Which steroid makes you feel emotions the most ?

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Pregnenolone made feel like shite, not once but i've tried to add it 3 seperate times with different protocols and all of them failed. DHEA is ok..not that i feel anything, but preg..man, after 2-3 days i start feeling depressed, unmotivated and sick of living. Tried morning, tried before bed, tried regular, tried micronized, nothing. So, never again.

That's interesting. It's really wild the variability of hormonal agents from person to person versus any other class of biologically active compounds.

It did the exact opposite for me. Killed anhedonia and made me want to socialize.

That's like npp, the couple times I briefly played around with it (both times were only 10-14 days) it.made me feel absolutely incredible mentally, stress and anxiety free and just in a generally great mood. Where as some people hate the stuff. The long term consequences of 19-nors just freak me out too much to ever take a serious run at
That's interesting. It's really wild the variability of hormonal agents from person to person versus any other class of biologically active compounds.

It did the exact opposite for me. Killed anhedonia and made me want to socialize.

That's like npp, the couple times I briefly played around with it (both times were only 10-14 days) it.made me feel absolutely incredible mentally, stress and anxiety free and just in a generally great mood. Where as some people hate the stuff. The long term consequences of 19-nors just freak me out too much to ever take a serious run at

From the little i've known pregnenolone has soothing effects since it affects progesterone while dhea is doing the exact opposite, hence why most "gurus" suggest taking DHEA in the morning and preg before bed.

That thing you say though with nandrolone has me worrying a little since i'm planning to run npp in my next blast in couple months, i hope i don't experience the same effect as preg. I've tried test, primo, hcg, aromasin, dozen of supps and nothing had a direct impact on my well being and feelings except preg. I've had almost 3 times out of range e2 and didn't felt a thing. I'm taking 60mcg clen, 10mg yohimbine and a energy drink first thing in the morning and don't feel a thing lol. I see results, i have legit stuff confirmed by bloods and in general i feel good, better than i was natty, but all in all i'm not a feelz guy at all and this thing with preg was the first it shooked me. Not in a good way though.
Pregnenolone made feel like shite, not once but i've tried to add it 3 seperate times with different protocols and all of them failed. DHEA is ok..not that i feel anything, but preg..man, after 2-3 days i start feeling depressed, unmotivated and sick of living. Tried morning, tried before bed, tried regular, tried micronized, nothing. So, never again.
Could of been the dosage or even the brand i got some liquid and felt amazing on preg and dhea
Yeah this is actually true.

I notice a massive difference in the way I'm treated when I'm super lean with a chiseled face vs bloated, and/or higher bf%

This is especially noticeable with women (the difference in treatment is actually sad and highlights a level of shallowness)

I even feel like you get more respect from gym bros and workplace associates when lean. Idk there some kind of psychological factor to it that maybe garners more respect from both genders? Not sure on which psychology component is most influential for this, can only speak to the results.

I like my test dose around 250-375 with high mast as well. Mast really sucks the water from the face when lean

“the difference in treatment is actually sad and highlights a level of shallowness”

Women don’t tell the whole truth about what they want in a man? Water is wet my guy
You don't believe lean guys have bloated faces on roids? There's hardly any shredded guys who don't have one while using gear.

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Mast does not convert to DHT (test does) and is not DHT.

Anyway, more drugs just bloats up your face. Mast just bloats it a lot less than test, which takes a tiny bit to bloat you up.

Watch how much water you lose when you drop down from blast to TRT dose. (A fucking shit ton)
I guess if you have a ton of lean mass and have to use a lot of drugs, at some point your face will be unable to stay lean. However, most of the guys here aren’t at that level and should be able to lean their face out with diet, conditioning, and prudently choosing compounds.

I didn’t mean DHT when talking about mast per se, rather DHT derivative, which should either mask or lower (in case of mast mostly mask) estrogen, and itself elicit more masculine features.

What was your e2 on test 125 by itself fully saturated? Could you lower it w/more frequent pins?
I guess if you have a ton of lean mass and have to use a lot of drugs, at some point your face will be unable to stay lean. However, most of the guys here aren’t at that level and should be able to lean their face out with diet, conditioning, and prudently choosing compounds.

I didn’t mean DHT when talking about mast per se, rather DHT derivative, which should either mask or lower (in case of mast mostly mask) estrogen, and itself elicit more masculine features.

What was your e2 on test 125 by itself fully saturated? Could you lower it w/more frequent pins?

My e2 is in the 20s last week on trt test + mast. It has little to do with estrogen. BBers in prep crush their e2 and still look bloated as fuck.

