Winstrol tabs 50mg 5-6 weeks


New Member
As the thread said im gonna do a cycle of tabs ( yes no injects )
50mg ed winstrol
no pct

My worries are the side effect just like everybody else but i wanna know some things.
I have read logs that said you might get bald from winny. I have "normal" not thick not thin hair and no1 in my family is bald is there a chance i get bald from winstrol ?. i take liver support for my liver .. any other sides i have to know about ?

thank you :)
So you read that it can be hell on your joints? And that it can aggravate mpb IF you are prone to it? And that it is liver toxic? So if you read all that, then what the fuck are you asking? About other sides? Yeah, here's another one, you probably won't gain much at all, you won't cut much more than you could on a good diet and a treadmill, and you won't run much faster or jump much higher (especially when you've torn your hammy or acl).
Bottom line smartass, is that the real answer to your question is another question;
Why don't you grow a pair and run a real cycle?
Posted from my iPhone
So you read that it can be hell on your joints? And that it can aggravate mpb IF you are prone to it? And that it is liver toxic? So if you read all that, then what the fuck are you asking? About other sides? Yeah, here's another one, you probably won't gain much at all, you won't cut much more than you could on a good diet and a treadmill, and you won't run much faster or jump much higher (especially when you've torn your hammy or acl).
Bottom line smartass, is that the real answer to your question is another question;
Why don't you grow a pair and run a real cycle?
Posted from my iPhone

Space. Ignore this post.

I have made excellent gains on Winny alone, gains that I can KEEP, 50 mg for 5-6 weeks will give you very noticeable muscle gains and even better strength gains, ofcourse it wont give you 20 lbs of weight (of which most is water retention) like you would get on heavier cycles, also you wont lose 80% of this when the cycle is over and it wont shut you down like "the real cycles".

Upped my front squat max from 390 to 440 lbs, on oral and injectable winny alone. Kept easily most those strength gains too.

Winny is a great substance. Some people dont need shitload of test, deca and dbol to attain decent results.
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Wait, so winny doesn't shut you down? And real cycles produce 80% water gains?

Answer these questions with proof.
Posted from my iPhone
Wait, so winny doesn't shut you down? And real cycles produce 80% water gains?

Answer these questions with proof.
Posted from my iPhone

Depends on the cycle. Winny will shut you down but not nearly as badly as on heavier cycles.

If this is his first or second cycle there is no need to go any heavier, perhaps add a little test.

The point is, I dont understand your bashing on Winstrol. It gives great strength gains, lean muscle mass and lowers SHBG levels. Ofcourse it has its sides, like every other steroid. I find it much cheaper, more effective and less faked than Anavar for example.
You're probably going to see very little results from that cycle. i have run 80mg/ED of winny for 4 weeks and noticed very little...also, every cycle should have test.
You're probably going to see very little results from that cycle. i have run 80mg/ED of winny for 4 weeks and noticed very little...also, every cycle should have test.

Well your winny was probably crap or your diet and/or training even worse. I gained pretty well on my first cycle with 30 mg winny only. Also I dont understand the fundamental "Every cycle should have test", this mantra is starting to sound old as hell. A small amount of winny isnt going to make you impotent atleast I havent had any erection problems on winny only cycles. Tren & other more harsh stuff is a whole different world.
Space. Ignore this post.

I have made excellent gains on Winny alone, gains that I can KEEP, 50 mg for 5-6 weeks will give you very noticeable muscle gains and even better strength gains, ofcourse it wont give you 20 lbs of weight (of which most is water retention) like you would get on heavier cycles, also you wont lose 80% of this when the cycle is over and it wont shut you down like "the real cycles".

Upped my front squat max from 390 to 440 lbs, on oral and injectable winny alone. Kept easily most those strength gains too.

Winny is a great substance. Some people dont need shitload of test, deca and dbol to attain decent results.

You Sir, ARE A FUCKING MORON. I hope u go bald as fuck from winstrol only.

80% of your gains lost? LOL well according to what i see from your fucking ignorant post, you dont run pct and your diet is probably horrible. I highly DOUBT u get the gains you are talking about from winstrol only.

Your not going to add ANY mass or size at all whatsoever on a winstrol alone, all your doing is adding some strength and crushing your liver (Which you deserve for being a fucking idiot).

Dont come on here and ask for advice if you dont fucking like the responses dip shit. If your going to cycle, TESTOSTERONE NEEDS TO BE YOUR BASE, and if your choosing not to do so, then you dont need to cycle at all. Hit the books, go back to school because you clearly need to do so. [:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)]

You're probably going to see very little results from that cycle. i have run 80mg/ED of winny for 4 weeks and noticed very little...also, every cycle should have test.

Of course he did, hes just another fucking sissy bitch who doesnt wanna stick himself. Hes clearly ignorant.
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Well your winny was probably crap or your diet and/or training even worse. I gained pretty well on my first cycle with 30 mg winny only. Also I dont understand the fundamental "Every cycle should have test", this mantra is starting to sound old as hell. A small amount of winny isnt going to make you impotent atleast I havent had any erection problems on winny only cycles. Tren & other more harsh stuff is a whole different world.

just because YOU have not had any of those problems doesnt mean someone else wont..everyone is different. and if you're getting into the world of aas, just use some test..its great, gains are guaranteed and you feel awesome.

as for me, the winny was def legit, bc i had a slight increase in vascualirty and by the end my knees were killing me...and my diet and training were actually spot 6'1", 215lb and ~7% bodyfat, i think i know what im doing....
just because YOU have not had any of those problems doesnt mean someone else wont..everyone is different. and if you're getting into the world of aas, just use some test..its great, gains are guaranteed and you feel awesome.

as for me, the winny was def legit, bc i had a slight increase in vascualirty and by the end my knees were killing me...and my diet and training were actually spot 6'1", 215lb and ~7% bodyfat, i think i know what im doing....

