Hmmm , I go sorta closer to the hip ….so say from the halfway point between the knee and the hip , dead center on to ur thigh , find that spot and then move an inch further up the leg towards your butt, right on the side , I personally use 22guage 1 inch needle and I bury the needle right to the hilt ….yeah I’ve had the odd Charlie horse but nothing too bad ….
Most people would probably use a smaller needle then 22guage but I can’t stand waiting there forever pushing the oil, I used to regularly do 3cc shots in the leg ….many many shots over the years right now I’m on test prop so it’s EOD ….
Shoot before the gym and work the muscle that you injected , for instance even if it’s not leg day do a few sets of light squats or leg extension, whatever to work the muscle and this helps reduce pip…
Also if you using high concentrate (I’m using test prop 200 right now) super painful but I cut the shot down with 1 cc sterile oil …
If your new to this shit as time goes on your needle technique will improve, always swab your vials off before your draw and put some effort in to properly clean your injection site ….massage the injection site when done , get in there and rub it aggressively for 20 seconds or so , u can do it whilst cleaning up the blood….