All drugs bloat your face and make you look unhealthy. Test/Deca seem to do this the most. Mast the least, but it still does it.

GH makes you hold a lot of water as well. We've probably all been on gear for so long we forgot how much better we look when we finally drop all the drugs.

My e2 is in the 20s last week on trt test + mast. It has little to do with estrogen. BBers in prep crush their e2 and still look bloated as fuck.

All drugs bloat your face and make you look unhealthy. Test/Deca seem to do this the most. Mast the least, but it still does it.

GH makes you hold a lot of water as well. We've probably all been on gear for so long we forgot how much better we look when we finally drop all the drugs.
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In your case you weren’t wrong. Do what you gotta do I guess
My e2 is in the 20s last week on trt test + mast. It has little to do with estrogen. BBers in prep crush their e2 and still look bloated as fuck.

All drugs bloat your face and make you look unhealthy. Test/Deca seem to do this the most. Mast the least, but it still does it.

GH makes you hold a lot of water as well. We've probably all been on gear for so long we forgot how much better we look when we finally drop all the drugs.
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You kine of look like Matt ogus post cut
Pregnenolone made feel like shite, not once but i've tried to add it 3 seperate times with different protocols and all of them failed. DHEA is ok..not that i feel anything, but preg..man, after 2-3 days i start feeling depressed, unmotivated and sick of living. Tried morning, tried before bed, tried regular, tried micronized, nothing. So, never again.

Same, makes me feel depressed and pissed.

Do you get that same feeling from melatonin ?
My answer not a steroid but clomid. Clomid made me an emotional crying wreck over nothing.

Steroid wise, tren gives me a shorter fuse but no real rage and dbol and halo give me a strong sense of well being even though they kill my liver values and jack up my BP.

I don't really notice any other differences in emotions when on other steroids.
Same, makes me feel depressed and pissed.

Do you get that same feeling from melatonin ?

Apparently not. Usually i'm taking 10-15mg every night, i went up to 20 and still not any bad sides. Same with GABA, ashwaganda and stuff like that. I have years to try 5-htp but as fas as i remember i was ok with that too. Thing is i don't experience bad sides but also not seeing any significant effect as well. Perhaps i have a higher tolerance, or need extremely high dosages to "feel" certain things.
Anyone else feeling pissed and angry at everything from melatonin ?
Anyone else feeling pissed and angry at everything from melatonin ?


Don't know why this is not common knowledge. Melatonin makes me absolutely pissed and aggressive at everything after waking up, i'm like this the whole day.

Never taking this shit again, i tried it many times, it's 100% the melatonin. Way worse than rage fits from steroids.


Don't know why this is not common knowledge. Melatonin makes me absolutely pissed and aggressive at everything after waking up, i'm like this the whole day.

Never taking this shit again, i tried it many times, it's 100% the melatonin. Way worse than rage fits from steroids.

Oh wow, i didn't know that's a thing. Too bad for anyone experiencing this, melatonin is one of the best if not the best brain antioxidant and when using gear it's very helpful.
Oh wow, i didn't know that's a thing. Too bad for anyone experiencing this, melatonin is one of the best if not the best brain antioxidant and when using gear it's very helpful.
It is important to get a solid 8hrs of sleep with melatonin if not it can make one angry but as long as i get my sleep i'm good no problems others might be different as it seems.
It is indeed a good tool if it suits the person using it.
It is important to get a solid 8hrs of sleep with melatonin if not it can make one angry but as long as i get my sleep i'm good no problems others might be different as it seems.
It is indeed a good tool if it suits the person using it.

Thankfully i don't have these issues. There are times i can't get a proper sleep even with 20mg melatonin and 1500mg gaba. I had the luxury to get 9-10 hours of sleep but most of the times i'd wake up after 5-6 hours and then i couldn't sleep again. Even then i haven't noticed any changes in my temper, just a little groggy but nothing a double espresso can't fix.
Thankfully i don't have these issues. There are times i can't get a proper sleep even with 20mg melatonin and 1500mg gaba. I had the luxury to get 9-10 hours of sleep but most of the times i'd wake up after 5-6 hours and then i couldn't sleep again. Even then i haven't noticed any changes in my temper, just a little groggy but nothing a double espresso can't fix.
Its a real bitch when you have the luxury of being able to sleep 8 to 9 hours if you can but you can't stay asleep and end up only getting around 5 hours.

For me the bendadryl, belsomra and gabapentin work best without that hangover or foggy feeling the next day.

Most of these sleep aids do indeed recommend you get at least 7 hours of sleep when you use them or users often experience issues.