Whats your worst experience with a Cycle?

Lets hear it lads, my 3rd cycle i had a pin stuck in the quad when it snapped after i sneezed and tried to pull it out with tweezers

completely ruined the leg had to goto ER, embarrassment and half, was living with room mates at the time

had to stop cycle, was peaking week 4 on 750 test E
Mine is lame by comparison... was using Tren E and pushed my dosage way WAAAY too high.. was sweating through 3 towels a night for several weeks and had to keep explaining to the gf that I was not in fact going to die.
Mine is lame by comparison... was using Tren E and pushed my dosage way WAAAY too high.. was sweating through 3 towels a night for several weeks and had to keep explaining to the gf that I was not in fact going to die.
How high did you push the dose ?

Fuck that sucks man , I’m on 400mg tren ace right now , smooth sailing this far (this is my second time running it, first time was 300 tren a a week, which also went smooth)
Maybe I’ll try tren e down the road for less pinning but it would suck to react badly and then having to wait a month for it to bleed off

Personally I haven’t really had any super bad reactions to anything , no horror stories ….I never really liked orals , tried a few anavar and tbol cycles , both those compounds just didn’t do much for me , dbol I liked got strong - I’ll say this I was always pretty happy when the bag of pills was almost empty and I could count down the days till I’d be off the orals - they just kinda wore me out by the end of it and I was happy to hop off…
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How high did you push the dose ?
Don't want to say because I ended up well north of anything sane or responsible (because I was new and stupid as a box of hair).

I still use Tren E on occasion but I use vastly less.
Don't want to say because I ended up well north of anything sane or responsible (because I was new and stupid as a box of hair).

I still use Tren E on occasion but I use vastly less.

Oh geeez - over or under a gram? Lol
That’s cool man at least you learned from your mistakes and are man enough to admit ya fucked up hard !

Was brutal night sweats the worst of the side effects ? Or did ya get a lil fucky in the head as well?
I honestly can’t bring myself to do long ester tren …heard to many horror stories. I’ll stick with ace.
Newb, didn't understand jack sh*t and screwed my hormones up so bad that I had extreme cystic acne all over back and legs (scars refused to disappear so had to tattoo the entire back to hide it).
My swimmers without overexag disappeared and when I c*me I literally had to squeeze a rockhard pebble that no joke bounced on the floor.
BP horrible, but heart survived without complications.
Lastly, no remedy worked, had to go on Dr.Scally program and luckily that reset me close to normal, but never felt good normal, so today I am on TRT.
Was probably my 4th or 5th cycle. Ran test at 500mg, Mast at 400mg and Tren Ace I started at 300mg but I was dumb and wasn't satisfied so I kept up the tren dosage until I got to 490mg. Was an intense roller coaster of emotions. When I came off the tren I had a mental breakdown of sorts and cried for like 3 days straght. To make matters worse post cycle blood work showed I was estrogen crashed so I had my estrogen in the dirt the entire cycle essentially.

I wasn't ready at all, was inexperienced and I just kept pushing the dosage up and up when I should of left it lower.
Was probably my 4th or 5th cycle. Ran test at 500mg, Mast at 400mg and Tren Ace I started at 300mg but I was dumb and wasn't satisfied so I kept up the tren dosage until I got to 490mg. Was an intense roller coaster of emotions. When I came off the tren I had a mental breakdown of sorts and cried for like 3 days straght. To make matters worse post cycle blood work showed I was estrogen crashed so I had my estrogen in the dirt the entire cycle essentially.

I wasn't ready at all, was inexperienced and I just kept pushing the dosage up and up when I should of left it lower.

What did you use for estrogen control on that cycle and at what dose ?
Lets hear it lads, my 3rd cycle i had a pin stuck in the quad when it snapped after i sneezed and tried to pull it out with tweezers

completely ruined the leg had to goto ER, embarrassment and half, was living with room mates at the time

had to stop cycle, was peaking week 4 on 750 test E
The worst nightmare for me, I just hate needles.
Was brutal night sweats the worst of the side effects ? Or did ya get a lil fucky in the head as well?
Never did anything to me mentally.

Sweats and acid reflux are always my easy tells that I have gone above the fairly low threshold of tren dosing I can tolerate well.
Tren. I was a sweaty mess 24/7. Accused a very good woman of cheating on me with her cousin. Acted like a completely paranoid dick. All that just to accomplish something that could be accomplished with a myriad of other AAS and dialing in my diet.
This is a slightly different perspective than the rest of you but I was beginning a cut and running Test Tren and Mast. This type of cycle can fuck with anyone mentally at least a little bit. Around 3 weeks in when the drugs are kicking in hard, my fiance of many years comes home one day and tells me she doesn’t want to be with me anymore and takes all her shit and leaves. Within a day. This combined with the gear turned my world upside down pretty much. I still finished the cycle but my fat loss was blunted from the stress 100%.
Lets hear it lads, my 3rd cycle i had a pin stuck in the quad when it snapped after i sneezed and tried to pull it out with tweezers

completely ruined the leg had to goto ER, embarrassment and half, was living with room mates at the time

had to stop cycle, was peaking week 4 on 750 test E
You win. Broken needle tops anything I have.
This is a slightly different perspective than the rest of you but I was beginning a cut and running Test Tren and Mast. This type of cycle can fuck with anyone mentally at least a little bit. Around 3 weeks in when the drugs are kicking in hard, my fiance of many years comes home one day and tells me she doesn’t want to be with me anymore and takes all her shit and leaves. Within a day. This combined with the gear turned my world upside down pretty much. I still finished the cycle but my fat loss was blunted from the stress 100%.
Crazy dude , can’t believe she was up and gone just like that - I also can’t believe you finished the cycle - lol that’s some dedication man !

I hope in the end it all worked out for you.
Mine isn’t as bad as others in this thread but my first injection was test 400mg/1ml, my thought was more bang for your buck. Boy was I wrong, walked around with a limp for a couple days.
only bad thing i ever experienced was horrible acne on deca

anything else i was fine but deca destroyed my skin. luckily i am naturally pretty tanned so it doesnt show but i know its there


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