Wifey’s first primo run

How’s the primo working out? Thought about having my girl run it. Currently running anavar from Dictator which she’s showing 0 sign of virilization at 20mg (10 mg AM, 10mg PM) after 3 weeks which makes me think it’s underdosed; which would be a pity.
just an fyi, all the gear I ever bought for my girl was from sources that checked out at anaboliclab.com. I hate guessing when it comes to women
I guess I worded that badly. I was disappointed in comparison to my results.
igf is a funny thing, there is no set number or ratio to use when reading the blood tests. everyone responds so differently. I personally like the blacktops and mauves because there's been so much hplc testing on them, which is the only real way to tell if your hgh is good
@rpbb I was under the assumption that igf levels must be supra-physiological in order to get the fat-loss benefits. Is this true?
A lot of the fat loss comes from the pulsatile increase in GH, that is to say a protocol that is maximizing fat loss may not yield the higher IGF-1 numbers.

Women seem to also respond to GH much poorer than men when it comes to IGF-1, I remember on a private board I used to frequent several people reported that their partners results with GH were underwhelming - even on fairly decent doses of fda approved growth.

I would just stick to low doses and dosed for fat loss (fasted AM around some cardio and with supporting supplements to promote healthy blood sugar levels - if you feel the need to go higher than consider split dosing vs bolus).

Less is more with GH if the goal is fat burn and only fat burn.
A44EAB15-D6E8-45A7-91A4-1E6476741907.jpeg Hi guys. Just a little progress pic for you. She is leaning out so much she can barely pinch belly fat to pin the GH. She is super excited about her body.

Currently still running 2iu fasted daily.
We stopped primo for about a month and she jumped back on. She is also on 12mg cyp per week. @Kim
Man when my ex ran primo it made her a depressed, angry, emotional wreck. It was like while she was on it, she hated me, hated life, and everything was in peril. It was honestly quite terrible. Injectable Primo acetate in particular. Small doses, cut with MCT oil 3x per week. Alternatively, when she was on NPP she was amazing. Extremely happy, energetic and always positive, extremely affectionate, and always horny. It was like NPP made her 10x more in love with me, and everything was perfect, but primo did the complete opposite lol. Runs of anavar and winstrol didn’t have nearly as significant of an effect, compared to NPP and primo.
Man when my ex ran primo it made her a depressed, angry, emotional wreck. It was like while she was on it, she hated me, hated life, and everything was in peril. It was honestly quite terrible. Injectable Primo acetate in particular. Small doses, cut with MCT oil 3x per week. Alternatively, when she was on NPP she was amazing. Extremely happy, energetic and always positive, extremely affectionate, and always horny. It was like NPP made her 10x more in love with me, and everything was perfect, but primo did the complete opposite lol. Runs of anavar and winstrol didn’t have nearly as significant of an effect, compared to NPP and primo.
What did NPP do for her?