What's your current old man cycle?

That makes me think you are doing 150mg once week. Is this correct?

Have you tried splitting it, 75 and 3.5 days later 75, or maybe even 50mg each on M, W, F?
Absolutely, I just never noticed a difference and quite frankly hate pinning unless I'm on a mild blast. Then I'll do mon and thurs. I feel great with the current protocol and don't have any crashes even if I go 7-9 days w/o a shot. The only benefit I see for me doing a bi or tri weekly injection protocol would be to quell the hematocrit elevation. I generally do a double red donation 2x a year so it doesn't bother me and I actually wanna be at 50-53 as I'm transporting o2 better. Im not adverse to shots just between the test,hcg,and now bpc157 I'm using to quell golfers elbow it feels tedious.
I’m not quite 40, but I’m 37. I figure that’s close enough to be get some insight from this forum. I’m running 500 test, 500 EQ, 100 deca for some water to help with joint support, so I don’t really count it too much, and 100 tren ace for the next 4-6 weeks. I try not to go over a gram of gear per week on my cycles, but I need this one. I’m finally all the way healed up from a severe MRSA infection that had me hospitalized for 9 weeks. I’ve been home a couple months and I’m cleared on everything so it’s time to get the fuck after it and bulk the fuck up since I already put on some mass from not doing shit for 9 weeks. MRSA bacteremia came from a pectoral tendon tear I got last August.
I'm switched to a 300 mg cruise this past week. If Feb bloods are good I'll hop back on.
I think I'm going to drop my Test to 300 for this blast. I'm holding on to a lot of water for some reason. I don't know if it is the EQ or what. None of these compounds has ever caused me this much water retention but I'm just going to assume it's the test. I think most people would say its the deca, but it's only 100 mg.
What's all my older guys running this winter and how you feeling?
I'm currently on 300 primo, 500 test c, 8iu gh. Feel great four months in. Labs are fine hdl is lower of course but that's it. I'm almost out of primo so I've got decisions to make. I'm eating 3500 cals a day.
So what you taking?

Did a 24 week blast (mild) on Test E 750 and Mast E 600(first time using anything other than test) between June and November. Bloods tests at the start,midway and end. Results were all good(ish). Felt fine besides the first month, Felt a bit off sonpkayed with doses and titrated slowly til I felt good.

Currently cruising on

250mg Test E weekly
250mg Mast E weekly
7mg Reta weekly
5iu HGH daily
20mg SLU-PP-332 daily
100mg 5 Amino 1mq daily

Thinking about adding GHK-CU in a couple weeks.

This cruise is based on nothing but Bro Science, how I feel and my bloods which I'll draw next week.
Currently NPP and Test P at 50mg each everyday. Still keeping my weekly 125mg test cyp injection going as well to keep from having to allow it to build back up after the current cycle. Up 9lbs in roughly 13 days. Was planning on just running 4 weeks on vs 4 weeks off but may extend it to 6 weeks depending on how I feel at the 4 week mark.
I think I'm going to drop my Test to 300 for this blast. I'm holding on to a lot of water for some reason. I don't know if it is the EQ or what. None of these compounds has ever caused me this much water retention but I'm just going to assume it's the test. I think most people would say its the deca, but it's only 100 mg.
Yeah I hate the bloat. I haven't had much trouble with it now that I'm older. I do try and keep diet and hydration on point and that helps too. 300 is a good number.
Really wanting to go 12 to 16 weeks of:
Test 600mg wk
NPP 300mg wk
Primo 300mg wk
and Superdrol 10 to 20mg day for the last 10 to 14 days.
But the SD at age 50 might be a bit much.........
Really wanting to go 12 to 16 weeks of:
Test 600mg wk
NPP 300mg wk
Primo 300mg wk
and Superdrol 10 to 20mg day for the last 10 to 14 days.
But the SD at age 50 might be a bit much.........
I try to stay away from the orals at 50, but mainly because I've beat my liver up.
I try to stay away from the orals at 50, but mainly because I've beat my liver up.
I think all orals give me heartburn and cause digestive issues if taken routinely. Like I have woken up several times choking on lava like stomach acid.

I have a feeling that guys that live on Omeprazole are going to wish they would have dealt with the root issues instead of covering it up with Omeprazole.

I don’t think the occasional Halo tabs are a problem but I’m officially done with all other orals. I’m 45 and orals have caused me problems for several years now. Plus they turn on the oil glands in my face up to max production.
I'm 41 and currently 62,5mg Testo E and 50mg Masteron EOD and 20mg anavar ed.

Not Like in my twenties with 1g Tren +++ but not Bad Feeling good
Did you comment in another thread about nevibolol and cardio and heart rate? If not, would you comment here, please?

I have been considering switching my metoprolol to nebivolol, but I did no like the comments others were making about not being able to get their heart rate up and one or two commenters remarking on a higher perceived effort during cardio on nebivolol
38 here. Even on 2.5mg nebivolol I'll notice I can't get my heart rate as high on cardio. Seems to do well at getting my heart rate down though. And I don't notice any side effects so I think it's a pretty effective at what it does. The combo of testosterone cream, HGH, and tirzepatide bumps it from the 60s to the 80s.
Question for all you older folks if you have a sec to help out a newbie (Id appreciate the help). Ive been on Test-C for about 8 weeks now. Started low, and worked it up to 500mg/wk and been on that a few weeks.

On the upside, I noticed my body is changing. Veins suddenly poping out on arms and legs. I was in much better shape (by a long mile) in my 30s and that had never happened. Im seeing definition changes for the better as well. But... I dont really care about those things. I wanted to "feel" better in terms of energy. That was the main goal.

First, of lesser concern, I havent noticed any big gain at the gym. Yes I made gains but Ive worked out long enough to know that those would come regardless. They arent big enough for me to say "wow... this is not normal." I am a roid newbie so I was expecting "newbie gains" but I havent seen any.

The most frustrating thing is I dont feel like I have more energy at all. Im still forcing myself to go to the gym. Yesterdays workout was like that. I just felt tired the entire time. Performed fine, but I was sort of hoping they would bring back that feeling of energy to help me work out longer or just feel more pumped while working out. Is this not the case for testosterone?

Just to cover the basics; I have improved my diet significantly since i started (1g protein/lb weight). Weight has increased since I added more food. Sleep is the same as always my whole life and is inconsistent at maybe 6 hours a night. Bloods were ok at week 6. Some lipid issues that I am currently working on (5mg rosuva). Recently (when I upped to 500mg test) I started 1mg arimidex and added 500iu HCG. I am on 2.4iu HGH daily as well. But nothing seems to help with the energy issue. I feel no different on 500mg test than I did as a natty in terms of energy. Is this normal?
How are you're E2 Levels?
I think 500mg Test per week could bei too much for your Goal more Energy.
Around 250mg Test ist my sweetspot then I have to add Masteron for more Testosterone