The guy is a fucking moron dude, dont even bother trying to help him.

Ya also according to him, seeing as winstrol didnt give him side effects i guess it wont give everyone else side effects either lol. What a fucking dumbass man. Ive seen some dumb people on here, but this guy takes the gold.

I bet you this guy looks like a tinkerbell in person.
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The guy is a fucking moron dude, dont even bother trying to help him.

Ya also according to him, seeing as winstrol didnt give him side effects i guess it wont give everyone else side effects either lol. What a fucking dumbass man. Ive seen some dumb people on here, but this guy takes the gold.

I bet you this guy looks like a tinkerbell in person.

glad im not alone in this lol
You Sir, ARE A FUCKING MORON. I hope u go bald as fuck from winstrol only.

80% of your gains lost? LOL well according to what i see from your fucking ignorant post, you dont run pct and your diet is probably horrible. I highly DOUBT u get the gains you are talking about from winstrol only.

Your not going to add ANY mass or size at all whatsoever on a winstrol alone, all your doing is adding some strength and crushing your liver (Which you deserve for being a fucking idiot).

Dont come on here and ask for advice if you dont fucking like the responses dip shit. If your going to cycle, TESTOSTERONE NEEDS TO BE YOUR BASE, and if your choosing not to do so, then you dont need to cycle at all. Hit the books, go back to school because you clearly need to do so. [:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)]

Of course he did, hes just another fucking sissy bitch who doesnt wanna stick himself. Hes clearly ignorant.

Well, im speechless,you just expressed yourself the way an angst filled teenage boy would do. Probably not even worth answering. But ill try, first of all, I have a very thick hair thank you. Second, Testosterone (which you are praising) also converts to DHT jus like the dreaded winny and thus also causes MPB on people that are PRONE to it. Third, I have done winny both oral (at low doses) AND injectable, so much about destroying my liver. I have done a couple other cycles which have included some other subtances too (at low doses though).

Fourth by looking at your avatar you look like a chubby fat fuck.

Here is a vid of me after my 3rd cycle: [ame=]YouTube - Pullistelua[/ame] probably look better than you (even though bodybuilding isnt my sport) will ever do no matter what crap you inject in yourself.

So here is a free advice for you: Fuck you.
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just because YOU have not had any of those problems doesnt mean someone else wont..everyone is different. and if you're getting into the world of aas, just use some test..its great, gains are guaranteed and you feel awesome.

as for me, the winny was def legit, bc i had a slight increase in vascualirty and by the end my knees were killing me...and my diet and training were actually spot 6'1", 215lb and ~7% bodyfat, i think i know what im doing....

Well sorry for the hasty verdict, I dont know you or your training history man. Neither about your cycling history, your body might be accustomed to higher amounts of test/anabolics so maybe the winny only didnt have effect. Besides every substance works different way on different people. Were pretty much the same size btw.
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KBD, BTW you go and tell for example all the East German shot putters, sprinters etc. the crap about test needing to be the base for all, they will laugh at your fucking face. Udo Beyer's shot put record was 22.64 m and that was on ORAL Turinabol back in the 70s.
Allow me to play mediator, even though I was the source of the initial disagreement.
Sirwinstrol, while you are not the op, you are the main advocate for winny only cycles, and the inherent superiority of said cycles to traditional test based cycles. Where you are mistaken is that we are saying winny sucks. We are not. We are stating that a winny only cycle is not even close to as effective at building lbm as a well designed stack, or even a test only cycle.
Also, you posted a video of yourself after your third cycle, and while you do have a decent build, it is not unlike many teammates of mine from my college wrestling days, and they were all natural wrestling at under 200lbs.
Furthermore, kbd my be crass, but he is not a "little fat fuck" or whatever you said.
Lastly, the touting of any steroid or type of cycling should stay relevant to the progression of the sport. That is to say, citing German athletes from the 70s and their dominance does not signify that they were using aas properly.
I like your low dose approach, but until you have a good reputation here, which you already are ruining, then it is best to just hang out and learn the ropes. I think you are somewhat young, and you are entitled to your opinion, but don't expect a bunch of knowledgeable users to agree with an oral-only-is-better-than-"real"-cycles attitude.
Posted from my iPhone
Also, you posted a video of yourself after your third cycle, and while you do have a decent build, it is not unlike many teammates of mine from my college wrestling days, and they were all natural wrestling at under 200lbs.

Posted from my iPhone

I was 6"2 220 lbs at 7 or below % which I think is okayish for someone who isnt a bodybuilder. It is early morning hrs so 'll reply you properly later, peace.

Im not advocating oral only cycles just saying for a first timer something like that might work out very well indeed. Even though im new on THIS board odesnt mean I havent done research for years.

KBD deserved every word for his childish and below the belt reply which was uncalled for.
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Far be it for me to call you a liar, but I am also 6'2" and for me to look as small as you did I would have to starve myself down to 200 or so. And 7% bf? I call bs on that one too. Granted, everyone will look a little different at 7%, but you were more like 9-10 in that vid.
And going onto another thread by kbd, who was asking a legitimate question, and instigating shit?!!
I thought you were somewhat intelligent in some previous posts, but alas, you aren't.
Posted from my iPhone
Far be it for me to call you a liar, but I am also 6'2" and for me to look as small as you did I would have to starve myself down to 200 or so. And 7% bf? I call bs on that one too. Granted, everyone will look a little different at 7%, but you were more like 9-10 in that vid.
And going onto another thread by kbd, who was asking a legitimate question, and instigating shit?!!
I thought you were somewhat intelligent in some previous posts, but alas, you aren't.

Posted from my iPhone

Confused, is this a insult towards me? lol