Where start at 52.....


New Member
5' 6 220lbs @ 52 years old.

A little history. Started lifting at 17 steady until 23. Got fairly strong for a smaller guy, never huge.(No drugs and not enough calories (protein). Topped out at 178lbs in what I would consider good condition (roughly 15% bf, never super lean but very faint abs). Took a short break, back at it again by 25 thru 30 years old. After that very off and on every 6-8 months. (Started 2 businesses and became a father to twins at 32, workouts stopped). Picked back up in 2012 when I hit 232lbs, was able to get down to 185 after 6 months of dieting. Lost both businesses shortly after, and got depressed. 2013 slight tear to my left calf, too tough to have surgery, so it healed that way. 2015 I injured both achilles tendons, both still hurt at times. Doc says there was no tears they could find. Felt like knife sticking into my heals for months. Gotta love baseball.....:D Spent the next 8 years half assing workouts and life. Dug out of deep depression last September and hit the home gym after years of dormancy. Weighed 219.8lbs on Sept.8th. (I journal everything). I had lost a ton of lean mass over the years. Down to 140ish LBM.... hella fat. Sept through Dec.27th, 3 day splits with cardio for 30 minutes pre workout and 1 hour on "off days". Dropped calories to 1500-1800 on most days. (I have a very sedantary desk job).... Kept carbs below 60g /protein 150ish daily / fats (looking at now) - way too high. 70-90g per day (olive oil on salads and MCT in protein shake).

I struggled to push through mightly in late december, no energy, exhausted at all hours, and I couldn't see any difference physically. Mentally I just couldn't concentrate. Sleep was and still is all messed up. (Maybe 5 to 6 hours of broken sleep). I took a home test to check T levels. Results came back low at 212.

Sick of being fat and tired, but not sure I want to commit to TRT for the next 20 years. Contemplated peptides, for fat loss along with a GHRP. However, it seems like those things are just a band aid, and covering the fact my hormones are out of wack.

Not really sure where to go from here. I want to lose the body fat and part of me still wants to get jacked..... ala "the sliced and diced grandpa thread". Biggest issue is lack of energy and motivation.

I attached my test results. Feel free to comment, criticize, etc.


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5' 6 220lbs @ 52 years old.

A little history. Started lifting at 17 steady until 23. Got fairly strong for a smaller guy, never huge.(No drugs and not enough calories (protein). Topped out at 178lbs in what I would consider good condition (roughly 15% bf, never super lean but very faint abs). Took a short break, back at it again by 25 thru 30 years old. After that very off and on every 6-8 months. (Started 2 businesses and became a father to twins at 32, workouts stopped). Picked back up in 2012 when I hit 232lbs, was able to get down to 185 after 6 months of dieting. Lost both businesses shortly after, and got depressed. 2013 slight tear to my left calf, too tough to have surgery, so it healed that way. 2015 I injured both achilles tendons, both still hurt at times. Doc says there was no tears they could find. Felt like knife sticking into my heals for months. Gotta love baseball.....:D Spent the next 8 years half assing workouts and life. Dug out of deep depression last September and hit the home gym after years of dormancy. Weighed 219.8lbs on Sept.8th. (I journal everything). I had lost a ton of lean mass over the years. Down to 140ish LBM.... hella fat. Sept through Dec.27th, 3 day splits with cardio for 30 minutes pre workout and 1 hour on "off days". Dropped calories to 1500-1800 on most days. (I have a very sedantary desk job).... Kept carbs below 60g /protein 150ish daily / fats (looking at now) - way too high. 70-90g per day (olive oil on salads and MCT in protein shake).

I struggled to push through mightly in late december, no energy, exhausted at all hours, and I couldn't see any difference physically. Mentally I just couldn't concentrate. Sleep was and still is all messed up. (Maybe 5 to 6 hours of broken sleep). I took a home test to check T levels. Results came back low at 212.

Sick of being fat and tired, but not sure I want to commit to TRT for the next 20 years. Contemplated peptides, for fat loss along with a GHRP. However, it seems like those things are just a band aid, and covering the fact my hormones are out of wack.

Not really sure where to go from here. I want to lose the body fat and part of me still wants to get jacked..... ala "the sliced and diced grandpa thread". Biggest issue is lack of energy and motivation.

I attached my test results. Feel free to comment, criticize, etc.
Don't bother with peptides. Your test is low, low enough to possibly get a prescription from a doctor. Why are you not up for committing to trt? At your age, I figured you would be pretty open especially considering your low testosterone levels.
You do realize whatever you do will be easily reversible by the lack of test? Just gets worse with age

Trt or bust
Where to start?

Accept your age and don't think about the past. We all wanna be 21 again but it's not realistically possible.

Focus on your mental health and not what you look like..

