What’s everyone’s rHGH titration schedule?

What do y’all do to titrate up to your desired dose? In an attempt to mitigate any and all sides as much as possible I decided to go with genotropin’s prescribed starting dose and titration (0.04mg/kg/week) or 1.35iu for me, and go up .1iu a week till I get where I’m going (3-4iu 5 on 2 off depending on feels/testing). I assume this is a rather wussy titration schedule tho, so I’m curious what y’all do?
Going up .1iu per week will take ages. I’d do at least .25 to .5 increase per week. The side effects I experienced went away quickly when I backed off. Every body is different.

Started second week of October.
Week 1: 1iu
Week 2: 2iu I had some mild swelling of the hands and woke up to them tingling. Went back down to 1.5.
Week 3: 1.5iu
Week 4: 2iu
Week 5: 2.5iu

Sitting at 2.5iu and doing great. I plan to cruise around this dose until I finish cutting. Then we’ll see where we go.
Going up .1iu per week will take ages. I’d do at least .25 to .5 increase per week. The side effects I experienced went away quickly when I backed off. Every body is different.

Started second week of October.
Week 1: 1iu
Week 2: 2iu I had some mild swelling of the hands and woke up to them tingling. Went back down to 1.5.
Week 3: 1.5iu
Week 4: 2iu
Week 5: 2.5iu

Sitting at 2.5iu and doing great. I plan to cruise around this dose until I finish cutting. Then we’ll see where we go.
Yah, I know it’ll take forever to get up to dose but I’m really looking to avoid cts cause I type for a living. Phizer says not to go up by more than .5iu a month for minimal sides. Maybe I’ll push it to .2iu a week.

How impactful were your sides at 2iu? And how long did they take to go away?
How impactful were your sides at 2iu? And how long did they take to go away?
I could still lift, type all day, etc. Not debilitating at all. I felt a watery fullness in my hands and forearms that I didn’t like.

The other issue is that I woke up two nights in a row to the tingles. I typically sleep with my arm under my head so that didn’t help.
On the third day I went back down to 1.5iu and had no issues on day four. I think that some may try and power through the sides rather than just backing it off. Not trying to convince you to jump up faster by any means. Do what feels right.
I could still lift, type all day, etc. Not debilitating at all. I felt a watery fullness in my hands and forearms that I didn’t like.

The other issue is that I woke up two nights in a row to the tingles. I typically sleep with my arm under my head so that didn’t help.
On the third day I went back down to 1.5iu and had no issues on day four. I think that some may try and power through the sides rather than just backing it off. Not trying to convince you to jump up faster by any means. Do what feels right.
That seems pretty minimal sides honestly. I am looking to get to at least replacement dose quickly. There’s so little solid information on this subject out there. The anti-aging clinics also taper up super slow. I also don’t want to squander time tho.
Day 1: Entire Kit, 120iu
Day 2: re order kit.

Nah jk but I really never did this titrating. Just lower purity and Higher dimer I think gives more sides. Like lethargy. I'm using pretty damn good generics atm, 97.9% low dimer and I take 3 or 4 ius and feel fine.

Only way to know if you're actually doing a replacement dose is (in a perfect world) don't have started HGH, pull your igf score with a blood test, then start at 2iu... you have to replace your current Base levels and increase from there right, because your base will be suppressed now.

So if your base is 170 and 2 iu puts you at 230, you got a decent replacement going. This is all conjecture, every body is truly different and your liver health will play a factor in igf output... but really if you're taking it for HGH purposes only, I'd say 2iu a day of pretty good stuff is gonna get you far. 3iu I'd better, no need to go past this assuming you have great hgh .
I just went up 25-50% at a time when I started at 1iu. Haven’t gone above 4-5iu tho so it didn’t take long to get there. Example- 1iu, 1.5iu, 2iu, 3iu, 4iu, 5iu. I went from 1iu on day 1 to 3iu within the first week without issue
Day 1: Entire Kit, 120iu
Day 2: re order kit.

