Winstrol tabs 50mg 5-6 weeks

And going onto another thread by kbd, who was asking a legitimate question, and instigating shit?!!
I thought you were somewhat intelligent in some previous posts, but alas, you aren't.
Posted from my iPhone

I treat people the way they treat me, you start talking crap about me you bet im not gonna just stand back and listen.

Small? ..the guy spotting is around 300 lbs ( ya he is fat) and im 220 lbs.
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Here's my concession for you. In that video, you may have been 220, but in the first video you posted, you couldn't have been more than 200.
Decent form on the bench, although you didn't pause it, and your it was pretty hard to see but it looked like your spotter had his hands on the bar the whole time. AND you didn't lock out. Watch it again. As soon as you get it high enough to rack, you rack it. All in all though, good push for a guy with long arms. Now just imagine what you could do if you ran a real cycle...
Posted from my iPhone
Here's my concession for you. In that video, you may have been 220, but in the first video you posted, you couldn't have been more than 200.
Decent form on the bench, although you didn't pause it, and your it was pretty hard to see but it looked like your spotter had his hands on the bar the whole time. AND you didn't lock out. Watch it again. As soon as you get it high enough to rack, you rack it. All in all though, good push for a guy with long arms. Now just imagine what you could do if you ran a real cycle...
Posted from my iPhone

I took both vids within a month so theres no big difference in weight. I might get tested so I cant run just any type of steroid, reliable HGH is very difficult to find. Might do some Tren A in the offseason. Peace :tiphat

edit. Also I like to think years ahead so to speak, I could go on all cylinders firing but I dont wanna be on testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of my life at 35 years of age, wanna have kids etc. All in all I wanna keep the cycling relatively mild and dont wanna risk my health.
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I treat people the way they treat me, you start talking crap about me you bet im not gonna just stand back and listen.

Small? YouTube - Bench press 375 lbs / penkkipunnerrus 170 kg ..the guy spotting is around 300 lbs ( ya he is fat) and im 220 lbs.

LOL u were 220 in that video?

This is me benching 390 @ 197lbs, NO arch, flat back and my friend didnt keep his hands on the bar like your buddy did. [ame=]YouTube - DeluXe Bench Press 390lbs[/ame]

Dont start talking shit to people who are stronger than you and most of all, stronger than you lb for lb. and im wayyyyyyyyyyyy younger than you.
LOL u were 220 in that video?

This is me benching 390 @ 197lbs, NO arch, flat back and my friend didnt keep his hands on the bar like your buddy did. YouTube - DeluXe Bench Press 390lbs

Dont start talking shit to people who are stronger than you and most of all, stronger than you lb for lb. and im wayyyyyyyyyyyy younger than you.

So you evaluate people by their BP? Lol, my bench press could be better but it is decent with these gorilla like-length hands. How much do you squat/front squat, what is your power clean and how much do you deadlift? This is a 2,5 yr old video of me doing front squats (1 measily cycle with 25-30 mg winny for 5 weeks), 4 reps at 375 pounds: [ame=]YouTube - Front squat 375 lbs[/ame]

Usually dwarfs like you have a decent bench. Are you all upper body or do you have any legstrength?
So you evaluate people by their BP? Lol, my bench press could be better but it is decent with these gorilla like-length hands. How much do you squat/front squat, what is your power clean and how much do you deadlift? This is a 2,5 yr old video of me doing front squats (1 measily cycle with 25-30 mg winny for 5 weeks), 4 reps at 375 pounds: YouTube - Front squat 375 lbs

Usually dwarfs like you have a decent bench. Are you all upper body or do you have any legstrength?

Dwarfs? dude im 5'11, long skinny ectomorphic arms. Sorry huck finn but im not short. ive leg pressed over 1000lbs on the leg press and i will film a squat video. Cause a leg press proves nothing in my opinion.

Btw that looks like 315 to me. And right now i weigh about 193 and can pull 500lbs off the floor.
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Dwarfs? dude im 5'11, long skinny ectomorphic arms. Sorry huck finn but im not short. ive leg pressed over 1000lbs on the leg press and i will film a squat video. Cause a leg press proves nothing in my opinion.

Yeah leg press doesnt tell anything, what is your squat / front squat?

Also, bear in mind I dont concentrate on bodybuilding powerlifting, my sports is football and track & field, For the past 5 years I have done 3 or max 4 weight sessions / week.
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Lol man I searched your posts and despite your young age you have done shitload more of steroids then I have and HGH + IGF-1 etc. Im not impressed.

You look like a typical disco bodybuilder, you got big arms, but that is just about it and your chicken legs look fucking horrible.

and your a fucking liar as well:

Here you are 207 lbs while benching that 390.

1 g of test + 600 mg deca and anadrol/wk, Jesus. Actually your strength and body frame is pathetic for the amount of substances you have taken.

So if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut. Are we done here, Boy?
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Yeah leg press doesnt tell anything, what is your squat / front squat?

Also, bear in mind I dont concentrate on bodybuilding powerlifting, my sports is football and track & field, For the past 5 years I have done 3 or max 4 weight sessions / week.

I dont squat as much as i use to, i was always more of a deadlifter for my legs (Even tho its primarily a back exercise). But i use to do 300lbs for reps ATG when i was squatting alot. Now i wouldnt be able to.

