Why don't mini blasts work?


New Member
I understand that building muscle is a long term process, and that most cycles are structured in a way that keeps that in mind. However, say you're on 750 test a week, and you take a two week vacation from work, where you all you do is train like an animal, eat right, and get good sleep; AND you take say 80mg Anavar a day.
Would that two week Anavar mini blast on top of the 750 Test be stupid? If so, why?

Why take the Anavar for only 2 weeks? Your already on a blast with 750 test. I guess I'm just confused on what you are currently doing and want to do and your thinking.

If your saying "can I gain extra muscle in two weeks by adding 80mg Anavar to 750 Test?" then ya sure.
Who says mini blasts don’t work?

I got great results from smaller 3-4 week runs using test prop or test prop and NPP stacked. You’re not gonna blow up like a first 12 week cycle but the gains are definitely quality and if you do the 3-4 week on 3-4 week cycle program you will keep and maintain a large portion of the muscle you gained.

I felt like I was able to hold more of the muscle mass mass after 6 months of this protocol over running 12 weeks on and then 12 weeks off.

I don’t want to get too far into the weeds on why I feel this worked better for me and some people but I feel like the receptors getting frequent breaks kept the testosterone more potent over the duration of the smaller cycles.

Disclaimer: these cycles are obviously only compatible with shorter ester compounds.
I understand that building muscle is a long term process, and that most cycles are structured in a way that keeps that in mind. However, say you're on 750 test a week, and you take a two week vacation from work, where you all you do is train like an animal, eat right, and get good sleep; AND you take say 80mg Anavar a day.
Would that two week Anavar mini blast on top of the 750 Test be stupid? If so, why?

The thing about doing small blasts is its hard to hold the muscle. You just end up losing it all mostly by the time you start the next blast. Thats why i cruise on such a high dose so its easier to hold what I gained. I do like long cycles with high cruise doses and I can continue to gain doing it that way.
The thing about doing small blasts is its hard to hold the muscle. You just end up losing it all mostly by the time you start the next blast. Thats why i cruise on such a high dose so its easier to hold what I gained. I do like long cycles with high cruise doses and I can continue to gain doing it that way.
What do you consider a high cruise?
Takes time to go to anabolic state imo. Ie. People who cut starvation mode for a month then binge and bulk for a month just spin their wheels. Look the same

Best results are obtained from consistency. 3 month minimum for bulk or cut. Just more optimal . I prefer 5ish months for bulking and 2-3 months for cutting .
The thing about doing small blasts is its hard to hold the muscle. You just end up losing it all mostly by the time you start the next blast. Thats why i cruise on such a high dose so its easier to hold what I gained. I do like long cycles with high cruise doses and I can continue to gain doing it that way.
I bet you would hold it better than you think on low to no test, and I bet it would rush right back more quickly than you think when you go back on.
The only way to do a "mini blast" with any type of success would be to mega dose.. You can't be playing with 750mg Test and some Anavar..

You would be looking in the realms of 2100mg Testosterone minimum for the base then add high dose of Deca and an oral such as Dbol..

HGH and Insulin would be added to push gains even further in a short time..

These type of cycle were seen in the 90s when an appearance was coming up and maximum size was required.. Food in this time will be pushed to the limits and cardio in accordance to fight off any extra fat..

These short transformations are possible but if you don't keep up the doses the look will soon fade..
The only way to do a "mini blast" with any type of success would be to mega dose.. You can't be playing with 750mg Test and some Anavar..

You would be looking in the realms of 2100mg Testosterone minimum for the base then add high dose of Deca and an oral such as Dbol..

HGH and Insulin would be added to push gains even further in a short time..

These type of cycle were seen in the 90s when an appearance was coming up and maximum size was required.. Food in this time will be pushed to the limits and cardio in accordance to fight off any extra fat..

These short transformations are possible but if you don't keep up the doses the look will soon fade..
I said many times i have a personal friend who’s a competitive bb and he told me if i can’t get it done with just test decca then Winnie in a cut I have no business trying.

I even asked and @BigTomJ agreed ?
Sorry to tag u again. I know u have bigger fish to fry.
I understand that building muscle is a long term process, and that most cycles are structured in a way that keeps that in mind. However, say you're on 750 test a week, and you take a two week vacation from work, where you all you do is train like an animal, eat right, and get good sleep; AND you take say 80mg Anavar a day.
Would that two week Anavar mini blast on top of the 750 Test be stupid? If so, why?

2 weeks of anything is fucking stupid.
I said many times i have a personal friend who’s a competitive bb and he told me if i can’t get it done with just test decca then Winnie in a cut I have no business trying.

I even asked and @BigTomJ agreed ?
Sorry to tag u again. I know u have bigger fish to fry.

Thats ridiculous lol. For one, your friend didn't mention the doses. Second, someone can't just blindly recommend test deca without knowing a persons goals or what sits well with them.
A mini blast will only work for filling your muscles out which can be beneficial if you do the blast to fill the muscle then drop the oral and up your injectable dose to hold the look. This won't go a forever thing but can be done. If you plan to just go back to the regular dose then I don't see the point as you'll just lose the extra glycogen retention pretty quick anyway.
The only way to do a "mini blast" with any type of success would be to mega dose.. You can't be playing with 750mg Test and some Anavar..

You would be looking in the realms of 2100mg Testosterone minimum for the base then add high dose of Deca and an oral such as Dbol..

HGH and Insulin would be added to push gains even further in a short time..

These type of cycle were seen in the 90s when an appearance was coming up and maximum size was required.. Food in this time will be pushed to the limits and cardio in accordance to fight off any extra fat..

These short transformations are possible but if you don't keep up the doses the look will soon fade..
Like you say, that approach definitely works. Was always referred to as a SHIC (Short High Intensity Cycle) on UK forums back in the day, possibly on Yank forums too - just pointing this as searching for “SHIC” might help anyone wanting to learn more.
Thats ridiculous lol. For one, your friend didn't mention the doses. Second, someone can't just blindly recommend test deca without knowing a persons goals or what sits well with them.
Is that y u never posted a pic of urself in 10 years lol? Just gear bottle of tren ?

Drugs are drugs if u can’t make it with test plus 1 u have a mental or drug or training problem. Idiot
Coaches can use this method to pack mirror size on a guy quickly.. All of a sudden the client thinks he's god of gains and pays more money for regurgitated shite.. 3 months of consistent training, eating and the above drugs mentioned in lower moderate doses will cause a big change to anyones physique. . Definitely enough for others to notice.. This will also be a more manageable look and once you cruise you will still look similar rather than lose all glycogen and look flat..

If I had an issue with not been able to train for a couple of weeks at a time, I would plan 16 week cycle of Test and Deca and use my 2 weeks off to recover and grow, up food in this time then when you get 2 weeks in the gym go balls to the wall.. Keep protein high and you would even transform doing that.. Run HGH at 6iu for full 16 weeks alongside..

You can't simply look great after a few weeks it never happened and never will..