Which steroid makes you feel emotions the most ?

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Yeah gear doesn’t do any of those. Gear actually does the opposite for me. Bro get on an antidepressant if you’re looking for something like that.

Have you tried MENT ?
Does it not get you close to those heightened feelings ?
Not quite.
Makes me pissed at people and unable to enjoy art.

In hindsight I think Test clears unnecessary sentimentality preventing you from getting pissed at those who deserve it, because it doesn't make me pissed at everyone, just those I'm better off ejecting from my life.
In hindsight I think Test clears unnecessary sentimentality preventing you from getting pissed at those who deserve it, because it doesn't make me pissed at everyone, just those I'm better off ejecting from my life.

High dose pure DHT (stanolone) gives me that ability, not Test.
10mg dbol does make music sound better. Not a placebo either, I remember reading this years ago on the internet, but forgot about it, I started taking 10mg dbol PWO and the gyms SHIT speakers and SHIT music had me kind of slightly bob my head to it between sets. This means a lot, because I'm a lunatic who doesn't even listen to music or bring headphones to the gym, I dont enjoy music
You would say people at a festival trying to experience higher emotions with recreational drugs need a reset ?

No, they are just after a transiant high that doesn't require a full life reconsideration.
Not sure mate. I don't do recreational drugs nor have I ever tripped at a festival.
Not sure mate. I don't do recreational drugs nor have I ever tripped at a festival.

You are missing the point, you don't need to ever have experimented with such drugs, I'm making a parallel to show you how irrelevant your comment was.

You can totally understand now the irrelevance of your comment thanks to this parallel.

The fact that you thought you needed to have a first-hand experience to be able to answer instead of thinking about the topic conceptually tells a lot about how much I don't need you on this thread.
10mg dbol does make music sound better. Not a placebo either, I remember reading this years ago on the internet, but forgot about it, I started taking 10mg dbol PWO and the gyms SHIT speakers and SHIT music had me kind of slightly bob my head to it between sets. This means a lot, because I'm a lunatic who doesn't even listen to music or bring headphones to the gym, I dont enjoy music

Thanks !

I'll start on 5mg Dbol + 2mg MENT everyday and see how things go from there.
You are missing the point, you don't need to ever have experimented with such drugs, I'm making a parallel to show you how irrelevant your comment was.

You can totally understand now the irrelevance of your comment thanks to this parallel.

The fact that you thought you needed to have a first-hand experience to be able to answer instead of thinking about the topic conceptually tells a lot about how much I don't need you on this thread.
I mean you're the one that made the thread saying you don't enjoy anything, crying about your feels, and snapping on other members.

Can't tell if you're having a bad week, someone pissed in your cornflakes, or maybe you're just a miserable person.

Either way, grow a pair and handle your s***t
First ill say I love music and working out. I enjoy doing things but as far as love being around people outside of my family, I have yet to experience that. High test and Dbol doesn't do it for me and when I was younger neither did booze or party drugs unless I had a mission like acquiring POA. I guess I'm an asshole narcissist but I don't think I've ever loved or enjoyed being around the general public also none of them know how to drive.
I've only dappled in Test prop and Mast Prop and I feel so great sometimes. I am a musician and at times I'll be playing a song on Spotify and I will be so into it and getting an amazing feeling. Its like being into it for the first time as a teenager. Or on opiates. For all I know its an estrogen spike? I do know if I push them I start to get a little flat feeling and lower the dose for a couple days and then ramp up, I feel great again.
Look up Phenibut, it's a nootropic. Does all 3 things you mention very well. I use it instead of alcohol. Otherwise 10-20mg dbol.
Look up Phenibut, it's a nootropic. Does all 3 things you mention very well. I use it instead of alcohol. Otherwise 10-20mg dbol.
I've known about phenibut for years now but have zero experience with using it. I had a friend who praised it and claimed it changed his life for the better. Then one day he gives me this bag of white powder and says "do you want this it's phenibut, I just don't want it anymore" he didn't necessarily say that it became a problem for him and to me it looked like a lot so I was kind of confused but I obliged and took the bag.

I thought maybe I could use it for sleep but I just put it up and forgot about it. About a week or two later he stops by and says "hey do you have any of that left?" I said yea and went to get it. He looked relieved to see the bag was still full but he also looked disappointed for some reason. I think I understand his disappointment.
I've known about phenibut for years now but have zero experience with using it. I had a friend who praised it and claimed it changed his life for the better. Then one day he gives me this bag of white powder and says "do you want this it's phenibut, I just don't want it anymore" he didn't necessarily say that it became a problem for him and to me it looked like a lot so I was kind of confused but I obliged and took the bag.

I thought maybe I could use it for sleep but I just put it up and forgot about it. About a week or two later he stops by and says "hey do you have any of that left?" I said yea and went to get it. He looked relieved to see the bag was still full but he also looked disappointed for some reason. I think I understand his disappointment.

The only way for your friend to win that fight with any drug is to throw that crap in a river lol
I've known about phenibut for years now but have zero experience with using it. I had a friend who praised it and claimed it changed his life for the better. Then one day he gives me this bag of white powder and says "do you want this it's phenibut, I just don't want it anymore" he didn't necessarily say that it became a problem for him and to me it looked like a lot so I was kind of confused but I obliged and took the bag.

I thought maybe I could use it for sleep but I just put it up and forgot about it. About a week or two later he stops by and says "hey do you have any of that left?" I said yea and went to get it. He looked relieved to see the bag was still full but he also looked disappointed for some reason. I think I understand his disappointment.
extremely severe withdrawal effects on par with benzos. hallucinations etc. my buddy bought some in bulk when it was a lot cheaper, had a great mood for a few months then just stopped hanging out with me, turns out he was just secretly addicted to it, and spent months depressed and withdrawling all messed up mentally. the stuff works, its not just like some harmless BCAA or some shit lol. this stuff is potent AF , part of the reason its banned. works well, extremely long half life leading to side effects
Ive used a ton of it and I can see how many people would just take a little scoop once a day with their coffee thinking its harmless and not realize its affecting them greatly, or people in a rut abusing the hell out of it as tolerence develops quickly. Its not some sort of pre workout supplement or anything, it has a greater abuse potential and harm potential than adderal etc, the stuff works on gaba like benzos, people would be fooled that since its sold in a tub its like a supplement but its definately recreational
I've known about phenibut for years now but have zero experience with using it. I had a friend who praised it and claimed it changed his life for the better. Then one day he gives me this bag of white powder and says "do you want this it's phenibut, I just don't want it anymore" he didn't necessarily say that it became a problem for him and to me it looked like a lot so I was kind of confused but I obliged and took the bag.

I thought maybe I could use it for sleep but I just put it up and forgot about it. About a week or two later he stops by and says "hey do you have any of that left?" I said yea and went to get it. He looked relieved to see the bag was still full but he also looked disappointed for some reason. I think I understand his disappointment.
Pretty sure it's highly addictive stuff, yeah.