So I'm just over here minding my own business reading meso *dododododooo* then bam another first cycle post shows up, BAM another one so I think "Rodger you know you don't like being anywhere but the training/nutrition sections and cycle logs and general discussion why are you looking at the steroid section?" So I answer myself "well maybe I can help someone who is trying to learn and is having trouble finding information" so I read the first cycle thread, right off the bat he said he's done his research so hats off to this kid right? I say nay nay! Looks like he grabbed his cycle idea of bits and pieces of info he eavesdropped on in the suana or something. So I was like "hey Rodger I wonder how hard it is to research for a first cycle?" So I used that handy search function in the top right hand side of the screen Millard so graciously gave us in his genius moment and in quotations searched "first cycle". The results? 246 different threads with WKM after WKM giving advice to all these people, so I got time to kill so I divulged into it a bit. There is about 8 different threads really, the fat guy trying to get lean, the small guy trying to get big, the magic pill wanter, the "I'm a top athlete and or bodybuilder and this will make me pro I'm too good for normal stuff", the I have low T because I feel tired and my all time favourite the way too young with 0 gym experience but doesn't realize the game they are in. The final one would be the guy who has put in years and has done his research and dialed in his diet and is truly ready but out of my brief readings that's probably only 10 out of the 246, why? Because they did their research and didn't think themselves as some super special case like the other because their mommy said they were special. This is my rant I hope you enjoy. Shoutout to the guys who consistently give solid advice in that section even if you do have to repeat yourself every thread (hopefully you have a word file saved with it so you just copy paste)