who likes once a week shot for trt more

Been on TRT for 2+ years, 250 mg TestE every TWO weeks.
feel fine
52 years old, very active and about 5/6 hours of gym every week, clean diet...
Sustanon .80 Trt every week atm.
Used to pin every 2 weeks, also tried more frequent pins twice a week. Didn't notice any difference feelz wise, at all.
I think a lot of the talk re frequent dosing being so much better & the importance of maintaining stable levels is bs, at least when it comes to multi esters like Sust.
Test undecanoate every 3.5 days

I could probably go with every week but i prefer injecting a low volume with 30g needle (shallow im)

I tried test enanthate every 3.5 days but i aromatize too much. High e2 and hormones fluctuations give me acne and oily skin
I have only been doing it for 6 months but 150 mg every 4 days seems to work well for me. 1 a week had sides still but the 4 day thing seems to smooth out the sides.
I thought the science says daily would be best, yet people seem to feel better doing 1-2x a week. Seems confusing to me.
From a health perspective i would have to think a fairly stable level that more mimics what happens naturally would be the way to go. My libido seems to do better when things are rising or falling. So choices have to be made between health and feelings it seems to me.
From a health perspective i would have to think a fairly stable level that more mimics what happens naturally would be the way to go. made between health and feelings it seems to me.

What naturally happens is not a stable level. Testosterone exhibits daily, circadian fluctuations.

Your cells aren't bathing in the same concentration of testosterone all day long [naturally].

For TRT, convenience frequently trumps the health perspective. (of course everyone wants both)
What naturally happens is not a stable level. Testosterone exhibits daily, circadian fluctuations.

Your cells aren't bathing in the same concentration of testosterone all day long [naturally].

For TRT, convenience frequently trumps the health perspective. (of course everyone wants both)
That is correct. But i figured everyone would know that already. And was just making a generic statement. Pre TRT my levels were always within 100 points no matter the day or time i took the test. But normal levels do not fluctuate near as much as what can happen with TRT dosing schedules from my reading/experience. Once a week dosing on TRT can have me go from almost 1200 down to just over 400 in 7 days. With daily dosing i stay in the low 800's so only about 50 point change during the day so it is much closer to normal levels. Nothing in the body is totally stable all the time that is just a given for me.