On 140mg of test cypionate through a very popular online clinic, currently dosing .2ml EOD. Just finished up on 9.5 weeks of anavar I had prescribed by the same clinic. Felt amazing on anavar, haven't done bloods yet but I'm sure my SHBG and lipids are crushed. Pre anavar I was injecting subq 3 times a week and my SHBG was at 20 (16.5-55) it was 27 pre TRT over the years.
Am doing a lean bulk and slowly adding size. Nandrolone scares me because of the potential mental side effects, I was on SSRI for over 2 decades, so I wonder if that plays a role. MENT is interesting, but kind of a wild card, primo is too, but I think it'll cut my e2 down too far. A low or moderate dose seems to keep some people feeling good long term on TRT though. Nandrolone is offered through the clinic and would be 70-100mg I am guessing.
Looking for something long term, that pairs well with minimal side effects. Was very happy with anavar but can't stay on it long.
Am doing a lean bulk and slowly adding size. Nandrolone scares me because of the potential mental side effects, I was on SSRI for over 2 decades, so I wonder if that plays a role. MENT is interesting, but kind of a wild card, primo is too, but I think it'll cut my e2 down too far. A low or moderate dose seems to keep some people feeling good long term on TRT though. Nandrolone is offered through the clinic and would be 70-100mg I am guessing.
Looking for something long term, that pairs well with minimal side effects. Was very happy with anavar but can't stay on it long.