Why does Primo kill my libido instantly, even on Tren

This happened to me on my most recent cycle. I wasn't on tren at that time though. As far as a mechanism is concerned, I think it's because primo mimics DHT in the body. Some guys' libido seems to respond well to (or is at least unaffected by) DHT derivatives, but others need real DHT to maintain libido. If primo is competitively binding to whatever proteins that are in charge of maintaining libido instead of DHT, then libido can be affected.

Anavar has always crushed my libido after the first week or 2. I can't speak to masteron, simply because I have not used it enough to give any meaningful insight. I have never used DHB.

This is similar to finasteride syndrome, in which the drug inhibits DHT production. Some guys suffer decreased libido, whereas others have no issues.

While on 350 mg/week tren ace, primo lowers - but does not crush - my libido. The most I've done (as far as I can recall, I don't have my notes in front of me) while on this dose of tren was 280 mg/week of primo enanthate.
Just in case anyone else comes across this thread in their own research...

I've had the same experiences on primo. I grew so concerned when i first used primo that I thought the UGL put in deca or test. There was a decent amount of water retention and I got what felt like deca dick. Out of all compounds I've tried, primo has been the worst. 10mg Cialis just about makes up for it, but you're getting natty libido and sexual performance (not even trt).

Ironically, my libido and sexual function on nandrolone was amazing (as I found out in subsequent cycles). Even on tren, I can get and sustain an erection for an absurdly long time. Cumming is almost impossible though.

My thinking about why primo causes this was the same. (1) potential e2 issues or (2) primo displacing dht in libido/erection cascade.

I've done a blood test 4 weeks after adding 300 mg/week primo to a trt base of 125 test e/week. My e2 was where it normally sits with "trt" test (high normal). So if there are e2 issues, it's more likely to do with primo not allowing e2 to bind/act as normal (given e2 blood levels are unaffected).

The dht displacement theory is also a good one.

This is very sad as I get a lot out of primo. 200mg on top of trt test gives me a very nice, full "genetically gifted but not roided out" look. I can see the benefits in the mirror quite quickly, although I get some facial bloat which isn't great. If I happen to be running 5mg cialis for BP/pump and if I'm not very sexually active, I have thrown in 200 mgs primo towards the second half of a cycle just to get some extra anabolism at low health cost.

As a similar, dht based, low health impacting substitute, masteron is a decent choice.

I really enjoy masteron. Mentally I'm confident and stable; strength boost in gym (to equivalent test dose); libido and sexual performance is greatly boosted too; and there are a lot of aesthetic benefits (details like striations and veins come out). The two downsides are: it does tend to flatten me if I'm not on top of diet. Secondly, I am not sure how effective it is in inducing growth. I grew a on trt test plus 500 deca. I'm not sure I grew a whole lot on equivalent mast dose. (To be clear, I am comparing the gain in LBM 3 months after each cycle ended. Otherwise, it's hard to distinguish the bloat/water retention that deca causes from true LBM).

A cycle i enjoyed was trt test, some deca (400) and some mast (300). Deca tends to make me a little too chilled and lovey dovey and hippie like. Mast kicks up my motivation/drive up a notch to counter balance this affect. Also is a nice addition to any cycle for mood/strength. And I cross my fingers and hope that the extra aas mgs it is providing is translating to muscle growth. And at a lower cost to health than using all deca (700mgs) would have done.

Thats a lot of hoops to jump through to get "primo like effects" without primo libido sides.
Just in case anyone else comes across this thread in their own research...

I've had the same experiences on primo. I grew so concerned when i first used primo that I thought the UGL put in deca or test. There was a decent amount of water retention and I got what felt like deca dick. Out of all compounds I've tried, primo has been the worst. 10mg Cialis just about makes up for it, but you're getting natty libido and sexual performance (not even trt).

Ironically, my libido and sexual function on nandrolone was amazing (as I found out in subsequent cycles). Even on tren, I can get and sustain an erection for an absurdly long time. Cumming is almost impossible though.

