Why does HGH cause little lipomas (small cyst)

Correct. You have to dig some to see where the discrepancy is between the information and the way it’s shown.

but why don’t you try this? Inject your stuff into fat for a week and take notes of how you feel included how many knots you have at injection sites lol

then go under the fat but before the muscle for a week and record the Same info.

if that doesn’t show you what works better then idk what to tell you. I’m guessing you got the Covid vaccine too because they told you it was the smart thing to do?

anyways I’m done. I spent my entire 45 minutes of morning steroid forum time messing with you. Good luck however you decide to inject. But you’ll continue having issues if you keep depositing into fat. Just that simple. Take care.
Sorry man, but one more to pile on to tell you thay you are incorrect. It is called SUBCUTANEOUS fat. It is under the dermis.

The fat is very vascular and is UNDER the skin between the skin and the muscle. It's not like as you gain weight your skin just gets thicker and thicker and thicker. Have you ever seen a deep cut or surgical picture if a fat person? Their skin is thicker, but you can see where the skin ands and the fat subcutaneous begins. Think about liposuction. They suck the fat out from UNDER the skin then stitch the skin back together. Then the person ends up with a bunch of loose skin. If your idea was correct then the OUTER layer of skin would be all stretched but the inner layer wouldn't because it would be smaller in circumference as it didn't have to stretch with the outer layer since the fat was in between the inner and outer layer. That isn't the case at all though. One more point of evidence that you're incoreect

They don't write medical texts in a way that you need to "read between the lines" to figure out the truth or whatever. They write them in a way that is clear and includes pictures and diagrams to ensure they are 100% clear. I urge you to reconsider you point here and listen to the others here, or at least read the sources I cited above and really absorb the info to correct your misinterpretation and incorrect ideas here.

@Predator123 just tagging you so you have the correct info.