What is your perfect bulking cycle


New Member
What is your perfect all time best bulking cycle? What were your stats when you started? What did you finish up with as your results. What did you eat? I have a cycle in mind but want to compare to see what others are doing. Mine is a basic arnold stack with a little flair to it..
Giovanni said:
What is your perfect all time best bulking cycle? What were your stats when you started? What did you finish up with as your results. What did you eat? I have a cycle in mind but want to compare to see what others are doing. Mine is a basic arnold stack with a little flair to it..

Giovanni, IMO, you can't beat a good test/deca/dbol or even just test/dbol bulker. My 2nd cycle was 500mg. test enan. for 12 weeks and 30mg. dbol ed for weeks 1-6 and went from 202lbs. @ 9%bf (6 ft.) to 225lbs. @11%bf. So net gain was 15-16lbs. LBM and kept probably 12lbs. of it. Kept calories very HIGH. I'd guess between 4500 and 5000. I actually experimented with mid-sleep feeding throughout my cycle and feel the extra meal made a huge contribution to my gains. LMK what you're proposing to go with and GOOD LUCK!


week 1 to 3 test prop 100mg ed
week 1 to 3 75mg drol ed
week 1 to 14 1000mg to 1250mg test enanthate ew
week 1 to 14 800mg deca ew
whole cycle nolva 20mg ed...

thats my perfict bulker but thats not 4 newbies got to have good bit of cycles under ur belt

dont try this at home lol
Basicly... in short... the next year Is my perfect bulker :-).. starting next monday... the 30th of august

hgh: 5iu per day
Insulin - Humalog: 10iu ed (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
IGF-1LR3: 40mcg ed (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
Test Enanthate: 1g for 15 weeks (3 total cycles)
Eq: 600mg for 15 weeks (3 total cycles)
Primobolan: 200mg per week bridge for 10 weeks between Test and EQ cycles
Dbol: 50mg ed for first 4 weeks of each test and eq cycle
masteron: 50mg ed durring test and eq cycles to take care of SHBG
Nolva: 40mg ed durring cycles of test and eq
Femara: 1.25mg - 2.5mg ed or eod depending on how it effects my sex drive
T3: Every so often ill toss in a 39 day cycle to help keep myself lean.. and to keep my thyroid in shape

Proper recovery durring bridge periods with HCG, Clomid, and Nolva

And yes I know how to train, eat, and sleep effectivley... just look at my pics in the pic section. I hope to add 20lbs of lean mass in the next year... I know thats kinda reaching for it.. but its my goal.

Tank01 said:
Basicly... in short... the next year Is my perfect bulker :-).. starting next monday... the 30th of august

hgh: 5iu per day
Insulin - Humalog: 10iu ed (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
IGF-1LR3: 40mcg ed (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
Test Enanthate: 1g for 15 weeks (3 total cycles)
Eq: 600mg for 15 weeks (3 total cycles)
Primobolan: 200mg per week bridge for 10 weeks between Test and EQ cycles
Dbol: 50mg ed for first 4 weeks of each test and eq cycle
masteron: 50mg ed durring test and eq cycles to take care of SHBG
Nolva: 40mg ed durring cycles of test and eq
Femara: 1.25mg - 2.5mg ed or eod depending on how it effects my sex drive
T3: Every so often ill toss in a 39 day cycle to help keep myself lean.. and to keep my thyroid in shape

Proper recovery durring bridge periods with HCG, Clomid, and Nolva

And yes I know how to train, eat, and sleep effectivley... just look at my pics in the pic section. I hope to add 20lbs of lean mass in the next year... I know thats kinda reaching for it.. but its my goal.


damn i like ur cycle to bro

P.E. said:
damn i like ur cycle to bro


Im so excited... I cant wait till monday! Ill post pics in a year and we can compare them to the ones I just recently posted. I can assure you of this much though... I will be training harder (and safer!), stricter on sleep scheduals, and eating more than enough... so there is no reason why I shouldnt gain a good deal of muscle.. Trick is goign to be eating just right so that I dont get a huge spillover into fat... i want to try and stay under 10% this next year... instead of blowing up like a blimp.

later bro
Giovanni said:
What is your perfect all time best bulking cycle? What were your stats when you started? What did you finish up with as your results. What did you eat? I have a cycle in mind but want to compare to see what others are doing. Mine is a basic arnold stack with a little flair to it..

My perfect bulking cycle will be 4 sustanon a week with 4 vials of deca and 50 m g of dianabol for 16 weeks. I read your first cycle is your best so Im going to make the most of it
wolfman said:
Giovanni, IMO, you can't beat a good test/deca/dbol or even just test/dbol bulker. My 2nd cycle was 500mg. test enan. for 12 weeks and 30mg. dbol ed for weeks 1-6 and went from 202lbs. @ 9%bf (6 ft.) to 225lbs. @11%bf. So net gain was 15-16lbs. LBM and kept probably 12lbs. of it. Kept calories very HIGH. I'd guess between 4500 and 5000. I actually experimented with mid-sleep feeding throughout my cycle and feel the extra meal made a huge contribution to my gains. LMK what you're proposing to go with and GOOD LUCK!


i agree
P.E. said:

week 1 to 3 test prop 100mg ed
week 1 to 3 75mg drol ed
week 1 to 14 1000mg to 1250mg test enanthate ew
week 1 to 14 800mg deca ew
whole cycle nolva 20mg ed...