Nah jk but I really never did this titrating. Just lower purity and Higher dimer I think gives more sides. Like lethargy. I'm using pretty damn good generics atm, 97.9% low dimer and I take 3 or 4 ius and feel fine.

Only way to know if you're actually doing a replacement dose is (in a perfect world) don't have started HGH, pull your igf score with a blood test, then start at 2iu... you have to replace your current Base levels and increase from there right, because your base will be suppressed now.

So if your base is 170 and 2 iu puts you at 230, you got a decent replacement going. This is all conjecture, every body is truly different and your liver health will play a factor in igf output... but really if you're taking it for HGH purposes only, I'd say 2iu a day of pretty good stuff is gonna get you far. 3iu I'd better, no need to go past this assuming you have great hgh .
Yeah, I have my baseline from before I started hgh or peptides (which I did prior to hgh) and I was gonna wait a few months to check in on how I’m responding. I’m going to around 3iu and see little need to go over that.
No impact from ramping dose so quick?
No problems. Only problem I've had recently is some hand numbing/forearm pain due to holding water. But that was only at 4-5iu, 10-20iu insulin split prewo and postwo, and eating ~650g carbs a day. Seems that some people can't handle as much gh while bulking as they can while cutting due to the extra water they hold from the extra carbs/calories/sodium/etc.
No problems. Only problem I've had recently is some hand numbing/forearm pain due to holding water. But that was only at 4-5iu, 10-20iu insulin split prewo and postwo, and eating ~650g carbs a day. Seems that some people can't handle as much gh while bulking as they can while cutting due to the extra water they hold from the extra carbs/calories/sodium/etc.
I am in that boat. I was going up .5IU every 10days. Once I got to 4IU and hunger increased I naturally increased carbs and experiencing water retention and painful back pumps where I cannot workout properly. Never had any cts. but feel numbness at night but its manageable.
I currently take 4IU daily, dividing it between morning and evening. The only noticeable effect so far is feeling drowsy after each injection. I feel like I am missing out on all of the side effects you guys talk about.
I currently take 4IU daily, dividing it between morning and evening. The only noticeable effect so far is feeling drowsy after each injection. I feel like I am missing out on all of the side effects you guys talk about.
i wasnt splitting the dose. I started to split the dose. For sure less back stiffness and pain, however I do feel the drowsiness after the shots but not too bad. I feel like sides are down after splitting the dose.
i wasnt splitting the dose. I started to split the dose. For sure less back stiffness and pain, however I do feel the drowsiness after the shots but not too bad. I feel like sides are down after splitting the dose.
Interesting, maybe I’ll experiment more soon…

On another note, I hurt my back squatting maybe a week and a half ago and it still hurts to stand and walk fml. I haven’t noticed the hgh making it better or worse so we will see what happens.
Interesting, maybe I’ll experiment more soon…

On another note, I hurt my back squatting maybe a week and a half ago and it still hurts to stand and walk fml. I haven’t noticed the hgh making it better or worse so we will see what happens.
I’m assuming you’re going to take a break from back exercises. I can’t swear enough by BPC for injuries. Along with horrible tendinitis it also fixed a nagging shoulder pain. It may help you along with the GH. As a disclaimer I healed those injuries with BPC solo a few months back.

On topic, I do notice at 2.5iu nightly I’m recovering faster.
I’m assuming you’re going to take a break from back exercises. I can’t swear enough by BPC for injuries. Along with horrible tendinitis it also fixed a nagging shoulder pain. It may help you along with the GH. As a disclaimer I healed those injuries with BPC solo a few months back.

On topic, I do notice at 2.5iu nightly I’m recovering faster.
I've got ten kits of BPC and 15IU HGH, currently administering both twice a day. BPC seems to target joints, offering relief for my knee pain, but other discomforts persist – back pain, tennis elbow, and wrist pain.

Considering the higher HGH dosages, I'm concerned about potential impacts on my blood glucose. I've been forgetting morning checks, so it's time to set a reminder – the last thing I want is to risk diabetes with these dosages!

Edit, I have insulin in case I need it and I supplement Berberin twice a day.