Take exogenous Testosterone ASAP!!!

Prolactin is a bit elevated. This could cause further erectile and sexual dysfunction along with LOW TEST LEVELS.

Take .5mg cabergoline only twice 3.5 days apart then get Prolactin retested in a couple weeks

Also low dose 10mg cialis daily from now
(lowers blood pressure, protects prostate, and easy boners)
This is only advisable for guys in relationships or guys with regular sexual partners. Sexual frustration isn't a good mental state and it's better to have no interest in sex than have a raging boner everyday and nobody to fuck.
People have this weird idea that it is used as a regular antihypertensive.( It was made for pulmonary hypertension)
People have this weird idea that it is used as a regular antihypertensive.( It was made for pulmonary hypertension)

It does lower blood pressure slightly and that was proven in medical tests but that's not a good enough reason for a man to use it everyday.
It will cause more harm than good.
It does lower blood pressure slightly and that was proven in medical tests but that's not a good enough reason for a man to use it everyday.
It will cause more harm than good.
What harm does it cause? Any references for that claim? I see lots of ppl take it daily whether or not they are reaping the big boner benefits
What harm does it cause? Any references for that claim? I see lots of ppl take it daily whether or not they are reaping the big boner benefits

Sides vary from person to person and some guys might tolerate it with no issues but you can read about the `potential` side effects from a simple google search.

Using it `just` as a blood pressure med is IMO a bit silly as you can lower BP easily other ways without drugs (lifestyle and dietary changes).

Also, what's the point of getting constant forced and uncontrollable erections if you've not a sexual partner?
How are you going to deal with the mental effects that come from that level of sexual frustration?

I'm glad that my dick is limp most of the time and my sexual interest is very low these days but I still get hard really easily if I'm looking at something (someone) that turns me on and I don't need cialis/viagra etc just to get an erection. I just need the right kind of visual/sensual stimulus ;)

Getting hard-ons randomly during the day would just be a hassle for me and I'd probably turn into a sex pest/pervert.
Using it `just` as a blood pressure med is IMO a bit silly as you can lower BP easily other ways without drugs (lifestyle and dietary changes).

Also, what's the point of getting constant forced and uncontrollable erections if you've not a sexual partner?
How are you going to deal with the mental effects that come from that level of sexual frustration?

I'm glad that my dick is limp most of the time and my sexual interest is very low these days but I still get hard really easily if I'm looking at something (someone) that turns me on and I don't need cialis/viagra etc just to get an erection. I just need the right kind of visual/sensual stimulus ;)

Getting hard-ons randomly during the day would just be a hassle for me and I'd probably turn into a sex pest/pervert.
Cialis doesn't make me horny. But I have never had uncontrollable erections on it. Atleast on a small dose

I have to disagree with lifestyle/diet changes for hypertension for some people. There is a genetic factor where people do not

I do think Cialis is a very minor BP drug and there is a reason it isn't used as first line for hypertension
Cialis doesn't make me horny. But I have never had uncontrollable erections on it. Atleast on a small dose
Cialis make me a little more chubby down there, guessing it’s increased blood flow. I can’t say it makes me horny all the time, but it has on occasion.

Take exogenous Testosterone ASAP!!!

Prolactin is a bit elevated. This could cause further erectile and sexual dysfunction along with LOW TEST LEVELS.

Take .5mg cabergoline only twice 3.5 days apart then get Prolactin retested in a couple weeks

Also low dose 10mg cialis daily from now
(lowers blood pressure, protects prostate, and easy boners)
Don’t listen to this fucking chud and his cabergoline recommendation. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about let alone be in a position to tell others what to do
Don’t listen to this fucking chud and his cabergoline recommendation. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about let alone be in a position to tell others what to do

You must have excelled in academics with your incredible reading comprehension skills.

To reiterate, my post begins with "HERE IS WHAT I WOULD DO (At your age)"

My recommendation is what I would do personally. I stand by what I wrote.

If my protocol means nothing to you then so be it.
You must have excelled in academics with your incredible reading comprehension skills.

To reiterate, my post begins with "HERE IS WHAT I WOULD DO (At your age)"

My recommendation is what I would do personally. I stand by what I wrote.

If my protocol means nothing to you then so be it.
You mean nothing to me. And regardless of your position on what you would do it is fucking retarded.

But good on you for trying
You mean nothing to me. And regardless of your position on what you would do it is fucking retarded.

But good on you for trying
No reason to be so upset over a disagreement.

If you have better knowledge and advice to offer the man then that would be great!

I would like to hear what you would recommend?
No reason to be so upset over a disagreement.

If you have better knowledge and advice to offer the man then that would be great!

I would like to hear what you would recommend?
@Solocam your apprehension to TRT is due to what? Needles? The three minutes it takes to prep a weekly injection?