And i clearly was 197 before that 390 bench press, must have been a miss typo. I have the video of me weighing myself before the bench press if youd like to see that too.

Lol man I searched your posts and despite your young age you have done shitload more of steroids then I have and HGH + IGF-1 etc. Im not impressed.

You look like a typical disco bodybuilder, you got big arms, but that is just about it and your chicken legs look fucking horrible.

and your a fucking liar as well:

Here you are 207 lbs while benching that 390.

1 g of test + 600 mg deca and anadrol/wk, Jesus. Actually your strength and body frame is pathetic for the amount of substances you have taken.

So if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut. Are we done here, Boy?

And also for your information the guy whom i was getting my stuff through was extremely under dosing everything. Which is why i had to bump the doses up higher than what they truly measured out to be.

Im standing at 5'11 right now weighing between 193-195 with 18 inch arms, and a 32 inch waist. Still benching 390. When you have those stats THEN say something. Until then SHUT ur fucking mouth because boy, YOUR WEAK for 220lbs. Also my buddy is 178 6ft and benches 370, so your gay little 375 bench press and your gay little 315 squat doesnt mean shit. Go home and learn how to cycle and train.
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I dont squat as much as i use to, i was always more of a deadlifter for my legs (Even tho its primarily a back exercise). But i use to do 300lbs for reps ATG when i was squatting alot. Now i wouldnt be able to.

And i clearly was 197 before that 390 bench press, must have been a miss typo. I have the video of me weighing myself before the bench press if youd like to see that too.

And also for your information the guy whom i was getting my stuff through was extremely under dosing everything. Which is why i had to bump the doses up higher than what they truly measured out to be.

Im standing at 5'11 right now weighing between 193-195 with 18 inch arms, and a 32 inch waist. Still benching 390. When you have those stats THEN say something. Until then SHUT ur fucking mouth because boy, YOUR WEAK for 220lbs.

You're all fucking excuses. For your cycling history u're weak and small. You have absolutely no leg power, you'd get wrecked in any contact sport with no strength below upper body.

End of discussion.
The lack of maturity on this forum is unbelievable.
Is a cyle better with test? YES
Can you run a lower dosage of an oral without a test base for a cycle and still make good gains? YES

Come on guys, we are all fucking with our health because we are all using steroids for fuck sakes. Lets stop comparing stats with each other over the internet and just focus on improving ourselves for a minute.
You're all fucking excuses. For your cycling history u're weak and small. You have absolutely no leg power, you'd get wrecked in any contact sport with no strength below upper body.

End of discussion.

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The lack of maturity on this forum is unbelievable.
Is a cyle better with test? YES
Can you run a lower dosage of an oral without a test base for a cycle and still make good gains? YES

Come on guys, we are all fucking with our health because we are all using steroids for fuck sakes. Lets stop comparing stats with each other over the internet and just focus on improving ourselves for a minute.

Well said samue-the-mediator. However, I must make one point. "Good gains" is a relative term. Good gains when compared to not cycling at all? Maybe, depending on diet and training. Good gains when measured with a risk/reward view? Not so much. This all just got way out of hand. Too many alpha-males and no cage for me to prove I am number 1. [:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)]

But seriously, I could whup all of ya'lls asses.:D
Not excuses, remember im still stronger than u. I never plan in going into competition because i never work out for power, im just naturally strong and i weigh less, so keep running ur winstrol only. Its pathetic because your squatting 315 for 4 and im benching it for 10. Have fun, im done here. Your right Samue, not gonna argue with this fool, after all he says Winstrol only cycles are safe and dont suppress HPTA, so i agree im the bigger idiot arguing with the idiot. Mods can take care of the rest.

You got some serious problems with your eyesight, I FRONTsquatted 375 for 4 reps, after my first weak cycle, U do 300 lbs backsquats after heavy cycles of what not roids + peptides, you are pathetic. I currently max 505 lbs in deep back squat.

Get a life bro.
You got some serious problems with your eyesight, I FRONTsquatted 375 for 4 reps, after my first weak cycle, U do 300 lbs backsquats after heavy cycles of what not roids + peptides, you are pathetic. I currently max 505 lbs in deep back squat.

Get a life bro.

Congratulations everyone should clap for you. And your winstrol only cycles. Not only do they make u strong, they turned u into more of an idiot. Without test, the brain cant function, hence sir_winstrol is a perfect example of this :).
sir winstrol I think you are a bit of a liar, and your cycle ideas really unhelpful to people who are trying to learn how to do this the right way...........

You sir are a Douche Bag:tiphat
Congratulations everyone should clap for you. And your winstrol only cycles. Not only do they make u strong, they turned u into more of an idiot. Without test, the brain cant function, hence sir_winstrol is a perfect example of this :).

When you ran out of arguments you post crap like this ^.

Btw, I have run other cycles then winstrol only... but then again you cant read can you?

The good old saying: "Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. who has experienced this." applies well to likes of KBD. I apologize the oher users for my childish behaviour in some posts and for getting in to this idiotic argument with "KBD", but we all know how started this crap, lets go to the first post in this thread with the name calling etc. crap and lets see what is the name of the poster, yeah: "KBD".

Hey but the guy is only 19 or so, so lets forgive him.
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kbd, nothing else to do then raging on other members.. some people react beter to winny then others. btw thanks for the threat hijack