Winstrol in a calorie surplus

Any reason why you prefer NMR versus a simpler apoB test? Do you think certain of the lipoprotein particles that contain apoB are more atherogenic than others?

This has been my approach (appreciate your input and thoughts):
1. Test for apoE genotype (one time test)
2. Test for lipoprotein(a) since it's particularly atherogenic due to its unique structure (if under 10, no need to test again)
3. Continuously test for apoB ("bad cholesterol")
4. Occasionally test for apoA ("good cholesterol")
Have not heard of apoE, what is it?
I thought lp(a) was the main genetic problem to look for.
What about Lp-PLA2 - the enzyme lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 ? It indicates how much plaque is being laid down currently, is that correct?
I think winstrol has actually surpassed anavar as one of my favorite orals. I'd put winstrol and superdrol up there as a tie for first place

Been running 50mg winstrol the last few weeks. The strength gains have been nutty, it's really dried me out and pulled water, vascularity is way up. It's hard for me to rationalize going back to anavar after running winstrol, and I was a die-hard anavar fan prior to this. But efficiency/$ wise, winstrol has been amazing

I'd maybe even put it above superdrol because it's less harsh on the body with sides/lipids, and I think anavar skews cholesterol harder than winstrol.

So yeah.. winstrol will definitely be in future cycles. The only negative I've experienced is some slight dryness/uncomfortableness in the knees on leg press and Squats. Other than that, only positives

Might try low test/tren/mast/eq/winstrol next blast. The vascularity is probably out of this world nutty
I think winstrol has actually surpassed anavar as one of my favorite orals. I'd put winstrol and superdrol up there as a tie for first place

Been running 50mg winstrol the last few weeks. The strength gains have been nutty, it's really dried me out and pulled water, vascularity is way up. It's hard for me to rationalize going back to anavar after running winstrol, and I was a die-hard anavar fan prior to this. But efficiency/$ wise, winstrol has been amazing

I'd maybe even put it above superdrol because it's less harsh on the body with sides/lipids, and I think anavar skews cholesterol harder than winstrol.

So yeah.. winstrol will definitely be in future cycles. The only negative I've experienced is some slight dryness/uncomfortableness in the knees on leg press and Squats. Other than that, only positives

Might try low test/tren/mast/eq/winstrol next blast. The vascularity is probably out of this world nutty
Looking ripped in your profile pic to. What about the supposedly increased injury risk on winstrol?
People sleep on it I’m telling you. Shit makes me so fucking strong it’s ridiculous haha
It's underrated I agree. Injectable stanozolol is one of the strongest stuff I have ever tried, it was in water, technically you can swallow it. But I did injections back then I didn't know. It worked much better than expected, I was dry and shredded on 1g Test. Strength gains were truly impressive. I'd say tabs are about 60% as potent in terms of results.
Looking ripped in your profile pic to. What about the supposedly increased injury risk on winstrol?
It dries you out and can make the joints feel a little weird, but at 50mg I'm only getting this in my knees.

I've changed my training a little to work around this, mainly focusing on higher reps and not trying to do a bunch of heavy lower rep movements.

@PaintDrinker yeah it's definitely going to be a new staple in my stack. Hadn't used it in years but I'll definitely be back to it after my next cruise
My cousin’s used vet grade injectable stanazolol and equipoise from the farm/agricultural supply store for all their cycles be it cutting or bulking back in the 90’s.

Third world country stuff, injected with 18g harpoons twice a week lol. They still grew though, anabolics are anabolics no matter how bad the protocols are.


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