You have low testosterone. Your symptoms relate to secondary hypogonadism. You’re older and haven’t kept up in the best shape so your body is fighting back.

I had levels like yours at 24 after a back injury and could not justify living with those symptoms regardless of the life of weekly injections it is a small price to pay for improvements in quality of life and at the
End of the day reduction in all cause mortality.

Your issues are related to an androgen deficiency and will most likely alleviate most if not all of your stated complaints.

You owe it to yourself to seek out a quality endocrinologist who will prescribe according to the American society of endocrinologists standard practice of TRT which is a starting dose of
100mg Testosterone a week
500iu HCG a week
1mg Arimidex per week depending on bloodwork and E2 levels.

That’s it. That’s your starting point where in three months you get new bloodwork and reevaluate for symptoms improving. If they are only slightly improved over six months increase dose of testosterone to 150mg per week. Most don’t need to get up to 200mg to alleviate their symptoms.

Reference ranges dont mean shit and mean less for older populations since symptom control is the priority vs caring at all what your levels sit at. Shoot for top of reference ranges for a young person not a 52 year old if you are paying attention to your reference ranges but they are second fiddle to how you are feeling.

I wouldn’t doubt this will help clear up your continuing issues with depression and motivation and you probably won’t have issues with random erections or risk turning into a sexual deviant.

You are 52. You have nothing to lose and quality of life to gain.

5' 6 220lbs @ 52 years old.
You have a lot of weight to lose, but you haven't lost anything since September. Indeed, you added a pound. Hormones are not your only issue. But you know that, right?

Sept through Dec.27th, 3 day splits with cardio for 30 minutes pre workout and 1 hour on "off days".

So what are you doing for cardio?

What is your heart rate during that cardio? Get it up over 140 beats per minute for at least 20 of those minutes.

So you are doing three days of cardio at half an hour and four days at one hour. Right?

I don't know what "3 day splits" are, but if you are lifting only 3 days a week, then work your whole body 3 times a week. You mentioned home gym. Are you doing the basic compound movements, like barbell squats, barbell rows, etc? Splits are for when you have more days per week than three to devote to resistance training.

Dropped calories to 1500-1800 on most days. (I have a very sedantary desk job).... Kept carbs below 60g /protein 150ish daily / fats (looking at now) - way too high. 70-90g per day (olive oil on salads and MCT in protein shake).

Ok, move protein up to 250 (this is going to require more than 3 meals a day, add protein shakes if you want, but 250 should be from food, not shakes). That is an extra four hundred calories. Push fats down as low as possible, never over 50, but shoot for more like 20, which is difficult but doable. Keep these two relatively constant.

Carbs are the only thing you will manipulate. For now, raise them up some (like to 200). You can lower them or cycle them as you need to in a few weeks in order to get the scale moving in the right direction.

Now this is not If It Fits Your Macros. Eat cleanly. Focus on your tracking so you know what you are putting in your body. No vegetable oils or other chemistry experiments. Protein from meat and eggs. Carbs from oats (no, not that instant flavored packet of shit, Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, not the one minute version, either), rice, potato, sweet potato. Add some greens to one or more meals a day, like spinach, asparagus, broccoli (if you can tolerate broccoli), green beans, and so on.

I took a home test to check T levels. Results came back low at 212.

Sick of being fat and tired, but not sure I want to commit to TRT for the next 20 years.
No good reason not to go on TRT (assuming that "home test" is worth anything), as your testosterone level is very low. It certainly can't hurt. Contrary to what you seem to think however, it won't help that much. It will help, but you are 220 pounds not because of low testosterone. My wife has much lower testosterone than you, but is in much better shape, and I bet her legs are stronger, too.

You must put in the work.

So, do the TRT. I would not hesitate at that testosterone level, but do not expect the testosterone to do the work for you. Gyms are full of fat guys on steroids.

Contemplated peptides, for fat loss along with a GHRP. However, it seems like those things are just a band aid, and covering the fact my hormones are out of wack.

Not really sure where to go from here. I want to lose the body fat and part of me still wants to get jacked..... ala "the sliced and diced grandpa thread". Biggest issue is lack of energy and motivation.

I attached my test results. Feel free to comment, criticize, etc.
Peptides, bleh. TRT is not going to make you a sliced and diced grandpa. Hard work and diet, discipline consistently day in and day out is what will do that.

Motivation? Fuck. That is internal. TRT won't give you that, either. Figure out what you want and then do it. That is what a man does. Waiting on external motivation? No, no, no.

I am older than you, for whatever that is worth. You just need to get up and do these things. Do the TRT, but get to work, Solocam. Don't wait for TRT to get your diet sorted and start intensely training,.