What Pisses me off Page

It pisses me off when someone will sit in the middle of the lane in a parking lot waiting for a spot from someone who is loading groceries into their car. They block up traffic for 5 minuets when there is an empty spot 30 feet away.
Dude me too. I lose my mind when that happens and my wife get just as pissed. And to make it better the people waiting for a front spot are usuall fat prices of crap that could use the excerise and walk to the door. Then you see them in the store riding a scooter down the sweets isle reaching for Ho hos and twinkies. Fat lazy people piss me off
See that's what get's me. The fat people on scooters only handicap is that they're fat or they have bad knee's...from being fat. There are people with legitimate disabilities that would give anything to not be disabled or people with disabilities that rise above and become positive examples for others like them. Like wheelchair athletes or amputees that are marathoners. And then you have the fatties that could lead normal lives if they would do something about their weight but they're too fucking lazy and the rest of us have to be inconvenienced by their inability to get around the way they are supposed to. Not just the ones in scooters...fucking all or them.
And another thing that pisses me off are the morons that can't quote a post without fucking up the quotation, making it damned near impossible to figure out who said what.

For fuck sakes, it's not hard - Meso does the quoting automatically. All people have to do is start typing under the quote. And yet there are a few idiots that still manage to fuck up 90% of their quotes.
What pisses me off are assholes like censoredboardssuck who talk shit, make accusations with no proof, and hijack other peoples threads. And his buddies. I saw Brutus is here too.