My thinking about why primo causes this was the same. (1) potential e2 issues or (2) primo displacing dht in libido/erection cascade.

I've done a blood test 4 weeks after adding 300 mg/week primo to a trt base of 125 test e/week. My e2 was where it normally sits with "trt" test (high normal). So if there are e2 issues, it's more likely to do with primo not allowing e2 to bind/act as normal (given e2 blood levels are unaffected).

The dht displacement theory is also a good one.

This is very sad as I get a lot out of primo. 200mg on top of trt test gives me a very nice, full "genetically gifted but not roided out" look. I can see the benefits in the mirror quite quickly, although I get some facial bloat which isn't great. If I happen to be running 5mg cialis for BP/pump and if I'm not very sexually active, I have thrown in 200 mgs primo towards the second half of a cycle just to get some extra anabolism at low health cost.

As a similar, dht based, low health impacting substitute, masteron is a decent choice.

I really enjoy masteron. Mentally I'm confident and stable; strength boost in gym (to equivalent test dose); libido and sexual performance is greatly boosted too; and there are a lot of aesthetic benefits (details like striations and veins come out). The two downsides are: it does tend to flatten me if I'm not on top of diet. Secondly, I am not sure how effective it is in inducing growth. I grew a on trt test plus 500 deca. I'm not sure I grew a whole lot on equivalent mast dose. (To be clear, I am comparing the gain in LBM 3 months after each cycle ended. Otherwise, it's hard to distinguish the bloat/water retention that deca causes from true LBM).

A cycle i enjoyed was trt test, some deca (400) and some mast (300). Deca tends to make me a little too chilled and lovey dovey and hippie like. Mast kicks up my motivation/drive up a notch to counter balance this affect. Also is a nice addition to any cycle for mood/strength. And I cross my fingers and hope that the extra aas mgs it is providing is translating to muscle growth. And at a lower cost to health than using all deca (700mgs) would have done.

Thats a lot of hoops to jump through to get "primo like effects" without primo libido sides.

Great post. Thanks. Masteron also for me is a must have add-on for me in any cycle.
Just in case anyone else comes across this thread in their own research...

I've had the same experiences on primo. I grew so concerned when i first used primo that I thought the UGL put in deca or test. There was a decent amount of water retention and I got what felt like deca dick. Out of all compounds I've tried, primo has been the worst. 10mg Cialis just about makes up for it, but you're getting natty libido and sexual performance (not even trt).

Ironically, my libido and sexual function on nandrolone was amazing (as I found out in subsequent cycles). Even on tren, I can get and sustain an erection for an absurdly long time. Cumming is almost impossible though.

My thinking about why primo causes this was the same. (1) potential e2 issues or (2) primo displacing dht in libido/erection cascade.

I've done a blood test 4 weeks after adding 300 mg/week primo to a trt base of 125 test e/week. My e2 was where it normally sits with "trt" test (high normal). So if there are e2 issues, it's more likely to do with primo not allowing e2 to bind/act as normal (given e2 blood levels are unaffected).

The dht displacement theory is also a good one.

This is very sad as I get a lot out of primo. 200mg on top of trt test gives me a very nice, full "genetically gifted but not roided out" look. I can see the benefits in the mirror quite quickly, although I get some facial bloat which isn't great. If I happen to be running 5mg cialis for BP/pump and if I'm not very sexually active, I have thrown in 200 mgs primo towards the second half of a cycle just to get some extra anabolism at low health cost.

As a similar, dht based, low health impacting substitute, masteron is a decent choice.

I really enjoy masteron. Mentally I'm confident and stable; strength boost in gym (to equivalent test dose); libido and sexual performance is greatly boosted too; and there are a lot of aesthetic benefits (details like striations and veins come out). The two downsides are: it does tend to flatten me if I'm not on top of diet. Secondly, I am not sure how effective it is in inducing growth. I grew a on trt test plus 500 deca. I'm not sure I grew a whole lot on equivalent mast dose. (To be clear, I am comparing the gain in LBM 3 months after each cycle ended. Otherwise, it's hard to distinguish the bloat/water retention that deca causes from true LBM).