thats my perfict bulker but thats not 4 newbies got to have good bit of cycles under ur belt

dont try this at home lol

damn i might try that now
Tank01 said:
Basicly... in short... the next year Is my perfect bulker :-).. starting next monday... the 30th of august

hgh: 5iu per day
Insulin - Humalog: 10iu ed (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
IGF-1LR3: 40mcg ed (4 weeks on 4 weeks off)
Test Enanthate: 1g for 15 weeks (3 total cycles)
Eq: 600mg for 15 weeks (3 total cycles)
Primobolan: 200mg per week bridge for 10 weeks between Test and EQ cycles
Dbol: 50mg ed for first 4 weeks of each test and eq cycle
masteron: 50mg ed durring test and eq cycles to take care of SHBG
Nolva: 40mg ed durring cycles of test and eq
Femara: 1.25mg - 2.5mg ed or eod depending on how it effects my sex drive
T3: Every so often ill toss in a 39 day cycle to help keep myself lean.. and to keep my thyroid in shape

Proper recovery durring bridge periods with HCG, Clomid, and Nolva

And yes I know how to train, eat, and sleep effectivley... just look at my pics in the pic section. I hope to add 20lbs of lean mass in the next year... I know thats kinda reaching for it.. but its my goal.


how much would a first time user gain off this? 70lbs? i know how to eat and train
my best bulker

gained and kept 40 lbs in 6 mos.
I ate like a horse.
I trained hard, but not very effectively. I just watched the big guys and did the same exercises. It was a long learning curve, but I believe now I'm at the very far end of it.
No AAS. I was 20 years old, and never lifted weights before. Now, I'm addicted to the iron.
It's amazing what you can do with the basics and lots of food.
12 week

1-10 test enanate 1g ew
10-12 test suspension 100mg ed
1-10 deca 600mg ew1-10 tren enante 500mg ew
1-4 anaadrol 50-150mg (first time useing it got to see how it goes)
6-12 dbol 45mg ed
nolva 20-40mg ed
liquidex .25mg eod
GH thoughout cycle at 4IU (*5on2off)
Oh, oh, oh! Now that you guys have pointed it out to me I understand why I read baked's posts and thought "Holy shit is this guy a fucking retard!"

Oh, goddamnit! I just spent 5 minutes typing a response to his suggestion that McDonald's was great food for bulking. Oh well, maybe someone with a brain will pick up something from it anyhow.
This is not a put down of anyone's cycle but the truth is... if a person can't get huge off something basic like medium amounts of test/deca or test/eq or test/tren... then there's a problem with the person's training and/or diet that even the fanciest cycle won't solve. Or it's just a person who genetically can't get huge and again, no fancy cycle is going to make the person huge.

Many of the biggest guys I've known, this includes powerlifters, competing amateurs and some pro bodybuilders, use relatively modest amounts of just the basics. And then there are those who go crazy with the stuff... and end up like Wheeler and Prince and Long and others with varying degrees of long term problems.

One former pro BB, whom I would call a friend, loved nothing more than Test susp. and GH. The GH only came later AFTER he turned pro and could afford it. A former world champion powerlifter (242 lb class) friend of mine never used anything but moderate amounts of Test/Deca. A Mr. Calif. overall winner whom I trained with for several years never used anything but Primo and Deca, dropping the deca when getting close to a contest.

Personally, I've always gotten great results off 750mg-1,000/week Test and 750mg/week Deca. I've tried more than once every other steroid out there, not hard to do over 25 years, but I keep coming back to Test/Deca. I've tried most other substances just to see what they do, GH/IGF-1/slin/etc. but perhaps as I'm no longer competing, I just don't see the need for them at anything below the elite level.

People keep thinking there's a magic steroid or special cycle that's going to make them huge... some secret drug or program the huge guy over there has that they too need if they're going to get really big. When in reality, the truth to getting huge is so simple that people refuse to believe it.

Good luck to all,
MaxRep said:
This is not a put down of anyone's cycle but the truth is... if a person can't get huge off something basic like medium amounts of test/deca or test/eq or test/tren... then there's a problem with the person's training and/or diet that even the fanciest cycle won't solve. Or it's just a person who genetically can't get huge and again, no fancy cycle is going to make the person huge.

Many of the biggest guys I've known, this includes powerlifters, competing amateurs and some pro bodybuilders, use relatively modest amounts of just the basics. And then there are those who go crazy with the stuff... and end up like Wheeler and Prince and Long and others with varying degrees of long term problems.

One former pro BB, whom I would call a friend, loved nothing more than Test susp. and GH. The GH only came later AFTER he turned pro and could afford it. A former world champion powerlifter (242 lb class) friend of mine never used anything but moderate amounts of Test/Deca. A Mr. Calif. overall winner whom I trained with for several years never used anything but Primo and Deca, dropping the deca when getting close to a contest.

Personally, I've always gotten great results off 750mg-1,000/week Test and 750mg/week Deca. I've tried more than once every other steroid out there, not hard to do over 25 years, but I keep coming back to Test/Deca. I've tried most other substances just to see what they do, GH/IGF-1/slin/etc. but especially as I'm no longer competing, I just don't see the need for them at anything below the elite level.

People keep thinking there's a magic steroid or special cycle that's going to make them huge... some secret drug the huge guy over there has that they need if they're going to get really big. When in reality, the truth to getting huge is so simple that people refuse to believe it.

Good luck to all,

while my cycle is quite extreem by most accounts I must say I agree with what you have pointed out here... Truth be known... I could easily grow just fine on Test and EQ and a little femara and nolva which is basicly what I did on my very first cycle... and I got great results... This time around I Just want to try a different method and see how much more I can gain than on my first. Good point though Max...