Advice for my cutting cycle please.


New Member
i am recently started HGH and now using 2 IU everyday and looking or advise which compound
i shoudl use for my cuttign cycle for 15 week in total.
Iam 1,70M tall and weight 78KG and around 18-20% bodyfat. recently finish my bulke with test 500mg and
npp 300mg for 10 weeks in may and now cruising on 175mg test.
Now looking for advise for a cuttign cycle to get to the 10-15% BF.

1. 500mg Test-E and 350mg Primo per week for 15

2. 300mg Test-E and Tren ace 100mg per week (tren only for 10 weeks)

3. 300mg Test-E and Anavar 50mg the last 8 weeks
I would just keep the test at cruise dose and diet that way. At 20% body fat, which if that’s what you’re guessing it’s probably a little higher, I think stuff like primo is a waste. Maybe raise the test a little bit but that’s all IMO.

You just finished your blast and you're not big enough to need a ton of gear to hold onto your muscle in a deficit.

Keep your GH and stick to a trt dose of test and you'll be golden
I would just keep the test at cruise dose and diet that way. At 20% body fat, which if that’s what you’re guessing it’s probably a little higher, I think stuff like primo is a waste. Maybe raise the test a little bit but that’s all IMO.
Yea guess so , better safe it for recomp after shed all the BF.
Yea guess so , better safe it for recomp after shed all the BF.
Props for actually listening to advice lol. Most people just want to argue after not hearing what they want to hear.

As @BigTomJ said, cruise dose test and some gh…cardio and diet. Get down to a low bodyfat and then use those drugs on a rebound blast. You’ll thank us later for this advice. Good luck bro!