nolva,got it?After all seems to be my body is in certain sense a lil slow to leave the substances.

7 days is the perfect timing??

4 days is a no-no in my case?

Thanks in advance brothers
Literally? Youre really sitting at home waiting for the nolva to start working?
Haha no no,sir just a chilean dialect to say the things.

So the point is im able to wait idk 10days if were necessary but idk i read that seven days is great.What do you think?
Hey ickyrica not sure what r u talking bout bud but thanks for the welcome

What do you think of my questions?i mean the last post
Update: Today is end of the fourth day from the last hcg shot and feeling horny. Not so horny,but if i see some bikinis or thinking in nude girl the water start boiling.

Im in the right track?
Come on trying to answer about the right timing man,just that.

From the second day after the last shot have a nocturnal erection before sleeping.And sometimes have a morning wood.
So,if you comment your opinions bout my descriptions it would be great.

Hey forget one thing,and is dont misunderstand me.Im not horny cant know the exactly words.But here are a list of descriptions:

Testicles feel "full of sperm" but no pain like a T-pain you know.Is like a warm sensation in the scrotum.Feels good.But no spontaneus erection.

Testicles are hanging,guess this point ok.Scrotum have again a decent size.

Regarding mental aspect,if i think in sex in general terms get some horny feeling",thats what im trying to say.Im not sexually exciting.OK.

Well just that,thanks in advance for your coments.