What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Good job.
What kind of cut is that?

All those veg on the plate are so good.
This bodes well for the transition to a vegan diet you say you will, soon, implement.
Thanks, doll.
Petite sirloin, nothing fancy.

I was just making sure my steak didn’t feel overshadowed. :) Don't worry, I'll save room for the greens eventually, maybe trade in my carnivore card for a vegan VIP pass soon, chickpeas galore most deffo ;)
So far 8 eggs 4 cans of greens 30z chicken and a few yogurts thru out the day. thinking of starting my next cycle on the first day of spring (10days away) if anyone want to join me.
Another day, another opportunity View attachment 320620
Brother I gotta lot of love for the work ethic, but I can’t look at another picture of your unseasoned, beige chicken and eggs, you’re the embodiment of newly single man and it’s depressing the fuck out of me, DM me your email I’m sending you a cookbook and a link to tinder, enough is enough
Is there salmon skin on the bottom? Eat it! Good source of DHA (fish oil fatty acid)

No this is Costco’s Kirkland frozen salmon. Believe the bag I buy has 10 or so pieces of salmon like this. It comes with the skin off. I’m the only one in the house that eats salmon and typically when you buy a salmon with the skin still on it’s a big piece of fish so I buy these.