Why your dick pills got seized this summer

Is there a tl;dr version?

Essentially, a big network of drug dealer pill mills (fake Oxy made with fentanyl, fake Adderall made with meth), set up fake online pharmacies selling all kinds of medicine, most of which came from one guy who had them sent via the mail from India, and mixed their fentanyl and meth pills in with the other stuff. This made them seem like legit pharmacies and people assumed drugs like the oxy pills were real.

On top of all the "regular" India meds the "Indian connection" guy brought in, he also had real generic Oxy and Adderall sent from India via mail in small packages.

Customers were offered "samples" of the real Oxy and Adderall, then the orders were filled with the fake stuff. A bunch of people ODd.

View: https://www.youtube.com/live/y_AX_a-SefU
@Spaceman Spiff

Your question disappeared but here you go:

Only adderall and oxy were "pill mill" drugs. Everything else being offered was India pharma.

In LE lingo, in this context, "fake pills" mean Oxy made with fentanyl and Adderall made with meth, "counterfeit pills" mean India pharma meds not approved by the FDA, for sale in the US, even though they're legit meds.

They weren't prosecuting anyone for selling "counterfeit" viagra, ambien, or valium, all India pharma in blister packs, even though they were selling those. Small beans compared to the rest of the charges. Because people died, all 18 defendants are 20 year minimums, max life.

Seems a bit off. Why wouldn't they just steal the money? Why give paying people anything at all unless you just want to kill people?