Pretentious people piss me off. This chick/trainer at my gym was criticizing my stretching after my workout saying I need to bend this way and that way and do this and that, whatever I wanted to do a lazy fucking stretch today I ain't feeling it leave me alone. Anyways she goes on and I said "thanks but I'm good I know how to stretch for myself" her response pissed me the fuck off, her " ya well I'm a FFC mobility specialist and I'm telling you that you don't have a clue" now I've seen her stretch she's subpar in comparison I just wasn't feeling it today but that tweaked me attitude. I rarely ever show off in anything I do but I figured whatever she things she's so fantastic so I went and grabbed a barbell tossed it overhead and dropped down into the hurdle splitz right infront of her. Ain't nobody doing that without knowing what they do, if you don't ask for help don't give a clearly advanced lifter fucking "advice" and I say that very loosely because the "advice" was crap