When to ditch SARM?


New Member
So I have been taking RAD140 for 5 weeks now and decided I might as well just get on real gear for my first cycle. I’m in my 5th week of RAD140 and started 500 test and 150 primo last week.

I have seen benefits from the RAD, like strength and muscle fullness, but want to just quit it because my liver panel wasn’t the best the other week (doctor pointed to something else it is more likely to be, but I’m suspicious because doctors don’t know much about SARMs). I don’t want to sacrifice any gains though while the test/primo are building up - or should they be good to go after 11 days starting them? I’m not having any side effects from the combo.

Sorry for the newbie question!
Just stop taking the sarms. You’re taking real gear now. If you have to lower your bench press by 20lbs for two weeks while the test+primo saturate, is it really going to be the end of the world for you? What do you care about more- your liver, or having a few extra veins showing?

If you want to use gear safely you should start to think of this as a long term investment. If you keep training and eating properly you shouldn’t even see a difference.
Check out steroid plotter. It'll show when test levels elevate and when they're saturated. Assuming you're using Test C or E you'll start noticing it and it'll be at peak saturation in 4 weeks but it starts working once you inject. If you've been on test for 11 days you're probably good to stop the rad now your test levels should be slightly supra physiological already. You could always do 3 more days of Rad and stop at 14 days on test

This whole thing sounds pretty slapdash. I hope you did your homework, have ai and some nolva or ralox on hand. You really shouldn't just go around winging these things
Yes today, SARMS seriously gave me more side effects than Testosterone. "no side effects" is a market gimmick to lure in teenagers. My friends first Rad140 cycle gave him more sides than his first test e 500mg cycle.

You wont lose any gains in the transition
So I have been taking RAD140 for 5 weeks now and decided I might as well just get on real gear for my first cycle. I’m in my 5th week of RAD140 and started 500 test and 150 primo last week.

I have seen benefits from the RAD, like strength and muscle fullness, but want to just quit it because my liver panel wasn’t the best the other week (doctor pointed to something else it is more likely to be, but I’m suspicious because doctors don’t know much about SARMs). I don’t want to sacrifice any gains though while the test/primo are building up - or should they be good to go after 11 days starting them? I’m not having any side effects from the combo.

Sorry for the newbie question!

Brother you're on test and primo now. Welcome to the big boy club. Use whatever SARMs you have left but I wouldn't be purchasing more.
Testosterone compared to sarms is like comparing vodka against light beer.

No point drinking beer on top.
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So I have been taking RAD140 for 5 weeks now and decided I might as well just get on real gear for my first cycle. I’m in my 5th week of RAD140 and started 500 test and 150 primo last week.

I have seen benefits from the RAD, like strength and muscle fullness, but want to just quit it because my liver panel wasn’t the best the other week (doctor pointed to something else it is more likely to be, but I’m suspicious because doctors don’t know much about SARMs). I don’t want to sacrifice any gains though while the test/primo are building up - or should they be good to go after 11 days starting them? I’m not having any side effects from the combo.

Sorry for the newbie question!
That's your very first cycle, isn't it? If you want to run gear long term go for lower dose......diet, nutrition, support supplements, hard workout and recovery are more key in this case. Go for a calorie surplus. Start with 300mg Test per week first and see where you are in 4-6 weeks. You can always pin more.....you go any AI on hand? Are u supporting your liver, heart and kidney?
You should have never started taking sarms, they are not going to give you any advantage over traditional anabolics. Also they are less studied on humans.

You need to consider that sarms are processed through the liver and the same as oral steroids they are going to mess with your lipids.

Also never run anything without a test base.

Sarms on good dosages for building muscle & strength already lose their selectivity which is their selling point (ie: safer than traditional steroids which is a total big bullshit).
That's your very first cycle, isn't it? If you want to run gear long term go for lower dose......diet, nutrition, support supplements, hard workout and recovery are more key in this case. Go for a calorie surplus. Start with 300mg Test per week first and see where you are in 4-6 weeks. You can always pin more.....you go any AI on hand? Are u supporting your liver, heart and kidney?
Thanks to everyone for their replies, very helpful and supportive community. And very much appreciate the critical feedback from everyone. I stopped taking the SARM after the first two members suggested I stop it.

Replying to you because you asked questions - it is my first cycle and I'm going to keep it to 20 weeks max. Still undecided on whether I want to PCT or cruise after. I think my diet is OK - lots of oatmeal, chicken, fish. I'm tracking calories and am in a surplus, have noticed changes on the scale and visually. I didn't approach dosing as conservatively as you suggested - I front loaded with 1g of test in the first week to get to peak concentration (with Pharma, not UGL, so I know it was legit) and was going to do 500mg a week going forward. I haven't had any symptoms of high estrogen I don't think, but I do have aromasin and arimidex on hand. I'm getting bloods next week.

Trying to support liver with NAC, milk thistle, and TUDCA, but my doctor yesterday said she's not confident milk thistle or TUDCA will do anything. I'm supporting heart with fish oil, and kidneys by drinking a lot of water. I'll do more research on what supplements I can add unless you see something I'm clearly missing.
No Way Wtf GIF by Harlem
Trying to support liver with NAC, milk thistle, and TUDCA, but my doctor yesterday said she's not confident milk thistle or TUDCA will do anything. I'm supporting heart with fish oil, and kidneys by drinking a lot of water. I'll do more research on what supplements I can add unless you see something I'm clearly missing.
Looks like your supplements are dialed in. Good work there man.

Gotta be careful with the rad. It absolutely nukes your lipids. It did make me pretty strong on it, I will say that. Also got constant nosebleeds due to insane BP.
I'm not an expert at all, I did only 2 cycles until now, but trained 20y. natural before and after done my bloodwork started with gear. I got a coach who's supporting me in case off.

I like that you informed yourself about the support supps, that's exactly what you need. But anyway "1gr front load" never heard of that.......and why? Go for 16 weeks, start with low T (like 300) and rise up after a few week, maybe you are happy with everything after 5 weeks and no need to go higher. So you can go higher in the second cycle. Am I wrong or too cautious? I don't know. With gear you need to be patient......health is always number one prio.....isn't it?

Sorry mate, don't want to confront you, just try to help.

How old are you btw?
I've consulted with many meso members, IFBB pros, chemists, biologists, and the likes about your SARM question OP, and it was unanimously agreed to that this is the best SARMs protocol currently on the market

Keep this on the low though. We can't have this ground-breaking SARMs protocol getting out


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