New Member
That isn't the only reference Jimmy but regardless, if someone is overly sensitive to estrogen and one drug works more than 50% of the time whereas the other only about 10% of the time does that not say anything to you? Also consider the fact that SERMs are superior in almost every other circumstance as well
Have you ever had gyno?
Yes I got bunk stane a few years ago and for the first time ever I experienced the joy that is gyno! LOL Luckily i hopped on ralox relatively early and it quickly got it undetectable and from that point forward my ai rtotcol was adequate to prevent it from returning.
This is where we disagree. An AI will effectively manage the E2 levels of the user but not prevent gyno. The studies back this up as well as the anecdotal experiences of doctors and users.
I do not argue with this. I don't recommend throwing in a SERM just bc and I do recommend managing estrogen levels.
I know you arent one for just throwing things in just because. I think if your solely looking at gyno prevention and what is most effective I certainly wouldnt argue that a serm is.
IF and this is a BIG IF, your sole goal was to prevent gyno. My goal in running the ancillaries I do are to enable me to run aas as safely and side effect free as possible. I have found that in my case, gyno falls under the umbrella of me properly managing my e2 level with an ai. I really do not think that is at all unique. Honestly I dont understand how someone could. The fact is it is pretty easy to make the correlation between e2 levels being manged or not and gyno occurring or not occurring.
Lets look strictly at our circumstances, the one where exogenous androgens are being introduced. How many cases of gyno occur when estrogen is not elevated? Not many, in fact i would almost go so far as to say gyno will not occur without the presence of excess estrogen. That being said how can someone say that an ai, in our circumstances, is not a very effective gyno prevention tool? It most certainly is! Were it not the majority of aas users would in fact need to resort to using a serm because in the doses that we take in aromatizing androgens it would be almost impossible NOT to get gyno yet here we are, the majority of people , and I mean the vast majority, that manage e2 with an ai do not in fact get gyno.