What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Ive told this story a handful of times before. Im quite fond of it.
The only meet i ever did was in HS. I was 16...or 17. 189 lb class. I been 6'1 since i hit puberty. Havent grown since. Tall and lanky ass 189 lbs. I was training semi serious and went as a school function. I trained bench damn near everyday. Obsessed with it. Squatted if you absolutely made me and never deadlifted or EVEN SEEN a deadlift prior to the meet. I was seriously unprepared. First time i deadlifted ever was at the meet and i stole the show. 405. It was terrible form but i wasnt about to drop it. If i was anything but a kid i would of been paralyzed. I looked like a dog hunched over taking a shit. That much roundness in my back. Kids are made of rubbero_O

I ended up with
B 315
S 275
D 405

3rd place

Strong ass high schooler . Thats just about my PR numbers now (got a higher squat)
Whats your best numbers now Trukky ?
You know, I really need to Check my numbers before the 25th. It will give me something to shoot for next cycle. I'm sure it will only embarrass the hell out of me, but have to start somewhere.
Stick around this forum long enough and that hair will start thinning out .
Roids are hell on hair...maybe not the first few years but after 4 or 5 yrs it takes its toll...
Funny thing...i never had the honor of letting steroids take my hair
Strong ass high schooler . Thats just about my PR numbers now (got a higher squat)
Whats your best numbers now Trukky ?
Idk...1 rep max has 0, zip, nada to do with my goals any more. Lowest i go is 5. Its still strength territory and alot safer too. Didnt you get them vids i sent ya?
Just this cycle i got my 405 front squat, i do 335x5 on bent barbell row, 315x13ish incline barbell depending if its closer or farther away from my carb up day. I enjoy 5's and have no desire to max out on anything
Idk...1 rep max has 0, zip, nada to do with my goals any more. Lowest i go is 5. Its still strength territory and alot safer too. Didnt you get them vids i sent ya?
Just this cycle i got my 405 front squat, i do 335x5 on bent barbell row, 315x13ish incline barbell depending if its closer or farther away from my carb up day. I enjoy 5's and have no desire to max out on anything

I was happy I did 265 for 4 on incline the other day, and you're banging out 13 reps with 315!! Lol Plus I'm weighing 245, which is only what 10lbs less than you? Wish I was 32 again!! I've said that already. :(
I was happy I did 265 for 4 on incline the other day, and you're banging out 13 reps with 315!! Lol Plus I'm weighing 245, which is only what 10lbs less than you? Wish I was 32 again!! I've said that already. :(
Yeah...but you gotta realize. Those are just EGO numbers. Purely combine style

My REAL workout is much more emphasis on the negative. Slow controlled squeezing them titties. Itll be more like 315x6-8 on a real muscle program.

There is a tremendous difference