What to use instead of nolvadex


New Member
was wondering what I can use instead of nolva. Reason being is I had acute pancreatitis 8 years ago from chantix and read nolva can cause acute pancreatitis. I don't want to risk getting acute pancreatitis again. I have done many cycles since, but always left nolva out. Any options would be greatly appreciated.


for pct you could use tamox, ralox or clomid. personally i would stack tamox with clomi for 4-5 weeks as pct. but maybe you can just go with clomid .
if your talking for on cycle use then use an AI not a SERM.
dex at 0.25-0.5mg eod is usually a good dose.
whats your cycle going to be?
For a guy that miss spelled the word "juiced" he surprisingly seems to know what he's talking about.
hahaha man i remember in i think 06 i was making an account on a forum and juiced was taken so i put juced and figured it would be a bit unique and a simple google would then bring me up with more ease (if someone wanted to) and i just stuck to that way of spelling it for a bunch of forums... but then it just ended up with people asking me if i knew i miss spelled juiced* !!!! : / hahaha
but thank you! haha :)
hahaha man i remember in i think 06 i was making an account on a forum and juiced was taken so i put juced and figured it would be a bit unique and a simple google would then bring me up with more ease (if someone wanted to) and i just stuck to that way of spelling it for a bunch of forums... but then it just ended up with people asking me if i knew i miss spelled juiced* !!!! : / hahaha
but thank you! haha :)
Yeah I was just bullshitting with you anyway man lol.
Don't way to use nolvadex/tamoxifen bc of a possibility of it causing acute pancreatitis. In the past, I use clomid only on pct and really never had to use nolva during cycle and never used it for pct bc of what I stated above. Say my nips get sore or puffy on gram of test what will work besides nolva
Don't way to use nolvadex/tamoxifen bc of a possibility of it causing acute pancreatitis. In the past, I use clomid only on pct and really never had to use nolva during cycle and never used it for pct bc of what I stated above. Say my nips get sore or puffy on gram of test what will work besides nolva
you should be using an AI on cycle NOT a SERM..... thats an outdated way and we know better now. use an AI NOT a SERM.... on cycle it WONT lower estrogen, an AI will and help you keep it at healthy levels....
you should be using an AI on cycle NOT a SERM..... thats an outdated way and we know better now. use an AI NOT a SERM.... on cycle it WONT lower estrogen, an AI will and help you keep it at healthy levels....
Thanks bro, since never using dex before to control bloat ect. Should I use dex at .25 eod. Appreciate it
Anyone here try raloxifene instead of Nolvadex to help with gyno? Already use AI but if gyno shows I like Nolva and the pharmacist is out. Thoughts? Dosages? Thx
This is crazy I was gonna grab some from him as well for on cycle but he's out
I was offered ralox or torem but I don't know how they are suppose to be ran on cycle with conjunction of an ai.
was wondering what I can use instead of nolva. Reason being is I had acute pancreatitis 8 years ago from chantix and read nolva can cause acute pancreatitis. I don't want to risk getting acute pancreatitis again. I have done many cycles since, but always left nolva out. Any options would be greatly appreciated.



Based on a FDA review in which the frequency of acute pancreatitis in those whom had taken Chantix for more than one month approximated 0.00042% almost ANY drug would be suspected ti have a similar association.

In fact the etiology of your pancreatitis would be just as likely to be diagnosed as "idiopathic" had you not been using Chantix.
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Yea maybe they didn't know and just told me that. But, I was drinking that night thought I had alcohol poisoning. Maybe a conjunction of both; however, they didn't think the alcohol caused it though. Because liver looked too good. Was years ago though just want to be on safe side. Pancreatitis was so painful I couldn't walk
The alcohol didn't cause it!

Yea right, ALCOHOL just so happens to be the LEADING "drug" related CAUSE OF PANCREATITIS, and there are no close seconds, LMAO!
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you should be using an AI on cycle NOT a SERM..... thats an outdated way and we know better now. use an AI NOT a SERM.... on cycle it WONT lower estrogen, an AI will and help you keep it at healthy levels....

Sorry but SERMS and not AIs are the DOC for GCM whether on or off cycle!

In addition, for many a better way to control E-2 related "bloat" is also a SERM.
Pancreatitis is a well recognized complication of ETOH use fella and NORMAL LFTS do not in any way rule out such an association.

Keep drinking and you'll soon discover its a fact related to acute or chronic "alcohol poisoning", lol!

Maybe next time you won't be so lucky and develop a more severe case of pancreatitis based on RANSONS criteria.
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It happens with chronic alcoholics. Guess you were the doctor who saw all my values. Lmao

Between January 2004 and October 2012, 69,972 adverse events were reported to the FDA regarding Chantix use. Of these 69,972 adverse events, only 15 reports of pancreatitis relapse were forwarded to the FDA or 0.0214%. Meanwhile, 60-75% of pancreatitis cases are related to alcohol use. Sorry to burst your bubble but Dr. Jim is correct. You are not a special butterfly and the alcohol is almost assuredly the problem.
To be honest, I don't drink anymore. It happened over eight years ago and I drank for about six of those years after. Nothing ever happened again. So I guess you are telling me the "specialist" was a idiot. The people who have pancreatitis are usually alcoholics. i was not an alcoholic. Guess you all are correct I am not arguing over what happened.
Did I imply, insinuate or make any remarks about a "specialist", NOPE.

Some people hear what they want to hear and for a "specialist" to minimize the relationship of ETOH to pancreatitis yet emphasize its relationship to another drug such as Chantix in which the association is UNKNOWN, is just BULL SHIT on YOUR PART, not his.

There's no way a "specialist"
would have stated "you have pancreatitis but it's due to Chantix rather than ETOH".

Get your facts straight and read WHAT IVE POSTED rather than hear what you want to hear!
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