A cycle i enjoyed was trt test, some deca (400) and some mast (300). Deca tends to make me a little too chilled and lovey dovey and hippie like. Mast kicks up my motivation/drive up a notch to counter balance this affect. Also is a nice addition to any cycle for mood/strength. And I cross my fingers and hope that the extra aas mgs it is providing is translating to muscle growth. And at a lower cost to health than using all deca (700mgs) would have done.

Thats a lot of hoops to jump through to get "primo like effects" without primo libido sides.

The face bloat on primo is weird? Have you tried bold? And how would you compare it to primo?
I find Primo/DHB go really well with a small amount of dbol. I think that stack is what took Arnold’s physique to the next level.
I recently was running Test/Tren E/Primo and my sex drive was insane; I recently dropped the Tren, and now it is just Test/Primo (both at 400)...My dick still works, but my "drive" isn't as insane as it was before on all three, so maybe there is something to it. About to add var when it arrives in mail; hopefully as another DHT, doesn't make my libido vanish, if that's what people are saying DHTs can do?
I recently was running Test/Tren E/Primo and my sex drive was insane; I recently dropped the Tren, and now it is just Test/Primo (both at 400)...My dick still works, but my "drive" isn't as insane as it was before on all three, so maybe there is something to it. About to add var when it arrives in mail; hopefully as another DHT, doesn't make my libido vanish, if that's what people are saying DHTs can do?
Maybe.i will trt it way down the road. I think my 4th cycle will be test tren and mast. I am on cycle 2 still.
300 test 500 primo, zero sex drive. Now at 400 test 700 primo, nothing. Here in 2 weeks, dropping to 200 test and either dropping primo to 200 or adding mast in. There is definitely something to primo killing sex drive as I've never experienced this before.
300 test 500 primo, zero sex drive. Now at 400 test 700 primo, nothing. Here in 2 weeks, dropping to 200 test and either dropping primo to 200 or adding mast in. There is definitely something to primo killing sex drive as I've never experienced this before.
I've seen this anecdotally several times. Primo is something I'll never take. If anything took away from my magical mojo, I wouldn't take it, whether it was tylenol, or aas.
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300 test 500 primo, zero sex drive. Now at 400 test 700 primo, nothing. Here in 2 weeks, dropping to 200 test and either dropping primo to 200 or adding mast in. There is definitely something to primo killing sex drive as I've never experienced this before.
What about 500 test 300 Primo?
I've seen this anecdotally several times. Primo is something I'll never take. If anything took away from my magical mojo, I wouldn't take it, whether it was tylenol, or aas.
You just wouldn't be you without a sex drive, haha. I don't blame you for avoiding it.

What about 500 test 300 Primo?
Haven't done that yet, maybe on next blast later this year. About to start a lower cruise so gonna be a while.
Can't say for sure as I have no proof, but my bet is still on the low sex drive issue several of you have mentioned when running primo is due to suppressed E2 levels. I struggle to keep my E2 in the 20's when running primo; probably dropping it to a very low dose to go along with my test and tren. If primo indeed killed your sex drive across the board for everybody, there would be many guys frantically asking the same questions trying to figure out what's going on with their dick, followed by a stark warning against touching primo. However, there are also many who run primo with no libido issues. Whether that's because they have no issues or they just aren't talking about it would be the only unknown.
For some reason when I tried anavar it made me super horny. Although at 500 test 500 DHB I don’t quite feel as horny as I was just cruising on 250 test.
For some reason when I tried anavar it made me super horny. Although at 500 test 500 DHB I don’t quite feel as horny as I was just cruising on 250 test.

From what I am gathering. EQ, DHB, and PRIMO can fuck with your libido. seems like anything that would lower your e2. Obviously not everyone but I wonder if dhb would do that to me like primo
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