who has the fake pandemic exposed?


1. germaphobes. believe it or not, germaphobes (obsessively washing hands, using hand sanitizer) are no more healthy than people who really don't give a fuck about such things.

2. the United States of America - land of the free home of the brave? freedom is dead and those who were clutching to their masks, obeying lockdowns, and first in line for a shot nothing more than virtue sigaling aren't very brave. they want daddy gov't and daddy Pfizer to save them (from nothing). These are the same ones crying about drug prices, big pharma, etc, bowing down and kissing big pharma and government.

3. freedom of speech - speak out against covid or the vaccine, lose your job. lose your medical license, we all know doctors know nothing about AAS, they basically just say as they are supposed to say, recommend drugs too make big pharma money

4. obese people - the only ones dying of covid, although 99% of them survive too.

5. big pharma - no matter how hare they tried, they couldn't come up with a vaccine to stop the "delta variant" of a weak flu. the same ones who can't cure cancer, but can cure HIV for homo's, with all the funding in the world can' stop "covid"

6. liberals. besides hating cops, putting criminals like George scumbag Floyd on a pedestal, worshipping welfare leaches, gender neutral pronouns, the liberals have reached the height of their idocity by promoting wearing diapers on your face and shaming who don't and of course lining up to take a vaccine to stop a common cold

7. the Republican Party- as usual, the party of surrender. wont even take a stand against the bullshit (masks, vaccines, lockdowns). always bowing down to the left wing lunatics.

8. teacher unions- biggest bunch of babies ever, scared to go back to work. every teacher in the world apparently is "immunocompromised" or has. "loved one" who is.