Winstrol in a calorie surplus


Well-known Member
I think a lot of guys are sleeping on winstrol in a bulk/recomp scenario. When I’m in a calorie surplus + 50mgs Winstrol I feel incredibly strong within a few days. I’m wondering if anyone else has tried or experienced this?

I know this isn’t placebo because I rigorously log every lift everyday. It’s so significant I worry about injury. For example my max bench is 315x2 after 5 days on 50mgs 315x5, 225x15. I feel an explosive cns drive that I’ve never experienced with any injectables.

My question for Meso, have you ever used Winstrol in a surplus and if so what was your experience?

The gains don’t stop…
I think a lot of guys are sleeping on winstrol in a bulk/recomp scenario. When I’m in a calorie surplus + 50mgs Winstrol I feel incredibly strong within a few days. I’m wondering if anyone else has tried or experienced this?

I know this isn’t placebo because I rigorously log every lift everyday. It’s so significant I worry about injury. For example my max bench is 315x2 after 5 days on 50mgs 315x5, 225x15. I feel an explosive cns drive that I’ve never experienced with any injectables.

My question for Meso, have you ever used Winstrol in a surplus and if so what was your experience?

The gains don’t stop…
I concur with your experience especially WRT FTP on the bike and bench After about 10 days with 12.5 mg/day USP stanozolol my FTP jumped from 300-325 range to 350 W. Scared me so bad a stopped for fear I would keep running it much longer than I should. Extremely effective compound (positively-PED gainz and neg - LFTs, CVD risks).
nearly all orals are going to have a marked increase in strength.
That strength increase is the entire purpose of using orals in the offseason.

the question has to become, "Do you need that temporary strength boost?"
If you are progressing normally and improving month to month then i see little to no reason to introduce any oral compound.
nearly all orals are going to have a marked increase in strength.
That strength increase is the entire purpose of using orals in the offseason.

the question has to become, "Do you need that temporary strength boost?"
If you are progressing normally and improving month to month then i see little to no reason to introduce any oral compound.
I agree that in an offseason context there’s nothing an oral can do that and injectable can’t in most cases. I usually just do really short runs with oral PWO for maybe 10 days on 40-50 off
I think a lot of guys are sleeping on winstrol in a bulk/recomp scenario. When I’m in a calorie surplus + 50mgs Winstrol I feel incredibly strong within a few days. I’m wondering if anyone else has tried or experienced this?

I know this isn’t placebo because I rigorously log every lift everyday. It’s so significant I worry about injury. For example my max bench is 315x2 after 5 days on 50mgs 315x5, 225x15. I feel an explosive cns drive that I’ve never experienced with any injectables.

My question for Meso, have you ever used Winstrol in a surplus and if so what was your experience?

The gains don’t stop…
How does 50 Win compare to 50 test suspension? Ie is the winny strength from having a very big daily amount of androgen suddenly added? I’ll go look on steroid plotters what extra dose of test e would give such a big 50mg more per day rapidly
How does 50 Win compare to 50 test suspension? Ie is the winny strength from having a very big daily amount of androgen suddenly added? I’ll go look on steroid plotters what extra dose of test e would give such a big 50mg more per day rapidly
I’m very new to all of this, 2ish years enhanced and never taken test suspension although it’s on my list. For injectables I’ve used just test and Masteron. Short stints with Anavar, Tbol, Winstrol and I’ve taken dbol like 5 times to get that “good feeling” and I did but made my nipples burn right away so I shelved it.

I have used 150mgs test prop PWO and got crazy pumps from it but not the actual strength and explosiveness that Winstrol gives me.

I was really curious about all this that’s why I posted, I always thought it was for cutting and being under 10% which obviously is where it shines but I think it’s odd that some steroids get labeled as “for cutting” when they could be a useful tool in another context.
If I am going to trash my lipids, ill take 50mg tren ed over 50mg winstrol ed and even then, the tren wont hit it as hard as winstrol.
Is it really that bad on lipids? I know all orals are bad in that aspect but I’m assuming your saying it’s the worst.
Is it really that bad on lipids? I know all orals are bad in that aspect but I’m assuming your saying it’s the worst.

I love winstrol. Love it.

I have 3 bottles rotting. Everytime i go to use it, I cant bring myself to pop the pill. Test/EQ/Mast does everything winstrol does, without jacking my lipids up within a matter of days. Id rather add tren or up the tren dose before I could justify adding winstrol. If I were stepping on stage, sure id use it.

Edit - yes its that bad on lipids. Go snag a blood test while your on it.
I love winstrol. Love it.

I have 3 bottles rotting. Everytime i go to use it, I cant bring myself to pop the pill. Test/EQ/Mast does everything winstrol does, without jacking my lipids up within a matter of days. Id rather add tren or up the tren dose before I could justify adding winstrol. If I were stepping on stage, sure id use it.

