What to add to TRT with low normal SHBG? Low dose nandrolone, MENT or Primo?

I'd have to get prop UGL, as they aren't going to give me an RX for MORE t lol. That is cool that it doenst burn.

Anavar seemed to cause some hair loss but not a lot, I suppose because I wasn't running a lot. Primo is a concern for sure
I got prop prescribed , said I wanted daily injections etc
I got prop prescribed , said I wanted daily injections etc
Yeah but I already have an RX for cypionate, so they are not going to give me anything "extra", I would just blast and run out too early. You can reorder soon enough to stockpile but it takes time. I could have ordered weeks ago but keep forgetting, by the time it comes in I'll probably be almost out of what I have, so not really ahead
I believe there was a dr that has done deca for over 20 years non stop, so apparently it doesn't give everybody issues.

Outside of 3 days thet I took 48.5mg, I did 24mg of anavar, ended up being like 9.5 weeks. It felt GREAT.

Why prop over just upping the cyp? I am already extremely prone to PIP, not sure what the deal is there, still working it out
Yeah, there's a lot of other factors. Most people don't do deca once and wind up with CVD. There's been thousands and thousands of guys that have done nandrolone and the vaaast majority didn't have anything close to that problem.

Because prop would let you do a shorter cycle. Maybe you're still just getting used to pinning? Maybe you could use smaller pins. I use 28 gauge, 1/2 inch tips. Super painless. If you're using big thick pins then that will increase pip.

For me subq always had HORRIBLE PIP. I would get welts. It was awful for weeks. Switching to IM fixed it, of course I had virgin muscle pain for like a month then it got better.
Yeah but I already have an RX for cypionate, so they are not going to give me anything "extra", I would just blast and run out too early. You can reorder soon enough to stockpile but it takes time. I could have ordered weeks ago but keep forgetting, by the time it comes in I'll probably be almost out of what I have, so not really ahead
What about a short cyp blast 500 x 8 weeks with oxandrolone, that way still get scripted stuff and should get some gains
Yeah, there's a lot of other factors. Most people don't do deca once and wind up with CVD. There's been thousands and thousands of guys that have done nandrolone and the vaaast majority didn't have anything close to that problem.

Because prop would let you do a shorter cycle. Maybe you're still just getting used to pinning? Maybe you could use smaller pins. I use 28 gauge, 1/2 inch tips. Super painless. If you're using big thick pins then that will increase pip.

For me subq always had HORRIBLE PIP. I would get welts. It was awful for weeks. Switching to IM fixed it, of course I had virgin muscle pain for like a month then it got better.
I was doing 31g 5/16 subq, it was working more often than not, and then it was weeks of knots like you.

Delts just won't take it, not sure why, been trying VG area with mixed results. Using a 28g 1/2 now
What about a short cyp blast 500 x 8 weeks with oxandrolone, that way still get scripted stuff and should get some gains
I'd have to save some up, but should be doable, I think. I do have some leftover sun Pharma shit from CVS, it's what I started TRT on but it burned like crazy (subq), so I switched over to Hallandale. I may try it again today and see if it's tolerable now
Shallow IM.

I wonder how long between running anavar. It seemed to help heal some nagging stuff as well
I was doing 31g 5/16 subq, it was working more often than not, and then it was weeks of knots like you.

Delts just won't take it, not sure why, been trying VG area with mixed results. Using a 28g 1/2 now
With 5/16 maybe you were getting some inside the sun rather than under it? IM takes practice.
With 5/16 maybe you were getting some inside the sun rather than under it? IM takes practice.
I think you're right. The thing is it was unpredictable on when it would happen.

IM is difficult because I can't really inject left handed (missing part of a finger, knuckle and permanent nerve damage), no fine motor skill, which gives me less places to inject. I've done it, just ends up being jackhammered as my hand is all over the place, it works in a jam, but probably doing some damage lol. Getting better at using the right at odd angles.

Just tried the sun Pharma stuff for the first time since August. It didn't burn going in like it did before, but when I started I was doing it subq. Will see if it gives me delayed PIP like the Hallandale does when injected shallow IM. I have about 1400-1500mg of that left, and when I refill RX I should have a few extra weeks there or so, as I'll get my new stuff before I run out of my current Hallandale. If I can run this sun stuff, it's WAY cheaper than Hallandale, less than a third.
Also just cuz something is dht doesn’t mean it’s gonna effect hair. Anadrol leaves my hair alone mostly dianabol with lawn mower it in weeks. Idk what dbol reduces to though. Test dbol murder my hair. Tren meh. Anadrol meh, methylstenbolone? Bye bye hair. Dmz Superdrol? Nothing. Nandrolone? Idk yet. M1t bye hair. M1a idk I forget what else I’ve used