@biggerben69 how much it goes now a serostim kit?
Back when I began my love affair with this product in 2005, it was understood that a 126iu kit of Serostim was going for $250 on the streets of Palm Springs, CA. The price was a little higher in LA.
I figured that amount was settled on because script holders get 4 Kits a month. $250 x 4= $1,000. A nice round #.
On the forums they were being sold for $700 to $800. Today, in the same areas, the price is between $400 and $450. If you find a guy with kits to sell you can get them for $350 dollars or so. Things are more "organized" when it comes to buying and selling HIV drugs in some areas.
These days guys selling them have an idea of what they can get for them. You can look up the retail cash paying price without insurance at any specialty pharmacy in your area and see the cost of a monthly supply of Serostim(4 kits) is $23k, give or take. Every script holder I have ever come across in CA doesn't pay a dime for their kits so when they sell it's all profit. No co-pay. It's $$ in their pocket.
There are so many things to talk about when it comes to Serostim and the role it's played in the different social circles you'll find the kits in.
Some of you older guys may remember that Dave "Jumbo" Palumbo was convicted in Federal court of distributing counterfeit Serostim and was sentenced to a year and one day in prison.
While gh isn't Scheduled like it's close friend AAS, the FDA has made GH the only approved drug that cannot be prescribed for off label use. What's more, the FDA has designated each brand of USA manufactured gh for a specific affliction.
Back in the 1980's the feds gave Serostim the nod to be the only GH that can be prescribed to treat the wastìng syndrome associated with hiv/aids.
This is why when it comes to USA pharm grade GH, Serostim is far and away what you will find being sold in gyms and anywhere you find legit USA pharm grade GH being sold.
Why? Serostim script holders get 4 Kits a month(i can only speak for CA ). They either pick the kits up each month or they are delivered to their homes. Gym rats and people looking for GH are aware from those who share the same interests that came before them.
Drugs that treat this disease, that back in the 80's came with a swift death sentence, have improved to the point that the disease isn't detectable in carriers. The fact is that people aren't dying from wasting any longer.
You'll find Serostim more than any other gh because the other brands are prescribed to kids with short stature and some other things that find kids deficient in gh. The parents of these kids are far less likely to divert their children's meds and sell them to meat heads or anyone else for that matter.
I could go on and on. Don't dare me to!! Time to eat. Thanks for the tag, Sampei