Edit - yes its that bad on lipids. Go snag a blood test while your on it.
I only ran the 12.5 mg/day for 10 days and rationalized skipping the blood work. Next time may run 4 weeks at 25 mg/day and pull the lipids plus NMR for science haha.
I think a lot of guys are sleeping on winstrol in a bulk/recomp scenario. When I’m in a calorie surplus + 50mgs Winstrol I feel incredibly strong within a few days. I’m wondering if anyone else has tried or experienced this?

I know this isn’t placebo because I rigorously log every lift everyday. It’s so significant I worry about injury. For example my max bench is 315x2 after 5 days on 50mgs 315x5, 225x15. I feel an explosive cns drive that I’ve never experienced with any injectables.

My question for Meso, have you ever used Winstrol in a surplus and if so what was your experience?

The gains don’t stop…

I love winstrol. Love it.

I have 3 bottles rotting. Everytime i go to use it, I cant bring myself to pop the pill. Test/EQ/Mast does everything winstrol does, without jacking my lipids up within a matter of days. Id rather add tren or up the tren dose before I could justify adding winstrol. If I were stepping on stage, sure id use it.

Edit - yes its that bad on lipids. Go snag a blood test while your on it.

No experience with winstrol but seeing as how orals (even "weak" ones like anavar) tend to mess up your lipids, and going off Xplicit's experience, taking 50mg of winny while in a surplus without testing your apoB or taking lipid support pharmaceuticals sounds like a nice way to accelerate cardiovascular disease by a decade or two.
I only ran the 12.5 mg/day for 10 days and rationalized skipping the blood work. Next time may run 4 weeks at 25 mg/day and pull the lipids plus NMR for science haha.
Any reason why you prefer NMR versus a simpler apoB test? Do you think certain of the lipoprotein particles that contain apoB are more atherogenic than others?

This has been my approach (appreciate your input and thoughts):
1. Test for apoE genotype (one time test)
2. Test for lipoprotein(a) since it's particularly atherogenic due to its unique structure (if under 10, no need to test again)
3. Continuously test for apoB ("bad cholesterol")
4. Occasionally test for apoA ("good cholesterol")
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Any reason why you prefer NMR versus a simpler apoB test? Do you think certain of the lipoprotein particles that contain apoB are more atherogenic than others?

ApoB cheaper and just as good practically speaking. And its one number people can track. I just like to really torture myself looking at how quickly and drastically oxandrolone or stanozolol can take a perfectly nice particle count profile and destroy it.



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Any reason why you prefer NMR versus a simpler apoB test? Do you think certain of the lipoprotein particles that contain apoB are more atherogenic than others?

This has been my approach (appreciate your input and thoughts):
1. Test for apoE genotype (one time test)
2. Test for lipoprotein(a) since it's particularly atherogenic due to its unique structure (if under 10, no need to test again)
3. Continuously test for apoB ("bad cholesterol")
4. Occasionally test for apoA ("good cholesterol")
Looks like a sound approach IMO.

My Lp(a) was zero on oxandrolone so small consolation prize.

Some discussion here.
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Thank you guys for all the input on this thread. Although I’m intrigued by the massive strength benefit, I think I’ll be shelving the winny until there is a justifiable reason to deploy it.

Appreciate you all
No experience with winstrol but seeing as how orals (even "weak" ones like anavar) tend to mess up your lipids, and going off Xplicit's experience, taking 50mg of winny while in a surplus without testing your apoB or taking lipid support pharmaceuticals sounds like a nice way to accelerate cardiovascular disease by a decade or two.
Yes I was gonna say test apoB that’s the main one that matters and much more indication than basic Hdl and Ldl is that right?
Winstol I haven't yet tried but I have some currently. Anavar I can say made me feel pretty good, gave me a nice fullness and intense pump. I would get CRAZY calf and back pumps cutting my lawn, had to take a few breaks lol.

But Winstol kinda scares me because I've heard people say it wrecks their joints. I'm still going to try it this summer just to see for myself
nearly all orals are going to have a marked increase in strength.
That strength increase is the entire purpose of using orals in the offseason.

the question has to become, "Do you need that temporary strength boost?"
If you are progressing normally and improving month to month then i see little to no reason to introduce any oral compound.
IMO- Orals really only have a place pre-contest... They wreck your body (especially your appetite and energy levels) and are truly unnecessary unless you are in a highly catabolic state... Quite frankly, I can't think of any benefit an oral would have in a growth phase that an injectable could not provide, with far less side effects.
Winny water based injectible 50 and test 400 was one of my very first cycles and absolutely loved it. Back then my body could handle way more than it can now, this was 13 years ago. Felt strong, had unlimited cardio from that cycle it felt like, but then again at the time I had nothing else to base it off of. Now a days it’s hard on the joints and liver. Definitely dries out nicely but as far as bulking with it, I don’t see any benefit unless you’re eating in a surplus. There’s better and safer things to take in my opinion for that same effect though…