Which steroid makes you feel emotions the most ?

It's amazing, truly life changing for anxiety. I've used it for exams several times and always done well. I don't take it directly for sleep, but it gives you very deep sleep.

But i think the main use for it is partying/social events/festivals. Music sounds better, mood is better, you are very social and talkative on it, you like everyone around you, it's very stimulating. I used to do it once a week, but nowadays i've gotten older and rarely party/go out so i use it once in a blue moon. It's very addictive so the horror stories you hear from people are from those who lack self discipline and control, or people who struggle with high anxiety in their daily life, so they take this nootropic to feel "normal", and they end up abusing it every day or take very high dosages.

First few times i've experienced euphoria on it, but i think my body got used to it now, so i just get in a very social and happy mood while on it. I don't drink/take drugs so it has been a great tool throughout the years when going out with friends who all drink and do drugs. It's harmless and doesn't fuck with your gains.

Oh yeah i've also used it for many first dates lol, it's very helpful for that.
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It's amazing, truly life changing for anxiety. I've used it for exams several times and always done well. I don't take it directly for sleep, but it gives you very deep sleep.

But i think the main use for it is partying/social events/festivals. Music sounds better, mood is better, you are very social and talkative on it, you like everyone around you, it's very stimulating. I used to do it once a week, but nowadays i've gotten older and rarely party/go out so i use it once in a blue moon. It's very addictive so the horror stories you hear from people are from those who lack self discipline and control, or people who struggle with high anxiety in their daily life, so they take this nootropic to feel "normal", so they take it every day or in high dosages.

First few times i've experienced euphoria on it, but i think my body got used to it now, so i just get in a very social and happy mood while on it.

Just drop some LSD like a normal person.
@Sector Yep
Anything that directly affects the GABA receptors scares the fuck out of me. Whether its phenibut, booze, barbs or benzos they can really mess with your mind if abused. DTs from alcohol was the scariest experience I've ever had, worse than any "bad trip".
Yeah anything mind altering should be approached with extreme caution

I also think, within the context of this being a harm reduction board that we should be careful about glamorizing the use of recreational drugs. It's one thing to maybe talk about the struggles with such substances, but reccomending them to a person who isn't feeling well is an entirely different story
"Have you tried phenibut" "just take lsd"

These shouldn't even be reccomended. It will just send OP down a further spiral of chemical imbalance/dependence
Yeah anything mind altering should be approached with extreme caution

I also think, within the context of this being a harm reduction board that we should be careful about glamorizing the use of recreational drugs. It's one thing to maybe talk about the struggles with such substances, but reccomending them to a person who isn't feeling well is an entirely different story
"Have you tried phenibut" "just take lsd"

These shouldn't even be reccomended. It will just send OP down a further spiral of chemical imbalance/dependence
You say this, but in my limited history with roids, I've felt good enough at times I'd call it a mind altering experience. Enough where I was worried about a comedown. Just combination of Mast/Test and it was like great Kratom.(With Vitamins and uv rays) Which I am not a proponent of at all (kratom).
I have yet to try Dbol.
Have you tried MENT, and does it feel like a supercharged Dbol ?

Never tried ment. But from all the steroids i've tried, i only felt really good on dbol.

Dianabol (Metandienone) has been shown to affect GABA(A) receptor function in the brain. Chronic treatment with Dianabol increases GABA-stimulated chloride (Cl-) influx in cortical synaptoneurosomes, indicating enhanced GABA(A) receptor activity. This effect persists for a short period even after discontinuation of the steroid but eventually returns to baseline levels.

The mechanism behind this involves the metabolic formation of neuroactive steroids, specifically 3alpha-androstanediol and androsterone, which potentiate GABA-stimulated Cl- transport. These metabolites have potent stimulatory effects on GABA(A) receptors, while other metabolites, such as those with a methyl group at the 17alpha position, do not exhibit this activity.

In summary, Dianabol enhances GABA(A) receptor function through its metabolites, which may contribute to its anxiolytic effects and influence on behavior.

Actually HGH makes me feel the best.

Because you sleep better or do you have some other mental benefits from it?
Dbol makes me feel good almost euphoric at 15-30mg/day. But all in all nothing feels as good as dialed in TRT long term apart from maybe being a natural with healthy T levels.
Have you tried MENT ?
Does it not get you close to those heightened feelings ?
Now that I think about it, I felt absolutely amazing on ment. Libido was through the roof, I took a lot of anastrazole, like 3mg a week to keep estrogen from taking over. I feel like tren makes me feel like I’m achilles mentally for the first 6-7 weeks then not so much. Halo made me insane. Probably ment for feelings of overall wellness
Now that I think about it, I felt absolutely amazing on ment. Libido was through the roof, I took a lot of anastrazole, like 3mg a week to keep estrogen from taking over. I feel like tren makes me feel like I’m achilles mentally for the first 6-7 weeks then not so much. Halo made me insane. Probably ment for feelings of overall wellness
It's been years since I've run halo. Might have to give it another go soon. I miss those adrenaline surges

What dosage were you running?
I experience the same. When it comes to women rejection count is almost zero when I'm leaner and much higher when bulky or above 15-16% body fat.
even regular interactions in public, going from 10% to 16% is a different world. at 10% I can do no wrong and people actively want to help me and smile. at 16% I act the same and people look at me sideways. Like a dumb blonde that hit a wall in her 30s but still acts like shes 22. I spent weeks thinking I needed plastic surgery or something, that I grew ugly overnight but I was just fat.

