When do you see legs grow?

Pick exercises that you can recover from, i.e. those with a good stimulus to fatigue ratio. Take them close to failure, which if you're not experienced will be hard to guess at. Finally, run your cycle out to 20 weeks.

I didn't know that, But a little bit of gear goes a long way. especially if you train like a psychopath. I've got mates running rediculous amounts of gear that barely train, seems they are just throwing their health down the toilet for nothing. stop taking gear and shrivel up like a raisin.

He’s obviously talking shit, mate. Love Tom though.
I’ve definitely had my fair share of challenges with leg growth. I’ve found that focusing on exercises like squats and leg presses, and pushing them to failure (without going overboard) made a huge difference for me. As for recovery, you’re totally right—finding that balance is key. I tried running a cycle for around 18 weeks last year, and it seemed to give me just enough time to see solid results. Also, I’ve gotten my gear from some Canadian sources—steroids online canada has been pretty reliable for me, quality has been good, so I haven't had any issues with it. Just my experience though!
2x per week until you no longer need to (ie legs are a strong body part)
If you want big legs you gotta train them hard. Don’t neglect hamstrings.

If you’re going for bigger squat you can be doing squat 2x and variant 1x a week. This you will of course want to monitor and deload cns. For size should have no need